What is a Hypnotic Regression?
Hypnotic Regression Therapy Teachers
Client Centered Hypnotic Regression Therapy
1: Important Background Information
The Four Primary Hypnotherapy Objectives
Subconscious Relearning (or Reprogramming)
When is Hypnotic Regression Therapy Appropriate?
2: Guiding vs. Leading: The Risk of False Memories
Two Memories of the Same Event
Inappropriate Leading vs. Appropriate Guiding
The Danger of False Memories is Real
3: Phase 1: Client Preparation
Give a Good Pre-Induction Discussion
Seven Points to Consider in the Hypnotic Regression Therapy Pre-Talk
Bruce Eimer’s Pre-Hypnosis Talk before the Client’s First Induction
Choose and Use an Appropriate Hypnotic Induction for the Client
Deepen to Medium Depth, Using Convincers if Necessary
Establish or Confirm the Client’s Peaceful Place
Establish or Confirm Ideomotor Response Signals
Bruce Eimer’s Procedure for Establishing Ideomotor Response Signals
Roy Hunter’s Procedure for Establishing Ideomotor Response Signals
Joseph Barber’s Naturalistic Method
Helen Watkins’s Arm Drop Method
Dabney Ewin’s Rapid Eye Roll Induction
Mental Confusion: Client Counts Backwards
Mental Confusion: Eyes Open and Close
Hunter’s Variation on the Elman Rapid Induction
4: Phase 2: Regression Techniques to Discover the Cause
The Seven Psychodynamics of a Symptom
Ideomotor Response Questioning for the Seven Psychodynamics
Keeping Your Client in the Regression
5: Phase 3: Abreactions and Release
Peaceful Place and Informed Child Technique
6: Phase 4: Subconscious Relearning
Why Subconscious Relearning is Important
7: Phase 5: Concluding the Session
Steps for Concluding the Session
Did You Discover and Release the Core Cause(s) and Facilitate Relearning?
8: Past Life Regressions: Fact or Fantasy?
Fantasy or Metaphor (False Memories)
Spontaneous Past Life Regression
Ethics (of Past Life Regressions)
If You Believe in Past Lives …
If You Believe We Only Live Once …
Techniques to Initiate a Past Life Regression
Building a Link to the Present (A Safeguard)
The Bridge across the River of Time
Bypassing Abreactions of the Death Experience
Grief, Mourning and Bereavement
Techniques to Initiate Grief Resolution
Facilitating Release and Resolution
10: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Hypnotherapy
11: Hypnotic Regression Therapy Applications and Case Summaries
Some of Bruce Eimer’s Applications in Working with Chronic Pain and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
LeCron’s “Control Panel of Light Switches”
Age Regression to Safe and Comfortable Times
Claustrophobic Regresses to a Box
A Smoking Cessation Success Story
Appendix: Transcript of Regression Therapy Session
Phase 2: Regression Techniques to Discover the Cause
Phase 3: Abreactions and Release
Phase 4: Subconscious Relearning
Phase 5: Concluding the Session