134 Chapter 12
The question had ultimately stumped the town’s inhabitants but was finally answered
in 1736 by mathematician Leonhard Euler, whose solution gave rise to a new field of
mathematics: graph theory. He had in effect invented a new field of mathematics in order to
solve the problem. Euler approached the problem by representing it abstractly, finding the
mathematical essence of the situation. For this problem, what mattered about the bridges
and the town’s layout was not their exact shape and location but, rather, the fact that the
town had essentially four distinct land masses or neighborhoods—the north bank, the south
bank, the central island, and the island at the east—and these were connected by the bridges
in a certain way. What mattered was the logical connectivity of those neighborhoods by
the bridges.
For the purpose of finding a tour, therefore, we
may imagine each neighborhood as a single lo-
cation, a single point or vertex, and each bridge
is a line connecting one vertex to another. Thus,
the K
onigsberg bridge problem is represented ab-
stractly by what we now call the K
onigsberg graph,
pictured here. More generally, a graph is any col-
lection of vertices and edges, where each edge con-
nects one vertex to another or to itself. One can
represent a graph visually by drawing the vertices
as dots and the edges as lines between them.
12.2 Circuits and paths in a graph
A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices
in the graph, with each pair of vertices con-
nected by an edge. For graphs that happen
to have multiple edges between some of
their pairs of vertices, as in the K
graph, we require also that the path should
indicate which particular edge was taken at
each step, when there was a choice. We
may represent each path visually by in-
dicating how the edges are traversed. A
graph is said to be connected if any pair
of vertices admits a path from one to the
other. A circuit in a graph is a path that starts and ends at the same vertex.
Definition 96. An Euler circuit is a circuit that uses every edge in the graph exactly once.
An Euler path is a path that uses every edge exactly once.