ability 200–3, 240, 249; see also talents
Achilles 455
action, voluntary and involuntary 161–2, 174–5, 183–94, 207, 455
tendency of 73–4, 163–4, 185–6, 191, 373
Addison, Joseph, Cato: A Tragedy xix, 463
ageing 454
Agincourt 14
Alderson, Amelia xxvii
Alexander the Great (Alexander III of Macedon) 13, 143, 178, 207
Alfred the Great (Alfred) 207
ambition 144, 194, 240, 276, 298, 426
America xxx
anarchism x
anarchy 11, 15, 291, 313, 386–90
Anaxarchus of Abdera 38
Annual Register xiv
Anti-Jacobins xxix
appetite xxxi, 122, 128, 185, 215, 217, 227, 383, 416, 425, 447
Aquinas, Thomas 351
Aristides 262
aristocracy xx, 46, 246–8, 255–60, 263, 273, 448
Arminianism 319
association of ideas 17, 39, 157, 159, 164, 175–80, 242, 443
associations xviii, 114–17, 283
Association for the Preservation of
Liberty and the Property
Against Republicans and
Athanasian creed 325
Athena xi
Aurungzebe 14
Austria and Austrian 14, 278, 358
Australia xxv
authority xviii, xx, 75, 85–6, 90–7, 105, 205, 263, 292–3
avarice 200, 232, 309, 394, 451
Bacchus 13
balance of power 278
Beccaria Cesare Bonesana 377
Dei delitte e delle pene 374, 377, 379
benevolence xxxii, 62, 129, 188, 190, 194, 198, 282, 341, 394, 438, 450–1, 454–5, 470; see also disinterestedness
Bentham, Jeremy x
Bible, the 330
Blackwall 90
Botany Bay xxiv
British Convention xxiv
British Critic and Quarterly Theological Review xxii
Brunswick coalition (1792) 275
Brutus, Lucius Junius 59, 116, 126, 257, 311
Burke, Edmund xii, xix, xx, xxii, 15, 70, 102
Reflections on the Revolution in France ix, x, xv, xxii, 236, 270, 420
Speech on Oeconomical Reform 178, 355
Caesar, Gaius Julius 13, 126, 143, 178, 231
Caligula 84
Cambyses 13
Camillus, Marcus Furius 257
corporate and individual 256–7, 295, 308–11
Cato, Marcus Porcius xix, 59, 139, 143, 231, 247, 257, 311, 323
causation 157; see also conjunction, necessity
Cecil, Robert (earl of Salisbury) 222
censorship 310
Cervantes, Don Quixote 102, 212
Charlemagne 14
Charles I 14, 93, 107, 109, 113
Churchill, John (duke of Marlborough) 14
churchwardens 333
Cicero, Marcus Tullius 131, 231, 247, 257, 287, 380
De officiis (Summum ius summa injuria) 405
Cincinnatus, Lucius Quintus 257
Circe 320
civilisation 45, 150, 190, 248, 267, 402, 416, 422, 425–32, 468
Clairmont, Mary Jane xxix
Clairmont, Jane xxx
Claudius, Appius 257
Clement, Jacques 62
Codrus, king 59
coercion 324, 366–92, 393–4, 399–400; see also punishment
Coke, Chief Justice 351
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor x, xxxi
commerce 272, 296, 311–12, 318, 429, 451, 468
communication xxx–xxxii, 72, 97–8, 106, 118, 129, 271, 331, 395, 453
concerts 444
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, marquis de;
Vie de Monsieur Turgot 100
conjunction 155, 157, 173, 183
conscience xvi, 64, 75–6, 95, 204, 366–8; see also religion
consciousness 18, 164, 167, 175–6, 179–88
contrition 170
conversation 5, 75, 115, 118–19, 140, 209, 352, 445, 447
Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius 257
Corvus, Marcus Valerius (Valerius) 257
courtiers 231, 237, 241, 338, 432, 464
monarchical 137, 222, 232–3, 235, 278, 349, 420–2
Coventry, Henry, Philemon to Hydaspes 428
cowardice 132, 147, 149, 215, 217, 352, 360, 395, 446
Crécy 14
Cromwell, Oliver 84
Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas 39, 454
curiosity 118, 171, 310, 316–17, 325, 328, 391
Cyrus 13
Damiens, Robert-François 62
Darius 13
