I WAKE WITH A GASP. Sweat coats my skin. My shirt clings to me as I kick off the blankets and swing my legs over the edge. My feet touch the cool ground, causing a shiver to slither down my spine. Standing, I move toward the window and glance out of it. Another dark, dreary day. No surprises there. I’m starting to question whether this place ever sees sunlight.

Stretching, I feel the crack of a few bones along my spine realign, and feel better for it, though my skin is hot and clammy from the nightmares. They’re always the same. Loud clashes of metal against metal. My mother’s screams. Sweltering heat. Bruising pain all over my body. A vicious, burning sensation over the skin of my wrist. My fingers rub over the area, and I glance down, staring at the mark there. I have no idea what it is. Something must have burned or cut me – neither the doctors or the nurses at the hospital could tell me for sure. I think they thought I had more important things to worry about. I don’t have any memory of its inception except intense pain.

I’m not sure there ever will be a time I don’t relive the horrific car accident that altered my life forever. The moment I lost everyone I loved.

Reaching for my phone, I look down at the time. It’s barely 6 am. The floorboards creak as I walk out into the living room. Alex’s soft snores travel through the tiny apartment. If I was back home, I would go for a walk or run to clear my mind. I’m too scared to do that here. I feel like if I leave this apartment by myself when it’s dark outside, I won’t make it back alive.

It’s too early in the morning to be thinking about death. I need coffee.

Moving around the kitchen and preparing my usual flat white gives me the feeling of familiarity. Like I’m doing something from my old life, even though I’ve only been here for a few days, and the normalcy of it helps push away the lingering shadows of the nightmare.

Dropping down onto the lounge, I fold my legs beneath me, and go about my new ‘normal’ of researching vampires, looking up articles about this town, and scrolling through endless threads. I’m always on the lookout for something new, or something about my sister. It’s become an obsession.

Feeling much more alert now, I head into the shower to wash away the evidence of my sleepless night. When I step out of the cubicle, I smear my hand across the fogged window. Lifeless eyes blink back at me, rimmed with dark circles. Sighing, I lean in close, inspecting them. I might need to start wearing makeup again to hide these. I don’t want people thinking I look as tired as I feel, because that will lead to questions I don’t intend on answering.

Soon after, I’m dressed in a long-sleeved top tucked into high-waist, ripped jeans. I step into my Converse and shake my hair over my shoulders. I’m ready to go by the time Alex staggers out of his room, his messy bed-hair sticking up in all different angles.

He yawns, peering over at me. ‘Did I sleep in?’

I shake my head. ‘No, I just got ready early. No rush.’

‘Mmhmm,’ he mumbles, rubbing his eyes.

‘Go shower, I’ll make you coffee.’

‘Not all heroes wear capes,’ he states, saluting me before disappearing back through the doorway.

I like making coffee. It keeps my hands busy while my mind races with a million different possibilities about anything and everything. It’s exhausting. I wish I could wipe my memory clear of all of this and live a normal life. But I can’t, and my sister deserves better. We all do.

The wind howls and rattles against the window. I push it open a little and a blast of cold, icy air rushes into the small space. Shivering, I yank it shut again.

Alex reappears dressed in skinny jeans and an oversized jumper. The sleeves are so long they swallow his hands. Rolling the sleeves so that they sit mid-forearm, he makes grabby hands at the mug of coffee. I hand it over and follow him to the lounge.

‘So, when are you going to ask him?’ Alex asks, blowing unnecessarily loudly over the top of the liquid, as if that somehow cools it down quicker.

‘Hmm?’ I ask, only half paying attention to him as I scroll on my phone.

‘Your friend,’ he replies. ‘When are you going to ask him if he is a blood sucker?’

I laugh at his word choice. ‘Maybe after class. Or maybe I should stand up in the middle of class and ask him in front of everyone. You know, make it a bit interesting.’

Alex flashes a grin that shows almost all his teeth. ‘I double dare you.’

‘I value my life, thank you very much.’

‘Do you?’ he asks mockingly.

I shrug. ‘Well. To some extent.’

‘Morbid. I like it.’

Smiling, I glance down at the time. ‘Okay, I said no rush before, but I changed my mind. We gotta go.’

‘Roger that,’ he replies, standing and draining the remainder of his hot coffee into his mouth like a psycho.

‘It is so weird that you do that,’ I point out. He does that all the time. Coffee, water, juice, energy drinks – no matter how hot or how cold. ‘I’m positive you are incapable of drinking normally.’

‘I just enjoy the look on your face when I do it.’ He smirks.

‘Go on,’ I say, shooing him with my hands. ‘Hurry up.’

Within half an hour we arrive on campus. It seems busier than usual today. All the eateries have long lines and every table in the courtyard is filled. Rubbing my hands together, I try to circulate the warmth they’re generating through to the rest of my body with little success. My fingertips feel so frosty they’ve gone numb. Noticing, Alex takes my hand, wrapping it up with his. I glance up in surprise, but he is looking ahead, like us holding hands is something that we always do.

‘Alex! Hey!’ a guy calls out, beckoning us over.

‘Friend from class,’ Alex explains quickly, his fingers tightening around mine, another reminder that we are still holding hands. ‘He knows that girl you want to question.’

