Graph Theory 139
Theorem 104. The Euler characteristic of any finite nonempty connected planar nonempty
graph is 2.
v − e + f = 2
Proof. We prove the theorem by induction on the size of the graph or, more specifically,
on the number of edges appearing in the graph. The statement is true in the graph with one
vertex and no edges. Let us now imagine adding vertices and edges. If we add a single
new vertex and a new edge connecting it to a vertex we had before (in order that the graph
is connected), then we have increased v and e by 1, but we have not changed f ,sowe
still have v − e + f = 2. If we add an edge between two vertices we already have, then
this new edge cuts a previous face in two, and so we have increased e and f by 1, but we
have not changed v. And so the resulting graph still has v − e + f = 2. Since every finite
connected planar graph can be constructed by finitely many steps of these kinds, we see
that v − e + f = 2 in all of them.
The reader might enjoy exploring the idea of extending the Euler characteristic to three-
dimensional polyhedra, such as cubes, prisms, and other shapes. For example, a cube
has v = 8 vertices, e = 12 edges, and f = 6 faces, resulting in the Euler characteristic
v − e + f = 8 − 12 + 6 = 2. A triangular prism has six vertices, nine edges, and five faces,
leading to v − e + f = 6 − 9 + 5 = 2, once again. Similarly, a hexagonal prism has twelve
vertices, eighteen edges, and eight faces, leading to v−e+ f = 12−18+8 = 2. A pentagonal
prism has ten vertices, fifteen edges, and seven faces, leading to v −e + f = 10 −15 + 7 = 2,
once again. It works in all these cases and many more—amazing!
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