A Classical Beginning 7
All the theorems and corollaries in this chapter are unified by a grand universal theorem,
asserting that
n is irrational unless n is itself a perfect integer kth power, meaning that
n = r
for some integer r. This is equivalent to saying that all the exponents in the prime
factorization of n are multiples of k.
Mathematical Habits
State claims explicitly. Do not allow ambiguity in your mathematical claims and the-
orem statements. Distinguish between similar but inequivalent statements. Formulate
your claim to state exactly what you intend.
Know exactly what you are trying to prove. Before embarking on an argument or
proof, get completely clear about the meaning and content of the claim that is to be
Insist on proof. Be prepared to prove essentially every mathematical statement you
make. When challenged, be prepared to give further and more detailed justification.
Do not make assertions that you cannot back up. Instead, make weaker statements
that you can prove. Some of the exercises ask you to “prove your answer,” but this is
redundant, because, of course, you should always prove your answers in mathematical
Try proof by contradiction. When trying to prove a statement, imagine what it would
be like if the statement were false. Write, “Suppose toward contradiction that the
statement is false, ...” and then try to derive a contradiction from your assumption.
If you succeed, then you will have proved that the statement must be true.
Try to prove a stronger result. Sometimes a difficult or confusing theorem can be
proved by aiming at the outset to prove a much stronger result. One overcomes a
distracting hypothesis simply by dispensing with it, by realizing it as a distraction, an
irrelevant restriction. In the fully general case, one sometimes finds one’s way through
with a general argument.