‘Perfect,’ I say through a smile, pulling my hand away from him and politely waving at the group. I don’t want anyone thinking we are together because that will make our plan fall through.

We make our way over. There’s four of them at the table. Plastering a warm, friendly smile on my face, I quickly assess their eyes, coming to the conclusion that there are no vampires amongst them. Or so I assume, since none of them have that silver glimmer in them. Or the creepy black.

‘Hey,’ Alex greets them, and it’s weird seeing a big, goofy grin on his face instead of his usual sullen and sarcastic smirk.

‘Hey,’ the guy replies. ‘Everyone this is Alex and . . .’ he trails off, looking at me expectantly.

‘Raya. I’m a friend of Alex’s.’

‘I’m Seth, this is Brax, Adriana, and Jed.’

Seth has long hair that’s pulled back into a ponytail. He’s nursing a thick textbook in his lap and an iced latte clutched in his hand. Brax waves at us, his eyes lingering on me just long enough for it to be considered awkward. Jed doesn’t even look up from his phone, just nods his head, and the girl perks up when she notices Alex. I sit down beside Seth, and Alex moves around to the other side of the table, casually dropping into the empty space beside Adriana.

‘Are you new here?’ Seth asks, combing his fingers through the loose wisps of hair framing his face.

‘We just moved here, yeah.’

‘What do you think of the place?’

I shrug. ‘It’s fine. A little eerie sometimes.’

‘You get used to it.’ He smiles, almost taking me out with his elbow as he re-ties his hair. ‘Are you planning on going to the party tonight?’

I give him a curious look. ‘What party?’

‘There’s a thing tonight that one of the TA’s is hosting. Sounds like it is going to be pretty good. You should come.’ Seth moves his eyes to Alex. ‘Both of you.’

‘TA?’ Alex frowns.

‘Teacher’s assistant.’

‘Oh.’ Alex nods, looking like he just realised he probably should have assumed that.

‘We’re in!’ I smile, not giving Alex the chance to respond. ‘Sounds fun.’

As the time for class draws nearer, we push to our feet, gathering our things. I didn’t even have to try, and our plan was already in motion. Off to a good start.

‘We will meet you there,’ I say. ‘What time are you meeting up?’

‘About seven-ish,’ Seth answers.

‘Sounds good!’

Alex and I exchange a glance before parting ways.

It appears I’m one of the first to class today. I make my way to the same seat as yesterday and fall into it. Steadily, the lecture hall fills up. Glancing toward the empty seat beside me, I frown. I’m unsure why I feel disappointed that Hunter isn’t here today.

Throughout the lecture, I make detailed notes so that I can photocopy them after and give them to Hunter. I get a nervous – definitely not excited – swooping sensation in my stomach at the thought of seeing him.

After class, I go straight to the library to photocopy my notes. I have them stacked in a neat pile when I see him. I freeze, my heart seems to beat sideways as he walks up to the book return slot and slides a few books inside.

‘Hunter,’ I call out, jogging over to him. As usual, he is dressed in all black, contrasting the dark patterns on his arm perfectly with his lightly tanned skin. As I reach him my ring pulses against my finger and I startle, glancing down at it quickly. There is definitely something going on with it. This is the third time it has shocked me, and every time has been when I’m near Hunter. ‘Hey.’

Glancing up at me, he pushes his sunglasses into his hair. Since the sky is a dark grey, I don’t see how sunglasses are necessary, but everyone seems to wear them outside regardless.

‘Raya,’ Hunter nods, those hypnotising eyes sending a thrill through me. Straightening my back, I attempt – and fail – to appear nonchalant.

‘Hi. I got this for you,’ I say, thrusting out my hand and waving the stack of papers under his nose, breathless again. I blame it on the fact that I rushed over to him. It certainly isn’t being this close to him, and how attractive I find him. No connection there.

Nope. None.

‘What is it?’ he asks, a little sceptical.

‘Notes from class,’ I reply, my voice a little quiet as I take in his hesitation to take the papers.

‘Oh,’ he says, a small but genuine smile flashing across his handsome face as he takes it from me. ‘That’s nice of you. Thanks.’

‘Well, you’re my buddy,’ I reply, and instantly cringe.

Why do I say stupid things when I’m around him?

‘Right. Yeah.’ He nods.

‘How come you weren’t in class?’ I ask. It’s not until I say this that I realise it seems super nosy. Hunter always waits a second too long to answer, like he mulls over every word I say carefully, inspecting them, before deciding on a response. I wish I had that ability, instead of just blurting out every random thing that enters my mind.

‘I was thirsty,’ he says, raising the tumbler he’s holding.

I do my best to keep my expression blank as I nod, glancing at the tumbler as I wonder what it holds, considering he tipped out the contents last time.

I wonder if he fills it up with blood . . .

The colour drains from my face. I feel a little light-headed, and I see Hunter frown in what I hope is concern. Reaching out, he touches my shoulder, and I shiver, feeling his coolness through the material of my jumper. It’s surprisingly comforting. ’Raya? Are you all right?’

‘What? Oh . . . fine,’ I stammer.

I don’t think I’m cut out for this kind of work, considering the mere thought of this guy being a vampire makes me weak in the knees. And not the good kind.

‘You look as white as a ghost,’ he comments.