for the common good 56, 58–9, 362
penalty 393–4, 412; see also martyrdom
Decii, Gens 257
Decius 59
deliberation xviii, 98, 162, 287
deliberative assemblies 205, 295
democracy 260–5, 272–3, 288–90
pure 101
deputies 85
despotism 15, 21, 103, 219–22, 226, 279, 291, 327, 387–8, 461–2
desert 54–5, 170, 217, 224, 365, 446–7
dictatorship, Roman 304
discretion xii
disinterestedness xvii, xxxiii, 48, 186–7, 194, 198, 354, 462, 470
Dissent xvi
distinction, love of 30, 431, 433–4, 440
divine right (de jure divino) 82–3, 214
drama xxx; see also theatre
Dryden, John 144
duty xii, xvii–viii, 5, 61–6, 68, 75–6, 90, 315
discretion 68–72, 240, 245, 290, 360
private judgment 108, 315, 331, 368
virtue 167–8, 194, 276, 462, 467
Duvernet, Théophile Imarigeon, La Vie de Voltaire 129, 137
Dyson, George xxxi
education 22–5, 201, 214, 248–51, 448
Edward the fourth 14
Edwards, Rev. Jonathan 54, 164
Egypt and the Egyptians 13, 266
elections 92, 233–6, 243, 256, 304–6, 348, 359–60, 420
and papacy 26
Engels, Friedrich xxxii
England 14, 28, 31, 32, 70, 109, 117, 153, 207, 236, 370, 422
the English 5, 45, 112, 290, 389, 432
English constitution 70, 85, 101–2, 111, 235, 293, 333
Enlightenment, the xvi, xix, xx
Epictetus 143
equality xii, 12, 64–6, 84, 207, 261, 431
as precondition for virtue 284, 296, 413
Eudamidas of Corinth 357
error 12, 22–7, 50, 121–2, 264–5, 299, 311–12, 384, 406
Euclid 74
Europe 14, 25, 28, 259, 278–9, 345, 388, 398, 399, 427, 446
evidence 43, 61–3, 71, 78–9, 244, 312, 380–1, 400–1
evil, choice of 50
excommunication 25
executive power 95, 205, 294–6, 346
experience 18–19, 38, 155–77, 188, 209
Eyre, Lord Chief Justice xxv
Fabii, Gens 257
falsehood, 21–6, 50, 55, 97, 102–5, 134, 145–52, 210–12, 224, 236–8, 255, 281, 312, 332–6, 367–71, 390
fame, love of 194, 434, 435; see also distinction
famous fire cause, see Fénelon
Fawcett, Joseph xxxi
Fénelon, François de Salignac La Mothe, archbishop of Cambray xi, 53, 54, 135, 217
Les Aventures de Télémaque xi, 53, 153
Fitzpatrick, Richard ix
force 65, 82, 92–9, 107–10, 299, 303, 336, 342, 362, 390, 425, 443, 466
foresight 18, 38, 157–62, 175, 185–9
fortification 280
fortitude 133–5, 208, 252, 341–2, 354, 357
Fox, Charles James ix
France 3, 14, 31, 44, 102, 123, 124, 226, 254
the French/Frenchmen 4, 13, 24, 45, 70, 101, 275, 293, 329–31, 343, 348, 353
French Enlightenment xiv, xxii
French revolution ix–x, xv, xviii, 4, 113, 124, 236, 270, 288, 346
National Assembly 300
Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor 207
Frederick, the Great, king of Prussia 14, 374
freedom 21
of communication 118, 337, 462
Galilei, Galileo 290
game laws 31
Genghis Khan 14
Genlis, madame de (Félicité Stéphanie, comtesse de Brulart) 212
Lessons of a Governess to her Pupils 213, 229
Gérard, Balthazar 62
Germany 14
Gerrald, Joseph xxv
reputation xxii
Political Justice ix–xxiv, xliii, xlv,
Autobiographical Fragments xv, xxv
Cloudesley xlv
Considerations on Lord Grenville and Mr Pitt’s Bills xxvii
Cursory Strictures on the Charge Delivered … to the Grand Jury xxv
Deloraine xx
Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication xxix
Of Population xxi
Things As They Are or, The Adventures of Caleb Williams xx, xxiv, xxv
Thoughts Occasioned by the Perusal of Dr. Parr’s Spital Sermon xxi, xxix
Gordon Riots 230
simplest 4
true ends 244, 256, 298–300, 462; see also anarchy, aristocracy, democracy, despotism, mixed government, monarchy
