A Classical Beginning 5
take it as a basic principle that if there is a natural number with a property, then there is a
smallest such number with that property.
1.3 A geometric proof
Let us now give a second proof of the irrationality of
2, one with geometric character,
due to Stanley Tennenbaum. Mathematicians have found dozens of different proofs of this
classic result, many of them exhibiting a fundamentally different character from what we
saw above.
A geometric proof of theorem 1. If
2 is rational p/q, then as before, we see that p
+ q
, which means that some integer square has the same area as two copies of another
smaller integer square.
We may choose these squares to have the smallest
possible integer sides so as to realize this feature.
Let us arrange the two medium squares overlapping
inside the larger square, as shown here at the right.
Since the large blue square had the same area as the
two medium gold squares, it follows that the small
orange central square of overlap must be exactly
balanced by the two smaller uncovered blue squares
in the corners. That is, the area of overlap is exactly
the same as the area of the two uncovered blue corner spaces. Let us pull these smaller
squares out of the figure to illustrate this relation as follows.
Notice that the squares in this smaller instance also have integer-length sides, since their
lengths arise as differences in the side lengths of previous squares. So we have found a
strictly smaller integer square that is the sum of another integer square with itself, contra-
dicting our assumption that the original square was the smallest such instance.