You can’t try to sneak into a bar or buy alcohol while underage—they know your age, they know your parents, or they know your family. This is one of the 4,724 reasons I want to leave Athens.

Friday morning, after visiting three garage sales, Adrian drives me back to the high school lot. I smile noting we are the last to arrive. Hamilton and Latham have lowered their tailgates, Salem, Savannah, Winston, Troy, and Bethany sit beside them or stand nearby. I’m barely out of the truck when Bethany calls for us to hurry.

“We found a house to rent,” Troy’s masculine voice greets as he squeezes Bethany, who is tucked at his side. Perpetually touching, she has her right hand tucked in his back pocket and her left on his chest.

I’m not shocked. They’ve been planning on finding a place to live together since junior year. Their parents support it, and they already act like a married couple. In our group of nine, they are the only two that dated each other through high school. I love my group of eight friends standing here with me and can’t wait to see what the years following graduation hold for us.

Recently, Senior Prom added a second couple to our group as Latham asked to escort Salem as friends. That night and the days that followed surprised them as much as the rest of us. They claim sparks flew, and they tried to deny them while holding each other. Considering they were kissing on the dance floor by the last song of the evening, they didn’t struggle long against the pull they claim to have suddenly felt. I assume they had feelings for each other prior to the dance, but they emphatically deny it. I just find it hard to accept they’d been around each other for the past four years in our group then suddenly one night while dressed to the nines, surrounded by balloons and streamers, in the dim lighting of the high school gym, with music playing that BAM something ignited between them. I call BS.

I’m reminded of a recent conversation with Adrian. She stated our little clan seems to be infatuated with pairing up. When she claimed Salem and Latham were twitterpated with one another while batting her eyelashes, I claimed it’s the circle of life in this small town; residents are born, grow up, graduate, marry, work, start a family, and die here. It’s just another of the reasons I need to leave Athens, and the sooner the better. I smile know as I realize we quoted from Bambi and The Lion King.

My thoughts return to the present. Bethany’s sweet smile conveys her love and utter happiness to begin life after graduation with the man of her dreams. “The living room is big enough to have you all over. You’re welcome anytime to drop by and hang out.”

“Well…” Troy draws out the word before whispering in Bethany’s ear. She giggles and swats at his chest while a blush creeps upon her face.

“We all promise to text or call prior to showing up,” I promise, hoping to avoid Troy announcing what they might be doing sometimes if we just drop in. Everyone nods in agreement.

“We’ll throw a big housewarming bash when we get moved in the Monday after graduation,” Troy announces. “And our house will be party central. No need to worry about getting caught in public with alcohol.” He beams proudly.