She heard a jinglejangle and looked down the trail to see a handler coming their way with a dog on a leash. It was a funny-looking dog. His ears hung down past his jowls rather than standing up tall and proud like Brigit’s. How could the dog hear with its ear flaps dangling down like that? His skin was floppy, too. There were wrinkles all around his face.
When his handler held the bloody jacket to the dog’s face and gave it an order, Brigit realized the dog had been trained to track a particular scent. Maybe those floppy ears and wrinkled skin helped trap the smells. Brigit had been trained to sniff out illegal drugs and to trail the disturbance left behind by a fleeing suspect, but she hadn’t been trained to track a particular person by scent. She supposed it might be interesting to know how to do that, but she figured trailing a disturbance was more fun because it was more likely to lead to a chase.
As the dog walked past her, she gave a small tail wag in greeting and stepped back to give him room to work. Respect, pal.