Milo Yiannopoulos
If I were to put the current state of the science fiction genre into SF terms, it would be a space ship under attack. I won’t say which ship I’m thinking of, because this introduction would quickly dissolve into insufferable megafans arguing about whether or not the Enterprise could take down an Imperial Star Destroyer (no way in hell).
The crew of our ship is being thrown from side to side, red lights are flashing and a klaxon is blaring. Sensors indicate the entity attacking the ship is an amorphous blob of low intelligence but extremely high malevolence. Engineering reports an imminent hull breach—if the captain doesn’t react quickly, they will be little more than space dust.
If this were an actual story, the crew would try to figure out why this alien force is so hostile, and what it is doing in formerly friendly territory in the first place. We can drop the analogy now, because we already know what is plaguing science fiction.
Our crisis is a cult of politically correct crybabies intent on bringing science fiction in line with their ominously authoritarian groupthink at any cost. They are known collectively as social justice warriors (SJWs for short) and you are probably quite familiar with them if you are reading Forbidden Thoughts. For those that aren’t, SJWs blend together the worst aspects of feminism, slacktivism, manufactured outrage, Marxism, and top it off with a generous helping of virtue signaling.
Virtue signaling can best be explained as the devotion of a person’s entire existence to explaining how wonderful they (and their friends) are, and how terribly wrong everyone else is. The point of virtue signaling is to demonstrate superiority, for the purpose of consolidating power, prestige and financial reward. The culture of social justice is set up to reward the loudest and best complainers and to punish anyone that stands against them.
Virtue signaling is the best way to identify a social justice warrior in the wild. Many aspects of their appearance, like a tendency towards dyed hair, are not all that different from those of nerd culture. I use the term nerd here lovingly, a considerable portion of my fanbase is comprised of nerds, and I am a closet nerd—as ironic as that may sound coming from a flamboyant homosexual.
The other surefire way to recognize SJWs is that they are always complaining, even more than typical SF fans! And they don’t complain about physics or continuity or character arcs, they complain about “representation”, “diversity” and “toxic masculinity”. If you said “people of color” to a group of fans a decade ago, they might think you were referring in a roundabout way to green aliens. Now with the influence of social justice, they know that the most important thing in science fiction is having a bisexual Arab of size as a main character.
The final important thing to know about SJWs is they are incapable of telling the truth. They often have dark reasons for their mendacious nature—there have been a continuous stream of cases where SJWs, held up as paragons of virtue defending women, minorities and LGBT people from the disgusting bigotry of regular fans, are actually proven to be abusers, rapists and pedophiles. For more information on SJWs, read Vox Day’s treatise on the subject, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police.
The obvious question on everybody’s mind is: why would they invade the world of science fiction? For one thing, science fiction has always been progressive on the subjects of race and gender. Star Trek included a black woman and a Russian man on the bridge crew in the 1960’s, far ahead of comedy and drama. Star Trek didn’t get everything right however, the science officer should have been Asian, and Gene Roddenberry presumptively decided Starfleet Command would be stupid enough to let the Scottish into space.
Secondly, science fiction simply doesn’t mix well with authoritarian control and the language police. SF is at its best when it is deeply anti-authoritarian, whether it is Philip K. Dick’s vision of the future in books like A Scanner Darkly, or the galactic empire we all despised while watching Star Wars. Okay, I will admit to admiring the empire’s fashionable uniforms and devotion to discipline, but you get my point.
Science fiction is a blend of dreaming about the future, imagining how mankind will cope with change and viewing our own culture through a different lens. We need healthy and robust science fiction now more than we ever have before. While it is true that flying cars and personal rocketships are nowhere to be found, we do have Amazon erasing the books of George Orwell from the Kindle devices they were loaded on without warning. That turned out to be a rights dispute with the publisher, but can you imagine a worse book to disappear down the memory hole than 1984?
I am not arguing that science fiction should only be written by conservatives. Writers of all political persuasions can successfully write really good SF, by not putting their politics first. China Mieville may be a commie, but I personally enjoyed Perdido Street Station.
In fact my favorite show in science fiction & fantasy is Joss Whedon’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Joss Whedon aligns himself with SJWs politically, which is fun to watch because he has been run off Twitter by SJWs at least once for the crime of displeasing the gods of diversity.
