Brigit enjoyed being a pampered pooch, sleeping on Megan’s bed and having her meals doled out from a can or bag rather than having to hunt down something herself for her dinner. But she also enjoyed taking breaks in Forest Park, where she could get in touch with the wild wolf deep inside her, chase the squirrels, feel the cool breeze ruffle her fur. She’d enjoyed the best of both worlds today. After Megan led her into the woods, Brigit hunted down a potato chip bag and licked the salty crumbs from it. She quenched her thirst afterward by drinking from the river and the puddles they came across.
After the break in the cold outdoor air, it felt good to be back in the warm cruiser, where she settled down on the fleece-covered cushion in her enclosure to take a nice little nap. Yep, while she’d enjoyed getting in touch with her inner wolf, she was also grateful to her ancestor who realized that buddying up with the two-legged creatures who could make fire might not be such a bad idea.