42 Chapter 5
Theorem 34. The answer is no, it is not possible to have a nonempty finite set of peo-
ple pointing at each other in such a way that every person is more often pointed at than
Let us give several different proofs.
First proof. Suppose that we have a finite arrangement of people pointing at each other
or themselves. For each person, let us say their pointed-at score is the number of times
someone is pointing at them, and their pointing score is the number of times they are
pointing at someone, including all instances of multiple pointing and self-pointing in both
of these scores. Let A be the sum total of all the pointed-at scores, and let P be the sum
total of all the pointing scores. I claim that P = A. The reason is that every instance of
someone pointing is also simultaneously an instance of someone being pointed at, simply
viewed from the other person’s perspective, at the other end of the finger. Every instance
of pointing adds exactly one to P and also exactly one to A. If every person were more
often pointed at than pointing, however, then it would follow that P < A, since P would be
the sum of a finite sequence of numbers, each of which is smaller than the corresponding
summands giving rise to A. Since P = A, this cannot happen.
Next, we prove the theorem inductively.
Second proof. We prove the theorem by induction on the number of people. That is, no set
of n people can form a counterexample. This statement is true for n = 1 person, since the
person can point only at herself, and if she does so k times, then she will be both pointing
and pointed at k times equally. Suppose now that the statement is true for all groups of size
n, and consider a group of n + 1 people. Suppose that we have an arrangement of the n + 1
people for which everyone is more often pointed at than pointing. Let us call one of those
people “Horatio.” In particular, Horatio is more often pointed at than pointing. Thus, we
may simply remove Horatio from the group of people and direct some of the people who
were pointing at him to point instead at those to whom Horatio had pointed. Since Horatio
was more often pointed at than pointing, there are enough people who had been pointing
at Horatio to cover his pointing commitment. After this rearrangement of the pointing,
anyone left still pointing at where Horatio had been may simply lower his or her finger. In
this way, we arrive at a new configuration, with one fewer person and hence of size n,but
that still satisfies that everyone left is more often pointed at than pointing. This contradicts
the induction assumption that there is no such group of size n, and so we have completed
the induction step. So there can be no such group of people of any finite size.
In the third proof, let us adopt an anthropomorphizing perspective, which enables us
more easily to see the truth of a certain mathematical feature.