Buffy is an amazing character—her feminine qualities are part of her strength. She saves the world using her female vulnerability, not in spite of it. In fact, her femininity is the only thing that makes her capable of heroic feats. She is a perfect role model for girls, especially compared to the characters SJWs come up.
I’m referring to the female characters in 2016’s megaflop Ghostbusters film. My review of the film, which led directly to my permanent banning from Twitter, sensitively called them “teenage boys with tits”. The crass personality of the characters and denial of feminine virtues sends a confusing message to viewers, which is probably why the movie was such a failure at the box office.
Just by reading Forbidden Thoughts you’ve joined the resistance against SJWs. If you are going to contribute to this culture war, there are three things you must understand about SJWs:
It may be more accurate to say that some SJWs don’t care about SF, and others hold a deep hatred for the genre. They are only in the genre to control things and act as gatekeepers, ensuring all popular content meets their exacting standards of political correctness. Those standards constantly shift at their whims, by the way.
The typical SJW is not knowledgeable about SF. They are probably a rabid fan of a particular franchise like Dr. Who, and their constant references to Harry Potter make it the clear series of choice for SJWs everywhere. If they have read classic science fiction, they despise it. If they have read 1984 they consider the society of Oceania perfect, except that Big Sister should be in charge instead of Big Brother. What we read as a warning about authoritarian governments, they consider a masturbatory aide.
Once you understand that we are fighting against a group of people much more concerned with politics than with science fiction, we stand a better chance of fighting them. When you realize that the despicable people attempting to wrest control of an entire genre from those that love science fiction would happily watch it burn to the ground, it is a bitter pill to swallow.
Science fiction is just the latest area of entertainment the SJWs are trying to take over. They’ve had varying levels of success in fantasy, comics and gaming.
They’ve certainly been emboldened by their success in comics. Is there a single iconic character that hasn’t been rebooted as a woman or minority spouting terrible dialogue at invariably white male villains? When I interviewed comics legend Chuck Dixon for my podcast, I could hear the pain in his voice as he described what has happened to his beloved comics industry.
The big comics companies have been captured by SJWs, and their dismal sales reflect just how bad an idea characters like female Thor actually are. If you want a clear understanding of why SF must be defended from the SJWs, comics are where you should look. Fantasy fiction is another warning sign. The World Fantasy Awards have dumped their award statue in the shape of H.P. Lovecraft because he was a “hideous racist” and winners were too upset by a trophy in his likeness.
Never mind that Lovecraft was a titanic influence on modern horror, fantasy and science fiction—he wasn’t politically correct! I hope no SJW accidentally watches the Mos Eisley Cantina scene in Star Wars, because it is practically lifted from Shadow Over Innsmouth.
SJWs have been much more successfully rebuffed in the world of gaming, where the resistance movement was called GamerGate. The bad guys still have their shady awards and a bunch of blogs propping up the careers of writers who actively hate games, but they have no true power.
The worst offenders amongst the bloggers have lost their platforms, and SJW games sell pitifully, earning no real attention in the industry. These games range from slideshows to games so boring they’ve been nicknamed “walking simulators”. Cultural critics like Anita Sarkeesian hold a fraction of the power they did several years ago, because gamers figured out what was happening and fought back.
Science fiction is at the point where it can go the direction of games or it can go the direction of comics. The decision is up to the fans and the creators. Are you ready to fight?
SJWs are fantastic at complaining, but terrible at creating. Like games and comics, SJW science fiction is drivel. The low quality of the content is why controlling industry awards, publishers and hobby journalism is critical to their strategy of domination.
Let’s return to my earlier comparison of Joss Whedon’s work and Ghostbusters (the garbage feminist one, not the good one). Joss created Firefly, which members of my staff love more than even Buffy. The first mate of the Serenity is a black woman named Zoe. She is a richly layered character and vital to the plot of essentially every episode, with strengths and weaknesses like any human. Compare that to the character played by Leslie Jones in Ghostbusters. Her main contribution to the story is screaming at ghosts in a mockery of black women straight out of minstrel shows.
