12 Graph Theory
12.1 The bridges of K
The city of K
onigsberg, quietly nestled on the banks of the Pregel River, was in the eigh-
teenth century the setting of a mathematical conundrum. The town had seven bridges
crossing the river, lovely to traverse in the night air, and the townspeople had a habit of
strolling through town in the evening.
The center of the townspeople’s mathematical discussions was the pub on the center
island, with challenges and late-night attempts to “walk the bridges,” to make a tour of
the town crossing every bridge exactly once. Despite the accompanying boasts, rarely
reproducible in the sober morning, this was a difficult task. Most who attempted found
that they had missed a bridge or that they crossed a bridge twice.
Question 95. Can you walk the bridges? Can you find a tour of the town that traverses
each of the seven bridges exactly once?
Interlude. . .