
Brigit lifted her snout and flexed her nostrils as they walked to the patrol car. Her sensitive nose could smell moisture in the air. Ozone, too, though she had no idea that’s what the chemical was called, or that it was a byproduct of lightning and wind. She only knew that her instincts were telling her that bad weather was on its way and that she should seek shelter.

If it were up to her, she and Megan would return home and snuggle under the bedcovers, where it was safe and warm. But it wasn’t up to Brigit. On the job, Megan called the shots. Brigit didn’t think this was an entirely fair arrangement, what with her canine abilities being far superior to Megan’s in many ways. But humans were a bossy species, and they liked to feel superior even when they were not. If Brigit wanted more belly rubs and liver treats—and she definitely did!—she’d have to be obedient and keep up her end of the bargain.