But Leslie Jones and the writers of Ghostbusters are held up as heroes fighting for black women. Don’t try to understand the logic, it will just give you a headache.
I’m sure that writers that love science fiction and pour their heart into their craft must struggle seeing the most insipid fiction ever written winning formerly prestigious awards. I would like to propose one fun exercise—SF fans should write some politically correct fiction in SJWs’ honor to show how much better it could be done.
I’ve got a few ideas for stories I will share here. Perhaps the best one will be published in Forbidden Thoughts 2, which will happen quickly if this volume sells as well as I think it will.
Without further ado, here are Milo’s SJW story starters:
An SJW Android Story—Our heroine is an android in an age in which artificial intelligence is a reality, and androids are only limited by basic laws we will borrow from Asimov. Feel free to make her bisexual or pansexual or whatever you think will work best. The story will revolve around her quest to make androids politically correct, climaxing with her decision to end artificial intelligence and plunge all androids into doing exactly as they are programmed to do.
Fahrenheit 451 Reboot—Obviously the book-burning firemen are the good guys this time, but they can’t just burn ebook readers—think about the environmental impact of releasing toxins and heavy metals into the air! You’ll have to do some work to come up with how the hero destroys ebooks, since just deleting offending content isn’t sexy enough. Perhaps backpack-mounted shredders? This one is challenging, but I know we have the talent to make it work.
Minority Report Sequel—In a world which has ended crime by detecting pre-crime, society can move on to the real problem—stopping speech and thought that will offend minorities. Our hero will have to arrest people before they say trannies aren’t women or something equally as catastrophic. I’d imagine there is a scene where a main character receives a report that he will offend an obese lesbian and immediately kills himself. This part is negotiable, you are the talent—I’m just here to help!
If science fiction fans want to ensure the genre exists to pass on to their children, they cannot sit passively as SJWs ruin everything. Action must be taken on multiple fronts. Learn from the gamers, not from the world of comics.
The authors who have contributed to Forbidden Thoughts are putting themselves on the SJW shit list, which is as legendary as Jabba the Hut’s. Considering the physical similarity of many SJWs to Jabba, this makes sense. As readers, we cannot leave them hanging. Help ensure Forbidden Thoughts is a success and becomes a running series by spreading the word far and wide. Trust me, SJWs will work hard to keep this book quiet!
These authors have ruled themselves out of winning any SJW-controlled award, which isn’t considered a big loss by most of them. What they do require is for their work to be read by as many people as possible to develop new fans. Since awards won’t help that any time soon, we their readers must support their efforts and buy their books. Don’t earn a special place in hell by musing a decade from now that there is no good science fiction after not supporting the writers putting out wonderful stories.
We must also support the efforts of those actively fighting SJWs over awards and other merits. The sad and rabid puppies fighting for the soul of the Hugo awards need your assistance after pressing SJWs back on their heels. Imagine how sad Star Wars would be if red squadron never got off their asses to attack the Death Star?
As dedicated readers and consumers of nerd culture, many of us are on the introverted side. Take the step of talking to as many people as you can—the future of SF is on the line. True SF fans can take back conventions, and show other fans where the real SF can be found. We run the risk of losing tomorrow’s fans completely by letting them believe the SJW brand of SF is the state of the art. To survive, we need those young people buying, reading and writing. Don’t allow them to be turned completely away from science fiction in favor of video games.
I realize by this time you are itching to get into the stories collected in Forbidden Thoughts, so I will share my final closing thoughts.
SJWs can be beaten in science fiction. They are a small clique of loud complainers, but crumble in the face of strong opposition. They also have a tendency to attack each other for personal benefit, as Joss Whedon has discovered. They think they are PC stormtroopers, but they are triggered by the thought of holding a lasergun, let alone aiming it properly. We on the other hand mix the bravery of Buck Rogers, the swagger of Han Solo and the ass-kicking of Buffy.
The authors included in Forbidden Thoughts have my deepest admiration for standing up for their craft in the face of authoritarian crybabies. I applaud their efforts and hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have.
As a final promise, if the fight against SJWs in science fiction remains strong, I will write my own story for inclusion in a future volume of Forbidden Thoughts. Think about how many tears that will cause to rain down!
Milo Yiannopoulos
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
December 2016