Thank you to my brother-in-law, Special Agent Peter O’Connor, who sparked the idea for this book over hamburgers at Five Guys when we talked about time travel.
Thank you to Neill Blomkamp and Jonathan Auxier, whose insights into this book were critical to its development.
Thank you to Laura Leimkuehler, Dr. Barry B. Luokkala, J. J. Hensley, Jen Latimer, and Dan Moran, all experts in their fields who generously shared their knowledge with me.
Thank you to David Gernert and Andy Kifer at the Gernert Company. Thank you to Sylvie Rabineau at RWSG Literary Agency.
Thank you to Mark Tavani, Sally Kim, and the entire team at Putnam.
Thank you to my family.
And thank you to my wife, Sonja, and daughter, Genevieve. You are the loves of my life.