‘Just tired. And hot,’ I say, and then blanch when I feel the sharp coolness of the wind slap my cheeks, as if purposely reminding me that this town is anything but hot.

‘Okay . . .’ he trails off, looking puzzled.

My mouth is dry, and I fiddle with my ring. His eyes dart down to it and I quickly stop touching it, not wanting to draw attention to it.

‘Have you got plans tonight?’ I blurt, the words tumbling out before I can second-guess myself.

He raises an eyebrow and leans casually against the wall. The change in angle causes his shirt to pull taut over his chest, showcasing the defined muscles beneath it. ‘Um, not particularly, no.’

‘There’s a party on. I think I’m going to go.’

‘Oh, yeah. I heard about that.’

‘Do you want to go?’ I ask, twisting the bottom of my shirt. I tell myself I’m only asking because finding out more about him is a part of the plan, right? Since he may very well be a vampire. Therefore, inviting him to the party to spend time together makes perfect sense in a non-datey kind of way.

‘We could . . . er . . . hang out. If you want to.’ Swallowing, I look down at my feet. ‘If you don’t have plans, or whatever.’

When I glance back up, his eyes are narrowed slightly as he studies me.

‘I don’t really do parties,’ he says wryly.

‘Oh,’ I say. ‘Okay then. Cool, cool, cool.’

Cool, cool, cool? Get me away from this guy right now before I say something worse.

Making an awkward clicking sound with my tongue, I salute him and turn on my heel, hating how my cheeks flame, giving away just how embarrassed I’m feeling.

Did I just salute him?

‘I might call in for a bit.’

My head jerks up. Turning back, I smile, circling my fingers around the straps of my bag, trying not to stare at him in shock and disbelief. ‘I might see you there then.’

‘Yeah,’ he replies. He holds the papers up in the air. ‘Thanks again for this. I appreciate it.’

He turns, jogging down the steps two at a time. The way he moves is so elegant. The more I study him, the more I can spot tiny differences between him and us. Us as in the general, non-vampire population.

He has to be a vampire. I’m determined to find out more, whether he wants me to, or not.


Pulling the poster off the wall with a distinct ripping sound, I stare at the details of a welcome party. The theme? Supernatural. I blink down at it.

Wow, go figure.

I’m sort of looking forward to tonight, even though I shouldn’t be. I remind myself that this is purely to gather information, and to investigate what the hell is going on in this town. Someone here must know something that can help me.

We are meeting the others there. At least I’ll have them to hang with while Alex will be busy getting information out of Adriana.

When we get back to the apartment later that afternoon, I head straight for my room. Flopping down onto the bed belly-first, I open one of the journals and begin reading again. It’s all I ever do now – re-read the journals, look for clues and hints, and then move onto the online forums and articles.


Being around him feels like being high. High on . . . something that doesn’t feel like it belongs in this world. It’s hard to explain. The way he looks at me – like he owns me. In a way, he does. Or he will. Very soon.

Not long now . . .


I spend the rest of the afternoon preparing for the party, my sister’s words bouncing around in my head. I’ve gone with a plain white dress with fake blood marks slashed across it. My long dark hair falls perfectly straight down my back, and I plait the purple streak, pinning it to the side. If the circumstances were different, I would have gone all out with a costume, but I can’t stand out or draw attention to myself. Alex and I are flies on the walls of this creepy fucking town.

I will get the answers I’m looking for, one way or another.

We allow ourselves only two drinks while we get ready. This party isn’t about having fun. After I spend forty-five minutes drawing snakeskin across Alex’s face and neck, since he is going as a basilisk, I allow myself one more drink for good effort.

‘Here,’ Alex says, when I lean away from him. He passes me the canister of liquid silver that we made. I slide one inside my boot, the other in my bra.

‘You have yours?’ I ask.

He nods, showing it to me before pocketing it.

‘You’re freakishly good at that,’ Alex says, assessing my artwork in the small mirror that’s hanging up in the lounge room.

‘Cora and I used to do a lot of dress up that required makeup and art,’ I reply, sipping my drink.

‘What was she like?’ he asks. ‘I never wanted to ask much about her, in case it was too hard for you.’ Clearing his throat, he lowers his gaze. ‘I didn’t mean to use past tense.’

‘It’s fine. Everyone does,’ I say, leaning back into the seat and propping my legs onto the coffee table. ‘She’s fun. The life of the party. Firm, strong, and stubborn.’ I laugh, thinking back to a time when we were both teenagers. There was always someone she loved profusely, and someone she hated, and as her sister, I was obliged to feel exactly as she did – her words. ‘If she likes you, she’ll go to the ends of the earth for you. But if she hates you . . .’ I take a long sip. ‘God have mercy on your soul.’

Alex grins. ‘She sounds fun.’

‘Yeah.’ I run my palms across the fabric. ‘The last few months she was different. Cold. Like a total mean girl suddenly. Which is weird because we were always so close. It was totally out of character. Then I read her journal and it started making a little sense.’ I stand suddenly and go to my room. I reach for the journal and bring it back out. ‘But look at this.’ I open it up to the tabbed page and place it in front of him.

He leans forward, dragging it closer to him.


I hate the way I’ve been treating them. The hurt in their eyes will haunt me forever. But it’s necessary. I need to do this. It’s all a part of the plan.


