THE COOL WIND WHIPS against my face as I dart along the walkway. Dark, blinking eyes burn in my mind. The cement is faded and patchy, my footsteps echoing as I track, searching everywhere for signs that someone has come through here recently.

We’re not alone. They have been watching us.

‘You better run fast,’ I growl, my voice low and dangerous, my eyes flitting around the dark space, taking in every detail. ‘I’m in no mood to play nice.’

Pausing, I listen, but all I can hear are the soft humming of the lights, murmured conversations behind closed doors, and cars driving across the busy street.

After a moment I’m satisfied that whoever was there is gone now. I consider that maybe I’m being paranoid, but there is always the chance I’m not – and that’s not a chance I’m willing to take.

Striding back to the room, I slip inside, closing the door silently behind me. Raya lays still, her chest rising and falling. Alex obnoxiously snores on the other side of the room. Removing my shoe, I launch it at him. He grunts, tossing me the middle finger before he rolls over and goes right back to sleep.

Sighing, I lean against the wall and resume my mindless counting of the bizarre-shaped patterns scattered across the faded floor. I soon tire of that and rest my head back, letting my eyes drift close. Darkness envelops me instantly.

Soft breathing fans across my earlobe.

‘Give in to the bond,’ a voice whispers. ’You’ll feel so much better if you do.’

Tender, delicate hands slide down my chest, causing a shiver to run up my spine.

‘Give in,’ the voice murmurs. ‘Take me. I’m yours.’

I wake with a jolt, blinking rapidly. Raya blinks back at me from where she sits upright, her legs over the edge of the bed.

‘Sorry,’ she whispers. ‘I didn’t mean to wake you.’ Her voice is an extension of the whispering in my dream, and I feel myself ache with desire.

‘It’s fine. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep.’

As she runs her fingers through her long dark hair, the streak of purple glimmers as it catches the golden morning light slipping through the blinds. She sweeps it back, re-tying it in a knot on the top of her head.

‘We should go get coffee and breakfast,’ she says. ‘Wait . . . Do vampires drink coffee?’


‘Well, at least you will always have white fangs,’ she jokes. I blink at her. She releases an awkward laugh. To be fair, vampires really do have bright, white teeth. ‘Okay. Tough crowd.’

‘Get dressed. We will leave shortly,’ I say curtly, trying not to smile.

Kicking off my other shoe, I throw it at Alex. He grumbles, rolling over and sending a death glare in my direction. ‘Dude, you’re lucky you’re a vamp.’ This time I allow myself to smile as I watch as he stumbles out of bed, tangled in his blanket.

‘I’ve got first dibs on the shower!’ Raya shouts, seeing her advantage as she bolts towards the bathroom and slams the door shut behind her.

I fly across the room, collecting my shoes, and have them back on before I sit down casually on the narrow lounge.

‘Christ,’ he mutters, peering at me through half-closed lids, yawning. ‘Too early for this shit.’

As the bathroom door swings open and Raya walks out, I feel my heart pick up the pace at the sight of her. Dressed in a simple, white dress that hugs her body, delicate spaghetti straps baring her shoulders, it leaves little to the imagination of the amazing body she has underneath. My hands clench at my sides as I take it all in. Licking my lips, I hungrily drink in all her features, noticing that she’s gathered half of her hair up with a pearly white clip, leaving the rest to cascade over her shoulders in waves.

Desire pulses through my body like an electric current, and before I realise what I’m doing, I’m on my feet and edging toward her.

‘Raya,’ I murmur.

‘Hmm?’ she replies, glancing up at me with an eyebrow raised.

Alex scoffs, breaking the spell and I cast my glare towards him. He seems a little smug as he makes a song and dance of gathering his things. ‘You’re a weird dude,’ Alex offers before he trots into the bathroom.

Shaking my head, I clear my throat and take a step back, grateful the surge of lust has faded. Not completely gone, no, that would be too much of a blessing. I’m left with the realisation that I am standing a little too close to Raya.

‘You ready?’ I scowl.

‘Yes . . .’ she trails off, a slight frown darkening her beautiful features.

I exhale sharply and turn my back to her as I move toward the window and lean against the frame. It’s gloomy outside, the sky laden with ominous, dark grey clouds, threatening rain at any moment. The perfect day for me to be out and about.

A few moments later, we’re packed up and filing out the front door, and I direct Raya and Alex to wait at the car while I check us out.

