Do NOT read this until AFTER you read the book*
*I know after reading this, you will want to read all of these questions, but for goodness sake, DON’T!
1. How does Cyndie’s character change throughout the book? Does she change for the better or for the worse? Why? Use examples from the text to support your answer.
2. Why does American Coal Company want to blow the top off of Mount Tom? Why do Cyndie and Ashley think this is bad? Use examples from the text and your own outside research to support your answer.
3. Why does Mr. Cooper get so angry at people who ignore climate change? Is his anger justified? Why or Why not?
4. Does Cyndie’s family influence her decisions around activism? Why do Cyndie’s dad and Aunt Sadie decide to not tell her about her mom’s activism? If you were a parent, would you have told Cyndie? Why or Why not?
5. Compare and contrast Cyndie and Ashley. How do they approach their respective relationships with Kevin and Marc? Do these relationships change throughout the book?
6. Why is Cyndie upset at Kevin after the meeting at the church? Is her reaction justified? Why or Why not? What’s more important: one’s intentions or one’s actions?
7. Is activism important? Why or Why not? How do people become active in environmental and social issues? What are some important qualities in an activist? Do Cyndie and Ashley have those qualities? Is Cyndie and Ashley’s conversion to activism realistic?
8. Cyndie and Ashley’s first act of activism (cutting down the flags marking the trees) is technically illegal. Are illegal activities such as this one and Cyndie’s actions at the end of the novel (chaining herself to the logging truck) justified? Consider the “necessity defense” popularized by MLK and other examples from history in your response.
9. How do you define courage? Can Marc’s actions, specifically when he renounces his coveted job as mascot, be considered courageous? Who else in KABOOM! would you consider to be courageous and why?
10. What is one environmental issue that affects your community? Name at least two different ways you can work to make the situation better. Are your strategies plausible? Why or Why not?