Alex’s eyes lift to meet mine. ‘It’s all a part of the plan,’ he murmurs, furrowing his brow. ‘What plan?’

Sighing, I shrug. ‘That’s what I’m here to find out.’


The party room is big, and very dark. Reaching for Alex, I grab his hand as we weave through the bodies. Red neon light strips line the edge of the ceiling. The air is stale with alcohol and body odour, and there are way too many people crammed into this space. It’s hard to breathe. It’s disorientating when the lights start flashing, though after a few minutes, my eyes adjust to the dimness. The music vibrates the floors and shakes the walls.

The idea of separating from Alex makes me nervous, but I know it’s necessary. Scanning the room, we don’t stop moving until we find the group of people we met earlier.

‘Hi!’ I smile at the group, dragging Alex behind me. My eyes continue to search the room, subconsciously looking for Hunter. I wonder if he will come, or if he said maybe just to be polite.

‘Hey Raya!’ Seth smiles at me. ‘You look great.’

‘Thanks! You too.’

‘Hi there.’ Adriana beams, glancing at me briefly before turning her attention to Alex. He turns his smile up a few watts, having her totally dazed within moments.

Damn, he’s good.

‘Shall we go get a drink?’ he asks, his voice low and sultry. That tone, mixed with his look, even made me shiver. Looking a little in awe, she nods, linking her arm with his. He looks over her head at me and subtly winks as he leaves with her.

Well. That didn’t take long.

For a moment, I forgot it was all a part of the plan. Someone calls out to Seth, and he yells something inaudible back as he makes his way over to them. Damn. One less person to question now.

‘Where are you from?’ the other boy asks, and I try my best to think of what his name is.

I curse myself for not being more prepared. Suddenly, a bulb lights inside my brain. Brax, that’s it. I suck at being a detective so far.

‘Here and there,’ I shrug with a small smile. ‘I moved around a lot growing up. Hard to really pick just one place.’

‘Ah, okay,’ he replies, not seeming particularly interested in what I have to say, anyway.

Slinging an arm around my shoulder, he guides me toward the kitchen. I carefully watch as he makes us both a drink. I take the one that he looks like he is about to drink, just to be on the safe side.

He laughs. ‘I’m not going to poison you.’

‘Good to know,’ I say, attempting to sound light-hearted, but it comes out tense, and a little awkward.

‘Best to keep your wits about you though,’ he says with an ominous wink. ‘You never know who or what is out to play in this town.’

Tilting my head, I narrow my eyes. ‘What do you mean by that?’

‘Oh, you know, the rumours.’

‘What rumours?’ I ask quickly, and then relax my shoulders, hoping that I look easygoing. I need to play the newbie card. Make them all think I’m completely oblivious to the rumours about the town I just moved to. I also notice he doesn’t take a sip of the drink he prepared for me.

A wicked smile lights up his face. ‘This place is filled with creatures of the night. Haven’t you heard?’

Goosebumps prickle against my skin. It’s all fun and games reading about this stuff on a screen. Now I’m here, listening to it in person. Swallowing, I force a curious smile onto my face.

‘Creatures of the night?’

‘Yeah. Witches . . . wolves . . .’ He suddenly lunges toward me, and slams me back against the kitchen counter. He shoves his face into my neck roughly. ‘And vampires!’ He makes an over-the-top sound of biting and slurping. Laughing, he steps back. I’m as rigid as a rod as I attempt a laugh, trying not to seem as spooked as I look. He lightly pushes my arm. ‘Lighten up, it’s a joke.’

It’s not a joke. None of this is a damn joke. Pushing the thoughts of Cora and all the confusion around her disappearance away, I step toward him. I need to do something. To take control. Mustering up the courage, I inch closer, forcing a flirty smile onto my face.

‘You got any stories to tell me?’ I murmur, leaning in close, staring up at him through my dark lashes.

Brax’s eyes lower to my lips, before travelling back to my eyes. His smirk widens. ‘I’ve got plenty.’

‘I’d love to hear them,’ I say, grazing my arm against his, unsure whether I’m laying it on a little thick. The way he looks at me makes me think I’m doing something right.

‘Maybe we should go somewhere quieter,’ he suggests. ‘So, you can have my full attention.’

‘Sure!’ I say confidently, hoping he doesn’t notice the slight tremor in my hands as I hold the cup a little too tightly.

He finishes the rest of his drink and pours another. The smirk on his face makes me inwardly cringe, but I remind myself this is necessary. With his hand on my back, we move through the swaying bodies and people making out across the dance floor. We step out through the sliding glass door.

The cool night air nips at my exposed skin. We head around to the side of the house. Casually, he leans against the wall, sliding his fingers through mine.

‘What do you want to know?’ he asks, taking another sip. His eyes are a little glassy. He’s had too much already.

‘Something real . . . something terrifying,’ I whisper with an excited grin, toying with his fingers. He pulls me a little closer, enjoying my open display of affection. So close I can smell the stale beer on his breath.

‘People disappear here,’ he says quietly.

‘What happens to them?’ I whisper, eyes widening.

‘They’re dinner.’

‘Dinner?’ A nervous, high-pitched laugh escapes me before I can stop it.

‘For the supernatural,’ Brax answers, loving the fact that I’m hanging on his every word. ‘Or so they reckon.’

