Hey, this thing really works!" So said one of our students, Andrew, after he made serious use of a debugging tool for the first time. He had learned about debugging tools three years earlier in his freshman programming courses, but he had dismissed them as just something to learn for the final exam. Now as a fourth-year student, Andrew's professor urged him to stop using print statements for debugging and make use of formal debugging tools. To his delight and surprise, he found that he could greatly reduce his debugging time by making use of the proper tools.

There are many "Andrews" out there, among students and among working programmers, and we hope this book will trigger an "Andrew-like" epiphany for them. But even more so, we hope to reach the many people who do use debugging tools but are not sure what can be done in specialized situations and who would like to learn more about debugging tools and the philosophy behind them.

As this book's copyeditor pointed out, much knowledge of debugging exists in some communities as kind of folklore, but it is not written in books. Well, this book will change that. We'll address questions like the following:

This book is neither a glorified user's manual nor an abstract treatise on the cognitive theory of the debugging process. Instead, it is something intermediate to these two genres. On one hand, we do indeed give information on the "how-to" for specific commands in GDB, DDD, and Eclipse; but on the other hand, we do set forth and make frequent use of some general principles for the debugging process.

We chose GDB, DDD, and Eclipse as our illustrative tools because of their popularity in the Linux/open source communities. Our examples slightly favor GDB, not only because its text-based nature makes it more compact to present on a page but also because, as alluded to above, we find that text-based commands still play a valuable role in the debugging process.

Eclipse has become quite widely used for much more than simply the debugging role we treat here, and it does provide an attractive, versatile tool for debugging. On the other hand, DDD has a much smaller footprint and includes some powerful features not found in Eclipse.

Chapter 1, "Some Preliminaries for Beginners and Pros," is an overview. Many experienced programmers may be tempted to skip it, but we urge them to read through it, as we do set forth a number of simple but powerful general guidelines that we recommend for the debugging process.

Then Chapter 2, "Stopping to Take a Look Around," covers the workhorse of debugging, the breakpoint, discussing all the ins and outs—setting, deleting, and disabling breakpoints; moving from one breakpoint to the next; viewing detailed information on breakpoints; and so on.

Once you arrive at a breakpoint, then what? Chapter 3, "Inspecting and Setting Variables," addresses this question. Our running example here concerns code that traverses a tree. The key point is convenient display of the contents of a node in the tree when we reach a breakpoint. Here GDB really shines, providing some very flexible features that enable you to effectively display the information of interest each time the program pauses. And we present an especially nice DDD feature for graphical display of trees and other linked data structures.

Chapter 4, "When a Program Crashes," covers the dreaded runtime errors arising from segmentation faults. We first present material on what is happening at the lower levels, including memory allocation for a program and the cooperative roles of the hardware and the operating system. Readers with a good systems knowledge may skim through this material, but we believe that many others will profit by acquiring this foundation. We then turn to core files—how they are created, how to use them to perform "post mortems," and so on. We finish the chapter with an extended example of a debugging session in which several bugs produce seg faults.

We chose "Debugging in A Multiple-Activities Context" for the title of Chapter 5 to make the point that we cover not only parallel programming but also network code. Client/server network programming does count as parallel processing, with even our tools being used in parallel—for example, two windows in which we use GDB, one for the client, one for the server. Since network code involves system calls, we supplement our debugging tools with the C/C++ errno variable and the Linux strace command. The next portion of Chapter 5 involves threads programming. Here again we begin with a review of the infrastructure: timesharing, processes and threads, race conditions, and so on. We present the technical details of working with threads in GDB, DDD, and Eclipse and again discuss some general principles to keep in mind, such as the randomness of the timing in which threads context switches occur. The final part of Chapter 5 concerns parallel programming with the popular MPI and OpenMP packages. We end with an extended example in the context of OpenMP.

Chapter 6, "Special Topics," covers some important miscellaneous topics. A debugging tool can't help you if your code doesn't even compile, so we discuss some approaches for dealing with this. Then we treat the problem of failure to link, due to missing libraries; once again we felt it was useful here to give some "theory"—types of libraries and how they are linked to your main code, for example. And what about debugging GUI programs? For simplicity, we stick to a "semi-GUI" setting here, that of curses programming, and show how to get GDB, DDD, and Eclipse to interact with the events in your curses window.

As noted earlier, the debugging process can be greatly enhanced through the use of supplementary tools, several of which we present in Chapter 7, "Other Tools." We have additional coverage of errno and strace, some material on lint, and tips on the effective use of a text editor.

Though the book focuses on C/C++, we have coverage of other languages in Chapter 8, "Using GDB/DDD/Eclipse for Other Languages," treating Java, Python, Perl, and assembly language.

We apologize if we have somehow missed the reader's favorite debugging topic, but we have covered the material that we have found useful in our own programming.

We owe a great debt of gratitude to the many staffers at No Starch Press who assisted us on this project over its long duration. We especially thank the firm's founder and editor, Bill Pollock. He had faith in this offbeat project from the beginning and was remarkably tolerant of our many delays.

Daniel Jacobowitz did a truly stellar job of reviewing the manuscript, providing many points of invaluable advice. Neil Ching, ostensibly hired to do copyediting, turned out to actually be a "ringer" with a degree in computer science! He brought up a number of important points concerning the clarity of our technical discussions. The quality of the book was greatly enhanced by the feedback we received from both Daniel and Neil. Of course, the usual disclaimer must be made that any errors are our own.

Norm says: I wish to say xie xie and todah rabah to my wife Gamis and daughter Laura, two amazing people whom I feel lucky to be related to. Their approach to problem solving, sparkling humor, and joie de vivre pervade this book in spite of their not having read a word of it. I also thank the many students I have taught over the years, who teach me as much as I teach them, and who make me feel that I chose the right profession after all. I've always strived to "make a difference," and hope this book will do so in some small way.

Pete comments: I thank Nicole Carlson, Mark Kim, and Rhonda Salzman for spending many hours reading through chapters and making corrections and suggestions, for no reason other than what you're reading at this very moment. I'd also like to thank the people of the Linux Users Group of Davis who have answered my questions over the years. Knowing you has made me smarter. Todah goes to Evelyn, who has improved my life in every way. Special mention goes out to Geordi ("J-Train" from San Francisco) who selflessly used his own feline body weight to make sure pages didn't blow away, always kept my seat warm, and made sure the room was never empty. You are deeply missed each and every day. Purr on, little one. Hi, Mom! Look what I did!

Norm Matloff and Pete Salzman

June 9, 2008