"I started reading the Destroyer series back at number 100. I then spent way too much time gathering and collecting the first 100. And the Assassins Handbook. And Inside Sinanju. And the different movie versions (Korean release, American release, etc.) And comics. And lobby cards. And soundtrack. I was hooked. Obviously. I eventually got to know several of the authors via email - Warren Murphy even sent me around 40 autographed books as a surprise present. I was mentioned in I think four book dedications. You'll even find a minor character with my name (one that Remo did not kill off.) So yea, I'm a huge fan. When I say that this novella reminds me of the earlier Destroyers, take my word for it..."
Rick C. Drew Online Review
"...permeated with the political satire that made The Destroyer stand out among other adventure books. If anything, not having to toe the line for any publisher, Murphy is actually more unleashed here than before. For those who wonder how Remo Williams, Master Chiun, and CURE could continue to function in the Obama era, "Number Two" will provide those answers..."
R.J. Carter, the-trades.com
"The only gripe I have about the cover picture is that it should be of the entire DC beltway. The whole place is a toilet of incompetence and treachery. This book does an excellent job of depicting the actual mindset of the people who have elected to run this country, elected by morons who have the attention span of a mosquito and the memory of an amoeba. Murphy's scathing political satire, which we used to get 3-4 times a year, has been sorely missing. It is fantastic to see him take advantage of the eBook publishing route since conventional publishers were too stupid to handle this series as it should have been..."
Robert H. Jones, Online Review