My heartbeat thuds in my ears. ‘What do the police say?’

Brax laughs, reeling back a little. It’s a humourless laugh that sends a shiver down my spine. ‘They don’t care, because they don’t want to be next.’

‘I don’t believe that.’

‘It’s true,’ he argues. ‘The vampires run this town.’

‘It’s not real,’ I say, unsure who I am truly trying to convince here. ‘These creatures . . . they don’t exist.’

‘Don’t they?’ He quirks an eyebrow.

‘Have you ever seen one?’ I push, trying to work out whether he knows anything concrete.

‘I was at a party last year. One like this. I met a girl. We danced, made out a little . . . the next thing I remember, I wake up in the middle of the football field. Blood is all around the collar of my shirt. I’m woozy, disorientated – like I had been running a marathon without any water. There were no marks on me anywhere, but I know, I just know one of the bastards got me.’

Nauseous bubbles form in my stomach. An image flashes through my mind of the guy in front of me, blood everywhere. An icy chill seeps into my bones at the thought of it. It sounds like a similar story to what happened to Alex. It must happen all the time.

‘That’s so scary,’ I whisper, leaning in close to him. ‘Why are you still here?’

He eyes me for a moment. ‘Simple. I want to become one.’

‘You do?’ I breathe, my eyes widening. ‘Is that . . . is that possible?’

He nods. ‘It is. You find a vampire. One that is willing to turn you. You find a sacrifice. Boom, you’re a vampire.’

‘A sacrifice?’ I question.

‘Turning someone into a vampire upsets the balance of nature,’ he explains. It’s quiet out here, and suddenly, I don’t feel safe. I look over my shoulder, realising we are completely alone. The ring on my finger pulses and I gasp, yanking my hand out of his hold, clutching it to my chest. The music is faint from where we are standing. An uneasy feeling settles over me and I swallow, stepping back a few inches. ‘A human must die – as a price – for you to turn.’

I open my mouth to question him more, when his hands shoot out, shoving me hard. I fly backwards, landing in a painful sprawl. Choking on my breath, I lay at an awkward angle, blinking up at the dark sky.

‘I’m sorry,’ I hear his low voice. ‘But I need this.’

Pure, unrivalled panic shoots through my body, and a scream rises into my throat when a blur of motion suddenly appears to my right and jerks me to my feet. My heart flip flops inside my chest and my breath comes in shaky gasps as I reach into my pocket and withdraw a cylinder of liquified silver. I remember what the article said. My heartbeat is hammering so loud I can barely think.

‘Better run, little girl,’ Brax says from behind me, his voice taunting, nothing like the way he spoke to me before. ‘You’re about to be dinner.’

A man appears in front of me. Tall, partly hidden in shadows. Two silver eyes glow in the darkness. My knees knock together as I tremble. Adrenaline courses through me like a torrent, holding me upright. I lift my chin, staring back at the thing in front of me. I don’t look into its eyes, instead, I look at its mouth, which is twisted into a menacing snarl.

Everything inside me is screaming at me to run, but I don’t. I didn’t come all this way only to die my first week.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Brax shouts impatiently. ‘Get her!’

Swallowing down the building panic, I force myself to focus.

I must think clearly. For Cora.

Taking a moment to even out my breathing, I go through the information in my head. All the things I have read about. All the research.

Cora’s face appears in my mind, and determination wells inside my chest.

Narrowing my eyes, I step to the right. He mirrors me. I step to the left. He does the same.

This is what he wants.

The game.

The chase.

The hunt.

With a shaky breath, I resist the urge to back up. I don’t want to be any closer to the betrayer behind me. ’Are you going to kill me?’ I ask, my voice steadier than I expected. I suspect he can hear me perfectly clear even if I whisper. ‘Or just stand there thinking about it?’

His lips curve into a slow, sadistic smirk. ‘Oh, I’ll kill you. But I want to have fun while doing it.’ He steps closer. ‘I want the chase.’

Everything inside me threatens to collapse, as I try not to let my fear overcome me. These words being spoken to me have opened up pure terror inside me. I have never felt anything like it.

Breathe, Raya.

I go over my options. Brax is covering the main exit. The vampire is in front of me. There is nothing stopping me from going right, but it’s further away from the party. Less likely I’ll be heard or seen.

‘Tick, tock,’ the vampire smiles, revealing two, long fangs. My heart shudders to a stop. There’s no doubt now . . . this shit is real. And it is fucking scary. ‘Make your decision, or I’ll make it for you.’

Fuck it.

I take off at a run in the direction I told myself not to go. If I’m going to die, I’m going to go out fighting. I race around the edge of the fence. Not so elegantly, I vault over it. He gets close, I feel the whoosh of air by me. Darting to my right, I slide underneath a branch, skidding across the hard dirt. Sticks and gravel scrape my skin, but I hardly feel it.

A deep laugh that penetrates straight into my soul echoes around the dark cluster of trees.

‘You can’t outrun a vampire, sweetheart,’ he says in a singsong voice that makes my skin crawl.

Sweat beads across my forehead, sliding down the back of my neck as I run. Skidding to a stop, I see that I’ve reached a spot I can’t get through. Panic swells inside me, fogging my brain.

Think, think, think.

