In Memoriam
About the Authors
1: An Introduction to Voice Disorders and Their Management
Introduction: An Introduction to Voice Disorders and Their Management
The Biological Function of the Larynx
The Emotional Function of the Larynx
The Linguistic Function of the Voice
Prevalence of Voice Disorders in the General Population
Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Special Populations
Prevalence of Voice Disorders in SLPs and Future SLPs
Kinds of Voice Disorders
Organic Voice Disorders
Management and Therapy for Voice Disorders
2: Normal Voice
Introduction: Normal Voice
Normal Aspects of Voice
Normal Processes of Voice Production
The Respiratory System
Structures of Respiration
The Inspiratory Muscles
Control of Breathing
The Respiratory Cycle (Inhalation and Exhalation)
Respiratory Volumes and Capacities
The Effects of Aging on the Respiratory System
Breathing for Life Versus Breathing for Speech
The Phonatory System
Anatomy of Phonation
Extrinsic Laryngeal Ligaments and Membranes
Intrinsic Laryngeal Ligaments and Membranes
The Ventricular (False) Vocal Folds
Nervous System Control of the Larynx
Voice Production
Voice Registers
How We Change Vocal Quality
Structures of Resonance
Mechanism of Resonance
3: Functional Voice Disorders
Introduction: Functional Voice Disorders
Excessive Muscle Tension Disorders
Benign Pathologies Resulting from Excessive Muscle Tension Disorders
Vocal Fold Polyps
Voice Characteristics with Excessive Muscle Tension Disorders
Psychogenic Voice Disorders
Functional Dysphonia
4: Organic Voice Disorders
Introduction: Organic Voice Disorders
Congenital Abnormalities
Acid Reflux Disease
Contact Ulcers (Granulomas)
Endocrine Changes
Infectious Laryngitis
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Pubertal Changes
Sulcus Vocalis
Laryngeal Cancer
5: Neurogenic Voice Disorders
Introduction: Neurogenic Voice Disorders
A Working View of the Nervous System
The Central Nervous System, the Cortex, and Its Projections
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Conditions Leading to Neurogenic Dysphonia
Vocal Fold Paralysis
Medical Management of UVFP
Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD)
Voice Therapy for SD
Essential Voice Tremor
Differences Between SD, Essential Voice Tremor, and Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Traumatic Brain Injury
6: Evaluation of the Voice
Introduction: Evaluation of the Voice
Screening for Voice Disorders
Medical Evaluation of the Voice-Disordered Patient
Review of Auditory and Visual Status
Case History
Behavioral Observation
Auditory-Perceptual Ratings
The Oral-Peripheral Mechanism Examination
The Clinical Voice Laboratory
Acoustic Analyses and Instrumentation
Frequency Variability
Vocal Perturbation Measures
Electroglottographic Analysis and Instrumentation
Aerodynamic Measurements and Instrumentation
Laryngeal Resistance
Phonatory–Respiratory Efficiency Analyses and Instrumentation
Voice Dosage Analysis and Instrumentation
Case Studies
Case Study 1: MTD in An Older Female
Case Study 2: Vocal Nodules in a Young Male
Case Study 3: Differential Diagnosis of Dysphonia in an Adolescent with a Complex Medical History
7: Voice Facilitating Approaches
Introduction: Voice Facilitating Approaches
Patient Compliance and Emerging Technologies in Voice Intervention
Voice Facilitating Approaches
2. Change of Loudness
3. Chant-Talk
5. Confidential Voice
6. Counseling (Explanation of Problem)
8. Elimination of Abuses
10. Focus
11. Glottal Fry
13. Hierarchy Analysis
15. Laryngeal Massage
17. Nasal-Glide Stimulation
20. Redirected Phonation
21. Relaxation
23. Tongue Protrusion /i/
25. Yawn-Sigh
8: Therapy for Special Patient Populations
Introduction: Therapy for Special Patient Populations
Voice Therapy for Particular Populations
Pediatric Voice Problems
Professional Voice Users
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Voice Therapy for Respiratory-Based Voice Problems
Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement
9: Management and Therapy Following Laryngeal Cancer
Introduction: Management and Therapy Following Laryngeal Cancer
Risk Factors, Incidence, and Demographics in Head and Neck Cancer
Historical Review of Laryngeal Cancers
Modes of Cancer Treatment
Case Examples
Voice Facilitating Approaches
Vocal Hygiene
Tumor Staging
Surgical Advances and Organ Preservation Protocols
Preoperative Counseling
Postlaryngectomy Communication Options
The Artificial Larynx
Esophageal Speech (ES)
Tracheoesophageal Puncture (TEP)
Overview of the Pharyngoesophageal (PE) Segment
10: Resonance Disorders
Introduction: Resonance Disorders
Resonance Defined
Disorders of Nasal Resonance
Evaluation of Nasal Resonance Disorders
Stimulability Testing
The Oral Examination
Laboratory Instrumentation
Treatment of Nasal Resonance Disorders
Prosthetic Treatment of Hypernasality
Therapy for Oral-Pharyngeal Resonance Problems
Video and Interactive Resources
Video and Interactive Resources
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