Gracchi, Tiberius and Gaius 257, 258
Greece and the Greeks 13, 45, 46, 102, 245, 266, 280, 303, 305, 318, 323
Greece, Amphictyonic council of 305, 348
habit 40, 48–9, 122, 158, 185, 195, 208, 298–9, 314, 352, 397, 408–9, 435, 454, 457
Hanover, house of 235
Hanover, elector of 253
happiness xi, 11, 53, 64, 67, 73, 143, 435, 438
and virtue 128, 140, 195, 203, 267, 319, 365, 405, 461
Hardy, Thomas xxv
Hartley, David; Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations xvi, 20, 35, 173
Hays, Mary xxviii
Hazlitt, William x
Spirit of the Age xxii
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien xiv, xvi, 4, 12, 123, 268
De l’esprit xvii
De l’homme, de ses facultés intellectuelles et de son éducation (De l’Homme, Préface) 124
Henry IV of France (Henry the fourth) 14, 207
Henry VI (Henry the sixth) 14
hereditary distinction 224, 246–9, 332
Hertfordshire xlii
Home, Henry/Lord Kames (Lord Kaimes) 24
Home, John, Douglas: A Tragedy 100, 251
honour xix, 101, 134, 194, 224, 229, 276
Howard, Charles (earl of Nottingham) 222
Howard, John 396
Hoxton Dissenting Academy xiv, xxxi
Humboldt, Wilhelm von xiii
A Treatise of Human Nature xvii, xxvi
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 161
Essays, Moral, Political and Literary 46, 65, 84, 104, 120, 428
Huns 14
ideas xvii
train of 72, 177, 179, 180, 182–3, 188, 192, 325, 380, 395; see also association of ideas
ignis fatuus 252
Imlay, Fanny (also: Godwin, Fanny) xxviii, xxix, xxx, xliv
immortality 453, 455, 457, 458
impartiality xi–xii, xxxiii, xxvii, xxxii–xxxiii, 76, 127, 187, 194, 381, 418
impressions 17, 20, 33, 37–41, 158, 173, 180–1, 242, 301, 437, 445
improvement 12, 22, 33, 36, 41, 66, 94, 102, 104–6, 119, 122, 130, 138, 150–3, 177–8, 209, 263–4, 287, 297, 313, 317–18, 351, 355, 373–4, 424–6, 434–6, 443–6, 449, 456–7, 461–2, 470; see also mind, progress
Inchbald, Elizabeth xxvii
independence 47, 66, 85, 208, 389, 400, 417, 449
industry see labour
infants 18–19, 34, 40, 161–2, 173–80, 188, 448
innocence and virtue 47, 80, 215
integrity 150, 201–3, 276, 334, 367
invasion 15, 116, 273, 277, 286, 288, 292, 299–304
jails 396
Jesuits 332
John, Henry St (Bolingbroke and Mr St John) 254
Johnson, Joseph xxviii
Johnson, Samuel (Doctor Johnson) 144
Joyce, Jeremiah xxv
Judas Iscariot 192
justice passim xi–xii, xvii, 25–7, 52–8, 72–81, 143–4, 192–4, 204–5, 230–1, 240–2, 250–2, 254–5, 263–4, 274–6, 291, 297, 329, 415–16, 419, 424, 434, 437, 449–51, 463–5
Kegan Paul, Charles xxxii
King, John xxiv
Kippis, Andrew xiv
Kropotkin xxxiii
labour and property 29, 31, 81, 161, 258–9, 355, 416–17, 429, 431–3, 442–4, 451–2, 469
latitudinarianism 102, 323, 368
law 76, 78, 85–6, 205, 330–1, 367–8, 402–12
administration 31
ex post facto 402
laws of nature 138, 180, 197, 310
sumptuary laws 309
legislative power 205, 294–6, 346–9
legislator 95, 102, 194, 267, 270, 310–11, 333, 348, 374, 422, 444
leisure 22, 114, 220, 241, 248–9, 416, 423–4, 433–4
Leonidas, king 59
love of 470
moral 360
of the press 71
philosophical 155, 160–5, 167–71
political 12
Locke, John 12, 15, 20, 21, 51, 84, 113
Logan, John 27
Louis XVI of France x, xv, xxii
London i, xiv, xxii, xxv, xxvii
London Corresponding Society xxii, xxv
Lucullus, Lucius Licinius 257, 287
Luscinus, Gaius Fabricius (Fabricius) 257
luxury xv, xxi, 23, 47–8, 208, 229, 232, 251, 311, 421–2, 428, 451
Lycurgus 58, 102, 268, 269, 444
