The New Kirkhamers stare at us coldly. Some hold their guns down by their sides, but others aim openly, fingers on triggers.

‘Don’t worry,’ Vinyl murmurs. ‘They’re like this every time. They don’t know you, so they can’t be sure that reviveds haven’t sneaked in with you. Just stay calm, stand your ground and no one will get hurt.’

A stocky woman in jeans and an Aran sweater steps forward and smiles at Emma and the other survivors. ‘Welcome to New Kirkham,’ she booms. ‘I’m Biddy Barry, mayor of this lice-ridden hellhole. I should probably say that I hope you enjoy your stay, but let’s be honest, who could enjoy a dump like this?’

As the members of the small group laugh, they’re led into the heart of the compound by volunteers who chat with them softly, asking if they need anything, offering them hot food and drink. I feel happy for Emma and Declan. I can tell that they’ve found a good home here.

Biddy Barry faces the rest of us, standing close to the gate, huddled together as if we are the fugitives. She casts her gaze around, her smile fading, nods gruffly at Vinyl, then focuses on Pearse and Conall. ‘Thanks for your help,’ she grunts.

‘A pleasure, as always,’ Pearse says with fake sweetness. ‘Now, could you ask your guys to lower their weapons?’

Biddy sighs. ‘I wish we didn’t have to go through this every time. I know the risks you run for us, and I appreciate it. But you’re plague-carriers. If you infect just one of us, this whole place could come crashing down.’

‘We’re not here to infect anyone,’ I snap. ‘We’re here to help.’

‘But you can’t help what you are,’ Biddy says calmly. ‘Accidents happen. We have to be as wary of you as we are of the monsters on the other side of that gate. Fact of life, girly. You did us a great service today, but I still don’t want you edging too close.’

‘There’s gratitude for you,’ Rage chuckles.

‘You’re probably a lot better than any of us,’ Biddy says. ‘But we’re humans and you’re diseased, brain-eating beasts, and that’s the way it is. Now you’re welcome to rest up here while the natives are settling down outside. When you’re ready, we’ll slip you over the wall and you can head home. I’m sure you’re anxious to be on your way. Good day.’

Biddy Barry saunters off. We glance round at one another, bemused. Vinyl shrugs sheepishly. ‘She’s blunt but good at her job. She’s been mayor for half a year, which is a political lifetime here. None of her predecessors lasted more than a couple of months.’

‘She could at least have made us feel as if they were thankful for what we have done,’ Ashtat says quietly.

Vinyl shrugs again. ‘Not many people care about the feelings of the undead. Some of the guys pointing guns at you were escorted here by Pearse and Conall, but that doesn’t matter to them.’

‘We’re thick-skinned,’ Pearse snorts.

‘We don’t give a monkey’s,’ Conall adds.

‘You’ve got to remember that billions of people were killed by your lot,’ Vinyl says. ‘If you save a dozen people each … a hundred … even a thousand, that won’t change what’s gone down. The survivors will never forget or forgive.’

‘They weren’t our lot,’ Shane gripes. ‘We’re revitaliseds, not reviveds. We’re more like you than the zombies out there.’

‘Really?’ Vinyl smiles thinly. ‘Do you have a heartbeat? Do you sleep? Do you breathe?’

Shane glowers at him but says nothing.

Vinyl grimaces. ‘Look, I’m on your side, but I can see why others aren’t and I don’t hold it against them. You can’t convince them that their hatred of you is misplaced because it isn’t. A week without brains and you’d be hammering on the walls of New Kirkham the same as a regular zombie.’

There’s a gloomy silence. This has taken the gloss off the mission. I wasn’t expecting fireworks, but I did think our efforts would be greeted with at least a heartfelt thank you.

‘Hey,’ Vinyl says, ‘don’t let it drag you down. Let me show you the highlights before you leave.’

‘As long as you don’t expect a tip,’ Rage grunts.

Vinyl laughs and leads us into the compound. Several of the men and women with guns follow closely behind, keeping watch, not lowering their weapons. It’s lovely to feel wanted!