I’m small. Smaller than average. I can do this.

Launching headfirst, I break through a small window of branches and somersault down a short hill. I’m nearly blinded when the dirt flings into my eyes as I fall. Scrambling to my feet, I keep going, despite my legs shaking, and the fact that sticks and leaves are clinging to me, digging into my skin.

I can’t believe that in a matter of minutes – seconds, potentially – there’s a good chance I’m going to be killed. This can’t be it. This can’t be how it ends.

In my research, it talks extensively about their hunting instinct, their quick-thinking, their superhuman speed. There’s no way I’m seriously outrunning him right now. He’s toying with me. The panic eating at my chest is making it hard to breathe and swallow.

‘You think you can win, little human?’ the voice whispers and I swear I can feel his breath on the back of my neck.

I get to a fork in the route, and I fake a right. I dart to the left just as I hear a crash through the branches, exactly where I was heading. Nausea clamps down onto my stomach at the thought of how close he is.

This is too hard, a voice whispers. I can’t beat him.

Yes, you can, Cora’s voice whispers in my mind, urging my feet to keep moving.

If I can stay on this track, I might get close enough to the house to make a run for it. I push myself so hard that everything inside me burns. A dull light pierces through the gap of trees and I propel myself forward.

The vampire drops in front of me, his feet making no noise as he hits the dirt. Gasping, I don’t have time to stop. I slam painfully against him, and it’s like hitting a concrete wall. I go flying backward and he grabs me tight, stopping me from falling. I feel sick from the intense stop-and-go motion.

‘Game over.’ He flashes a leering smile of all teeth.

I fling my arm up and direct the liquid silver straight into his eyes. Alex and I made it ourselves, and I’m pleased to see we must have done it right. The scream that leaves his mouth makes my ears bleed. Blinking rapidly through the sweat and tears, I lunge forward, and run. His fingers wrap around the end of my hair and he yanks me back. I let out a cry as I collide harshly with the ground. He swoops down, snarling angrily.

‘I’m going to make it hurt, bitch,’ he spits, looking like a ferocious beast with those black eyes and long fangs. Terror seizes me in an iron fist, stunting the breath from my lungs.

Gripping my throat in a vice-like grip, he lifts me half-off the ground. His fangs plunge hard into my neck. My scream fills my ears as a pain like no other spreads like poison through my veins. I grip the ice-cold skin of his arm, desperately trying to get him to release me. I bang against his arm, feeling my vision darkening. I reach blindly for the canister of silver, but my fingers grasp empty air.

Every limb of my body goes limp and heavy. My head lolls to the side as he continues to drain everything out of me.

The man is suddenly jerked back. I sag against the ground, drawing in deep, ragged breaths.

Slowly blinking, my eyes heavy, I turn to see another tall figure, dressed in all black. In the darkness, I only see their outlines. He’s tall. Muscular, but lean. Dark, unruly hair, a sharp jawline, and intense silver eyes. Tattoos. Very distinct tattoos.

‘Leave. Now.’ His voice is deep, and laced with a calm authority that rings through the air.

‘You’re going to die, Hunter,’ the vampire roughly growls, his voice hoarse, and harsh.

I’m not hallucinating. It’s really him.

The vampire – my blood coating his mouth – flies toward him. Hunter snakes his hands out, twisting the vampire’s neck quicker than my mind can comprehend. A strangled cry escapes his lips. Hunter pushes his lifeless body to the ground, it lands with a dull thud. Swiftly, Hunter slides a stake from his pocket, his finger wrapped around what looks like a rubber handle. The silver glints for a moment before he plunges it into the vampire’s chest with a sickening squelching sound.

The dead vampire’s unblinking gaze stares ahead, straight at me.

Hunter turns, his silver-grey eyes flick over me.

‘Raya,’ he murmurs. He peers down at me. My heartbeat is so slow, I know death isn’t far.

In a blur of movement, he is crouched beside me, inspecting the gaping wound in my neck. As the adrenaline ebbs out of my body, the weight and pain from the vampire’s attack slowly sinks through. Every part of me burns.

He freezes. Gripping my wrist, he holds it up and inspects it closer.

‘How did you get this?’ he whispers, eyeing the mark on my skin.

Blood spurts from my parted lips when I try to speak and I gurgle, drowning in it. He tenses, watching the blood oozing out. As if shaking himself back into focus, he scoops me up so that I’m on his lap. His fangs slide out and he bites into his wrist. In one fluid movement, his wrist is against my mouth.

Screwing my face up, I rear back from him, shaking my head in repulsion at seeing his blood so close to my face. I want to scream, cry, yell at him, but I can’t do anything.

‘Raya!’ he snaps, making my wild thoughts slow for a moment. ‘We don’t have time for this. Drink.’

The command in his forceful tone pulses through me, and this time when his wrist raises to my lips, I let the warm liquid spill across my tongue. Activating some primal response inside me, I grip him as I swallow deep mouthfuls of his blood. Each swallow, I feel the pain and agony slowly seeping away. I feel stronger with each passing moment.

For the first time in what feels like years, I feel safe. Warm and protected, like nothing could harm me at this moment. I melt into him, seeking his protection, and strength. His grip tightens around me, and the wind I hadn’t noticed before washes over us, whipping my hair around my face.