Mably, Gabriel Bonnot de (Mably) De la legislation; ou, Principes des loix 312, 423
Mackintosh, James, Vindiciae Gallicae x
magazines 428
Mandeville, Bernard, The Fable of the Bees; or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits 428
Malesherbes 268
malice prepense 377
Malthus, Thomas Robert xxi
Essay on Population xxi
Marathon, the battle of 140
Marcellus, Marcus Claudius 257
Margarot, Maurice xxiv
martyrdom 58–9, 108, 134–5, 149
matter 21, 156–66, 172–3, 183, 363, 405, 444, 453
Maynwaring, Roger 21
medicine 457
memory 36, 179–82, 184, 401, 456
Mercury 209
merit, intrinsic xi–xii, 87, 230, 314
Miltiades 262
active 5, 102, 159, 267, 314, 363, 417, 421, 461, 464
cause, efficient not first 166, 183, 185–6
collision of mind and mind 21, 234, 445, 462
discipline 133
element 438
enlightened 344
general mind 122, 313, 431, 434, 463, 466
general principles 154, 157–61, 174–6, 184–94, 352, 437
historicised xx
ideas and mechanism 172–84, 373
lethargy 433
liberty and determinism 161–4, 172, 360
omnipotence over matter 444, 453–9
and disinterestedness 194
pleasure 140
political institution 342
progress of xv, xx, 3, 33, 35, 77, 105, 129, 132, 138, 264, 301, 317, 323, 351, 374, 408, 431, 436, 441, 444–50, 455, 470–1
restraints on 263
satisfaction 196
sensation 247
truth 26, 105, 247, 310, 314–15, 374, 463
virtue 133, 139, 143, 166, 192, 234, 235, 323, 468
ministers 136–7, 220–4, 232, 238–41, 294, 411
Mithridatic War 13
mixed government 225
mobs 114
Montagu, Edward (lord Kimbolton) 254
Montesquieu, Charles-Louis Secondat, baron de xv, 113, 137
De l’esprit des lois xv, 95, 237
axioms 145, 212, 228, 297, 341
fixed and immutable 61
and necessity 363
reason 368
religious 418
tendency of action 74
More, Thomas, Utopia 423
Morgan, William 453
motherhood 448
motion, animal 157, 160, 174–5, 180, 182, 184, 186
voluntary and involuntary 40, 157–66, 172–5, 180–6, 282, 408
motive xiii, xvii, 41, 58–9, 62–4, 73, 88–9, 108–9, 130, 134, 159, 163–71, 189–202, 355, 379–82, 433–5, 440, 457–8
Mucius, Gaius Mucius Scaevola xxiv, 38, 454
Muhammad (Mahomet and Mahometanism) 14, 61, 71, 111, 316, 326
multitude, the 22, 106, 113, 144, 247, 258–61, 303–4, 387, 463
national character xv, 42–6, 104
necessity, doctrine of 115, 154–164, 165–72, 173, 175, 303, 310, 363
Necker, Jacques 270
Netherlands 358
Newgate xxv
Newton, Isaac 21, 36, 290, 323, 444
Newton, Revd Samuel, of Norwich xiv, xlii
nominalism xvii
Norfolk xxviii
obedience 87, 93, 96–9, 120, 331, 408
military 282
obligation 17, 63, 84–6, 87–90, 96, 331–4, 385, 392; see also duty
Odysseus xi
Ogilvie, William, An Essay on the Right of Property in Land (Ogilvie’s Essay) 423, 427
Old Bailey 380
Omar 255
opinion xxi, 30, 44, 65, 71, 112, 117–22, 236, 292, 308–18, 325–7
Ostrogoths 14
Owen, Robert xxx
Paine, Thomas xii, xix, xx, xxii, xxiii
Rights of Man x, xxiii, 12, 70, 249, 345
Palmer, Thomas Fyshe xxiv, xxv
parents 19, 41, 92, 264, 270, 307, 321, 350, 370, 448
passions xvii–xviii, xxi, 28, 46, 95, 104, 115–16, 129, 144, 183, 194, 209, 261, 266, 291, 298, 387, 395, 407–8, 421, 426, 439
Pendleton, Gayle Trusdel xv
Peisistratus (Pisistratus) 262
perception 26, 156, 161, 169, 172–92, 242, 352, 437, 461
direct and indirect 37
perfectibility xvi, 16, 33, 264, 317, 405, 439
character of perfection 20, 27, 103, 127, 194, 248, 421, 446, 470
Pericles 262
Philomaths xviii
Phocion 262
Plantagenets 14
Plato, Parmenides 127
