




DEEP IN A CAVE IN A forest in Scotland, a portal that had been guarded by the warg and demonic sphere cracked open. A creature with glowing silver eyes poked its head through the portal, sniffed the air, then shuffled through the doorway. Turning, it used a clawed hand to signal to its kin. With shuffling, pained steps, it made its way to the mouth of the cave and blinked up at the starry sky. Opening its mouth, rows of razor sharp teeth were revealed in a malicious grin. It knew this world was full of things to eat. It and its kind would feed well in this realm.

Now that the demon that had sealed them away had been expelled from this dimension, other doorways in other forests and caves all around the world opened. Creatures that hadn’t been seen in eons would soon begin their invasion on this unsuspecting planet.




To be continued in the Half Fae Hunter Series.