A pleasant, delightful blend of sunshine and moonlight twists in my mind, ensnaring my senses as a powerful rush fills my body, stealing the breath from my lungs. Everything turns black for a few seconds before the world flickers back to life around me.

Securing my hold on him, I plunge my teeth into him, biting, and sucking with an animalistic severity, feeling greedy, wanting more of this insane high that is coursing through my body, causing me to tremble. Letting out a low hiss, his finger traces patterns up my arm. His hand moves up to the side of my face, where he gently pushes it back at the same time he removes his wrist from my lips.

We stare at each other, both breathing intensely.

My mouth waters at the thought of his blood, and I let out a little whimper, my eyes focusing on his lips. ‘I need more,’ I whisper, reaching for him, threading my fingers through his dark hair.

Closing his eyes, he breathes hard, as if trying not to give in to some sort of battle waging inside himself.

‘Hunter,’ I whisper. ‘More.’

A low groan leaves him, and he drags me toward him. Biting down onto his arm, I drink once more, the flavour exploding through me. Pulling me close, he yanks me from his arm, diving toward my mouth. The kiss is deep and intense, like nothing I have ever experienced. I feel so desperate to be closer, even though there is no space left between us.

His lips drag across my jaw, down to my neck, where his fangs bite into me. I gasp, a pure, electrifying bliss zinging through me.

Our hands move and explore over each other desperately. I have no idea what is possessing me to do this – it’s hardly the right time – but there is something unworldly that has taken over my body.

I grope at him, feeling highly turned on, and horrified at my own actions at the same time.

Reeling back, he slams his mouth to mine, and I grind myself against him. A clap of desire sizzles through me, erupting something inside my body I had no idea was even there. Dots dance across my vision.

‘No!’ Hunter chokes out, wrenching his mouth away, a violent tremor rolling through him, rustling me in his lap. ‘I can’t take blood from you . . . after what just happened.’

Feeling light-headed, I place a hand on him. ‘It’s okay.’

I have no idea what I’m even saying. I should be screaming, crying, trying to get away from him, but instead I am calm, and even a little relaxed. I feel totally safe and comfortable right now, here in his arms.

‘No, it’s not,’ he says, sounding nothing like the Hunter I’ve met before. He looks out of his mind. His eyes are closed as he grapples with getting his breath under control. ‘The blood, it made my judgement cloudy. I’m sorry.’

Breathlessly, I gaze up at him. His chest is rising and falling rapidly. We both sit in a stunned silence, unsure of what to do or say, the high still racing through us at an inhuman speed.

His wide eyes soften as he gazes down at me. Gently, he swipes his thumb across my lower lip. Warmth fills every part of my being. I feel whole. Content. Dreamy.

Hunter’s eyes are a stunning, bright silver, with faint strips of smoky darkness swirling around the iris. A strand of his dark hair falls across his forehead.

Tenderly, he touches the side of my cheek, eyes curious as they roam over every inch of my face. It feels like tiny bolts of electricity are shooting through me with every touch.

‘Who the hell are you?’ he whispers, tilting his head.

‘Nothing. No one.’

His brows crease. ‘A normal human.’

‘As far as I’m aware.’

‘This,’ he says, pointing to my scar. ‘Where did you get this?’

‘A car accident.’

His eyes bore into mine so intensely, I feel like he is trying to look into my soul. A few beats of silence pass as he stares down at it, his expression unreadable, once more.

‘A car accident?’ he repeats slowly.

‘Yes,’ I say breathlessly, still trying to fathom what he is talking about, and why he’s bringing it up right now.

A frown tugs the corners of his mouth, which still has a red stain around it. ‘This is not from a car accident.’

I frown. ‘Yes . . . it is.’

Shifting so that I’m propped more into a seated position, he leans back, and I feel the heat of his gaze all over me.

‘Raya,’ he says, touching my hand. ‘Who are you?’

‘A regular, ordinary human.’

‘So you say.’

‘It’s the truth.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

I blink at him. ‘I’m telling the truth. Why do you think I’m lying?’

Hunter gestures between us. ‘This isn’t normal.’

‘What?’ I say, louder than I intended.

‘I don’t know how to explain it,’ he mutters, shaking his head, his frown increasing. ‘It must be because you were so close to death.’

‘What are you talking about?’ I demand.

Saying nothing, he stands, helping me up. He brings our joined hands toward his face as he stares at them for a moment. I’m not sure if his eyes are on the scar, or our interlocked fingers.

Wow, I feel incredible. Energy flows through my veins, filling me with a strange, surreal sensation that ripples through my body with cool, calm clarity. I quickly adjust my dress, my cheeks flaming at the memory of what we just did to each other. Then, I remember he is a vampire, and I stumble, throwing myself off-balance as my thoughts catch up to me, realising how insane these last few minutes have been. Hunter’s hands are on me, steadying me faster than I can even comprehend.

‘You’re not going to eat me?’ I raise an eyebrow.

‘No,’ he answers, looking baffled.

‘Why not?’

He laughs. It’s rich and velvety, wrapping around me like a warm embrace, brushing across my skin with the faintest of touches. ‘Shouldn’t you be thanking me? For saving your life?’

‘Thanks, I guess,’ I say a little hesitantly, trying to force myself to relax again.