durable and higher 140, 188, 247, 447, 464
sensual 128–9, 144, 425, 437–9
Poland 256
politeness 147
Political Herald xiv
population xxi, 427–9, 452, 458
Portugal and the kingdom of Portugal 148, 153
posse comitatus 370
power 167
deliberation 86
intellectual and active 164, 206, 207
political 51, 83, 95, 343, 348
right 68
truth/wisdom 127, 130, 208, 217, 311–12, 315, 371, 455, 468; see also balance of, capacity, division of, executive, legislative, liberty
predestinarianism 319
prejudice 21–3, 40–2, 66, 103, 105, 196, 351–2, 438
ignorance 48, 83, 88, 129–32, 241, 296
religion 419
A Review of the Principal Questions in Morals xvi
priesthood 42–3, 136, 321, 420
Priestley, Joseph xvi
The Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity Illustrated xvi
primogeniture 257–9, 388, 414–15
private judgment xiii, xvi, xviii, 64, 71, 72–81, 82, 91, 107–8, 120, 204, 306, 341, 347
criterion of duty 368
and common deliberation 94; see also deliberation
progress xiii, xv, xx, xxxi, 16, 34–7, 104, 113, 115, 292, 301, 317, 385, 431, 443–4, 455–8, 467–71
promises xvii, 87–90, 93, 287, 405
property xxi, 12, 28, 55–6, 86–7, 231, 259, 338, 404
equalisation of 414–18, 420–3, 427, 431, 437, 440–2, 450–2
prudence 131, 160, 341, 391, 397, 463
Ptolemaeus, Claudius (Ptolemy) 323
public deliberation see deliberation
public interest 92, 195, 230, 245–6
punishment xxi, 15, 42, 300, 324, 362–6
defined 362
fear of 73
and necessity 170; see also coercion
Pyrrhon (Pyrrho) 210
Quincey, Thomas de xxvi
reason xvii, 44, 66, 79, 91, 95, 109, 112–13, 119, 263, 271, 292, 306, 324–5, 370, 373–6, 408, 412, 445–8
dictates of 77, 121, 263, 274, 290, 292, 348, 384, 448
and justice 88, 143, 246, 254, 274, 292, 303, 442
Ralegh, Sir Walter (Raleigh) 381, 382
Ravaillac, François 62
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas-François 65
reciprocity 57, 130, 387, 416, 449
reform 121–4, 260, 313, 350, 390–1, 396–8
Regulus, Marcus Atilius 196, 247, 257
toleration 70, 102, 311, 366–7
representation 85–6, 265, 292, 344, 347–8
republicanism 222, 394, 431, 463, 467, 469
resentment 113, 133, 144, 169–71, 366, 399, 458, 462, 466
responsibility 215, 236–7, 240
Restoration, the (1660) 389
Reveley, Henry xxvii
Reveley, Maria xxvii
Revolution, American ix, xvii, xviii, 113, 124
Revolution, French ix, xv, xvii, xviii, 4, 113, 124
revolutions xviii, 104, 110–14, 389
Richter, Henry xxv
rights of man xii–xiii, xx, 67–71
Rimmon, temple of 242
Gordon Riots (1780) 230
Robinson, George xv
Robinson, Mary xxviii
Rochefoucauld, François duc de la 231
Rochelle 14
Romanticism x
Rome 59, 102, 196, 247, 252, 256–7, 318, 380, 398, 467
Romans 13, 45, 255, 258, 266, 304, 387, 389, 395
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques xiv, 4, 12, 20, 85, 86, 91, 113, 137, 144, 193, 234, 267, 268, 269
Considérations sur le gouvernement de Pologne 234, 268
Émile ou De l’éducation 20, 193, 268
Rowe, Nicholas, The Tragedy of Jane Shore 218
Royal Exchange, the 90
Royal Proclamation against seditious writings xxiii
Sacred Mountain 389
Saint Bartholomew day massacre 14, 62
St George’s Fields 337
Salic law 14
Sandeman, Robert xiv
savages 189, 389, 425, 428, 431
scandalum magnatum 76
scepticism xxxii
science of politics 46, 83–4, 145, 297, 317, 327, 362
Scipio, Publius Cornelius, ‘Africanus Maior’ 257
Scipio, Publius Cornelius Emilianus, ‘Africanus Minor’ 257
Scottish trials 1793–4 xx, xxiv,
Scythians 13