He breathes a soft laugh through his nose. ‘You’re welcome, I guess.’

Blinking, I rub my head. ‘Sorry. I feel super light-headed. I have no words to express how grateful I am for you saving me. Truly.’

‘Why are you in the woods? Haven’t you heard what they say about this place?’ His dark eyebrow arches upward as the corners of his mouth twitches. ‘What people say about us?’

Dusting off the leaves and dirt from my clothes, I inspect myself briefly. I feel good. Strong. Like I could climb a mountain without breaking a sweat.

‘I was cornered.’

‘So you ran for the woods?’ he deadpans.

‘It was the best decision at the time.’ I say, narrowing my eyes, taking a hesitant step back from him. He has no idea what it’s like. I can’t outrun or outweigh a vampire. I had to make a quick decision. Either way, I would have died. If it weren’t for him . . .


‘Your blood. It’s making me feel . . .’ I trail off, holding out my arms in front of me, inspecting them as if they’ve changed somehow, but still keeping a wary eye trained on him for any movements, not that I would probably see him coming anyway.

He leans against a tree, his T-shirt clinging to his chest, showcasing the packed muscle underneath it. When I raise my eyes to meet him, his gaze is already fixed on me, his brows furrowed slightly, a thoughtful expression on his face.

‘Good?’ he supplies.

I nod, still unsure how to feel right now. Other than the warm, floaty feeling blossoming in my chest from his blood – I don’t know whether I should hug the guy for saving my life or run as fast as I can away from him, hoping I make it out alive.

But why would he save you, only to kill you moments later?


‘We aren’t supposed to give humans blood because of this. It’s a high that is very addictive. Especially the amount that you took.’ Running a hand through his windswept hair, Hunter shifts his weight, resting his shoulder against the bark.

‘I see.’ I nod, seeing and feeling the truth of what he just said. I imagine people would do anything to feel like this, especially if their health isn’t good.

‘What were you doing out in the woods?’ I retort, slight suspicion etched into my voice.

‘Walking. I was way, way over there.’ He points in the opposite direction of the party. ‘I heard the commotion.’

‘Were you coming to the party?’ My face flames as I ask the question, unsure why there’s a swelling feeling of hope inside me at the thought of him coming to see me. Coming to the party for me.

Swallowing, I mentally shake myself.

Maybe I really am crazy . . .

A ghost of a smile flickers over his lips. ‘Maybe.’

‘You were, weren’t you?’

‘Yes, Raya. I was coming to the party.’

Interesting. Very interesting.

I smile, looking away for a moment, afraid he can tell what I’m thinking.

‘So, you’re a good vampire?’ I ask, dragging my tongue around the inside of my mouth, tasting his blood. Hunter is watching me, his eyes tracking the movement, and I straighten my spine a little at the intense tingles that ripple through my body.

What the hell? Why did the thought of him watching me make me feel . . . like that? Must be the blood.

‘Is there such a thing?’ he asks quietly.

‘You’d know more than me.’

‘Fair point,’ he replies, a slight smirk tilting his lips.

‘You live here?’ I ask after a moment, not sure what to say right now.

He nods, jutting his chin in the direction behind me. ‘Somewhere over there.’

‘Do you sleep in a coffin?’

He looks alarmed. ‘No.’

‘Damn. That would have been cool.’

He laughs again and it’s just as good as the first time. Hunter pauses, tilting his head. He is suddenly gone, disappearing into thin air. I look around for a moment. Then, he’s back just as fast as he left.

‘Yours?’ he asks, holding out my phone, which is vibrating.

‘Oh. Thanks,’ I say with wide eyes, still trying to comprehend the way he can move that quick.

I take it from him and answer it.

‘Hi, Alex.’ I attempt to sound normal, even though I feel anything but.

‘Where the hell are you?’ he hisses. Music blares in the background, making it difficult to hear him. ‘I’ve been looking everywhere, and you haven’t been answering.’

‘Long story . . .’ I say, glancing at Hunter, realising he can hear every word. ‘I’m coming back. Meet me near the pool.’


It’s silent after I hang up. We awkwardly stare at each other. There’s a strange tug in my chest, urging me to go closer to him, but I refuse to. He takes a step toward me, as if feeling the same thing.

‘Was that your boyfriend?’ he asks in a clipped tone. My stomach does somersaults at the question.

‘Boy who is a friend.’

‘Friends shouldn’t let friends be alone in a town like this.’

‘We planned it to be that way. Now I’m realising what a dumb decision that was.’

He grunts in agreement. Half-turning, I go to head back to the house, but feel a weird sensation rip through me, making me stop. I don’t want to leave him. It must be the blood. It’s making me not think clearly.

‘Hunter?’ I ask, my voice quiet.

He looks at me, his eyes darkening to an inky black which looks creepy as hell but also kind of awesome. His eyes travel over me, making me feel hot all over. The way he stares at me . . . I really do feel like prey, and he is a predator sizing me up. Yet, I don’t fear him. Not like I did with the vampire from earlier. If anything, when he looks at me like that, I feel a little . . . thrill.

‘Why are you so curious about this?’ I ask, holding out my wrist. ‘What does it mean to you?’

He’s silent for a few moments, looking down at the ground before his eyes swivel back to me. ‘It’s my brother’s mark.’