security 12, 91, 296, 386–7, 393, 425
self love xvii, xxxii, 18, 81, 186–92, 231, 245, 375, 421, 430, 448
self preservation 18
Semiramis 13
sensation xvii, 34, 38–40, 174, 179, 183–5, 189–90, 242, 247, 430
sensorium 166, 181, 183, 185, 215
sensuality 128–9, 144, 208, 212, 215, 421, 435, 438, 447, 467
servants 146–7, 221, 234, 239, 416, 420
Sesostris 13
Macbeth 457
Henry the Eighth 219
Sharp, William xxv
Sheffield, John (duke of Buckinghamshire) 254
Shelley, Percy Bysshe xxx
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley xiv
ship money 93
Sibthorpe, Robert 21
Siculus, Diodorus 45
simplicity in explanation and conduct 106, 119, 168, 198, 290, 301, 324
of truth 182, 191, 228, 241, 264, 270
sincerity 126, 131–5, 148–53, 198, 238, 257, 309, 332, 341, 378, 449
Singer, Peter xxxii
Sinope, Diogenes of 208
Skirving, William xxiv
slavery 21, 43, 79, 103, 317, 327, 398
sleep xxii, 128, 181, 183, 373, 456
Smith, Adam, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations 451
Smithfield 62
social contract xvii, 51, 82–6, 93
society, and animadversion 329, 337, 380, 401
in corporate capacity 303–6, 308, 312–14, 362
and government 25–30, 51–2, 57–8, 71, 329, 394, 414
political society 67, 251, 261–4
Society for Constitutional Information xxii
Socrates xvii
Solon 103
Spain, the Spanish, Spaniards 14, 24, 45, 278, 353
Spartan and Spartans 102, 268, 444
state size 222
Sterne, Laurence, Sermons 95
Stuart, Charles Edward (the Pretender) 134
Suffolk, Stowmarket in xiv
Sulla, Lucius (Sylla) 13
superstition 25–6, 270, 359–60
Supreme Being 335
Swift, Jonathan 4, 14, 144, 325
Gulliver’s Travels 15, 312, 423
sympathy 115, 119, 139, 144, 188, 267, 455, 458
talents 56, 88, 92, 137, 140–4, 232–5, 240, 251, 257–60, 298, 314, 440, 466
Talmud 330
Tamerlane 14
taxation 12, 93, 205, 295, 346, 356–8
Test and Corporation Acts xvi
Thelwall, John xxv, xxvii, xxxv
Tertullianus, Quintus Septimus Florens, Apology 128
theatre 445
Theresa, Maria 14
Theseus 455
Tooke, John Horne xxv
torture 62, 149, 209, 370, 460
trade see commerce
tradition xix
transportation 398
Treason Trials 1794 xxv
treaties 272, 277, 284, 287, 289
truth xiii, xvi, xviii–xx, xxvi, xxxii
omnipotence of 4, 137, 207, 242, 264, 466
truths of general nature 127
tyranny 19, 44, 125, 303, 345, 368
understanding, the xiii, 22–3, 37–9, 43–4, 49, 63–4, 72–5, 96–9, 127, 132, 139–44, 164–5, 185–6, 190–2, 301, 308–18, 32; see also mind, will
United States of America 243
universities 351
utility xiii, xxxii, 73, 83, 112, 167, 170, 192–3, 363, 405, 411
vanity 189, 372, 416–17, 425–6
Varennes xv
Venice 256
Verricosus, Quintus Fabius 286
vice 12, 27, 102, 266, 299, 311, 426, 428
violence xxxiii, 27, 80, 109, 113, 125, 394
and force 51, 73, 235, 277, 298, 305, 336, 391, 467
and vices 19–20, 55, 78, 169–70, 203, 271, 364–5, 406
volition 97, 157, 161–4, 174–5, 182–5, 456–7
Voltaire 129, 136, 137, 144, 380
Wallace, Robert, Prospects of Mankind 452, 493
war 13–15, 81, 98, 113, 258, 272–98, 385, 427
Watson, William, A Treatise on Time 179
wealth 29–32, 144, 207, 229–32, 249, 259, 359, 416–22, 469–70
welfare, defined by mind 58
Wentworth, Thomas (first earl of Strafford) (lord Strafford) 109
Westminster 90
Whigs xiv
widows, Brahmin (Bramin) 25
William, king 14
Williams, Helen Maria xxvii
Wimbledon xxv
Worcestershire xxv
Wollstonecraft, Mary xxviii, xxix
Woolwich prison xxv
Wordsworth, William, Prelude x
Zoroaster 326