‘Can I drive?’ Alex asks, his voice hopeful as I reappear alongside the car.

‘No.’ I don’t spare him a glance as I unlock the doors.

‘What about me?’ Raya asks.

Pausing, I survey her trying to get a read on how serious she is.

‘Okay legata una, but no speeding,’ I reply, tossing the keys to her.

The smile that sweeps across her face is a sudden, glorious brightness against the dreary day. I turn and shoot a smug look at Alex as he glowers at me. I’m honestly not keen on Raya driving any more than Alex, but I just can’t seem to pass up on an opportunity to mess with him. He just rubs me the wrong way.

‘Prick.’ Alex scoffs, stomping around to the back of the car, dramatically flinging himself inside, and then slamming the door.

I take further joy in the fact that Raya appears completely oblivious to Alex’s sulking as she slides in behind the wheel. ‘Where to?’ she asks excitedly.

‘Depends. Can you manage to actually reach the steering wheel?’ I tease. She sticks her tongue out adorably as she reaches underneath the seat for the lever. It jolts forward abruptly, and I reach out, throwing my arm across the steering wheel as her face heads straight for it. Her forehead smacks into my arm instead and she blinks, a little dazed.


‘Careful,’ I warn.

‘She’s not made of glass, mate,’ Alex pipes up from the back, and a retort is hot on my lips, but I swallow it down, not wanting to expend energy bickering with him.

‘Where are we heading?’ Raya asks, a quickness to her voice that makes me think she’s trying to diffuse any potential bickering.

‘Head out to the highway,’ I reply. ‘We are meeting up with a friend of mine.’

She raises an eyebrow. ‘We are?’

‘Mmhmm.’ I nod. ‘I could use the extra pair of eyes and ears on this quest.’

‘Awesome,’ Alex barks out sarcastically, sinking back into the seat. ‘Another one of you.’

‘How do you know them?’ Raya asks as she starts the car and steers us out of the parking lot.

‘We met a few years back. I ended up meeting him once I grew out of my out-of-control-new-vampire phase. We have been good friends ever since.’

‘That’s nice. What’s his name?’


‘Tell me more about this villain era of yours,’ Alex says, jostling forward, poking his head between the two front seats.


‘Why not?’ I can feel him sulking without having to look at him.

‘I don’t enjoy reminiscing about such things,’ I deadpan.

‘So we’re adding boring to your list of qualities,’ Alex grumbles.

‘Alex,’ Raya hisses, her eyes narrowing into slits as she glares at him through the mirror. ‘Enough.’

I’m almost overwhelmed by the temptation to knock him the fuck out, and I force myself to take a deep breath, stare ahead, and try to relax my shoulders.

‘So, will he be travelling with us?’ Raya asks.


‘I’m looking forward to meeting him,’ she says brightly.

I quickly dismiss the smile trying to work its way onto my face. If I could feel warmth, I’m sure it would spread through my body, oozing through my veins as smoothly and slowly as a spilt pot of honey. Instead, I shift in my seat, and look out the window.

I don’t like these feelings she ignites in me. I don’t want to be attached to her. Or to anyone for that matter.

She should be living the normal life of a teenage girl – even if that meant hanging out with Alex. Getting involved with me – and vampires like Kian – will only end in disaster. The best thing for her to do is forget about all of this and move on with her life. I’m not selfish enough to let the bond ruin both of our lives. I may be tied to her forever, but I don’t expect her to feel the same. A breath of laughter escapes me. Hunter. My name is literally the very creature that I have become, and yet, I am bound to protect this fragile, vulnerable, human girl. How can I be a hero and a villain wrapped up in one being?

The clouds open overhead and rain cascades all around us. The wiper blades squeak across the window, growing more irritating by the second. My phone vibrates against my leg and, thankful for the distraction, I inch it out to find Theo’s name on the screen. Guilt grips my stomach. I hate that I left him behind and wish he would pack up and leave that godforsaken town. But I know he loves it – most vampires do – as it attracts a certain crowd of humans. Ones that are willing to go the extra mile with particular things, since they know, or at least suspect, our kind’s existence.

I want to answer his call, but I don’t know what to say. I’m all too aware of the two sets of human ears in my presence. Besides, I already know Theo’s calling to demand I return home, but I can’t. He doesn’t understand what I’m going through. This damn bond. I am forever tied to this girl. This mortal. That’s partly why I want to see Cas. He has been a vampire for a long time. Maybe he will know how to break the curse placed on us. Though curse doesn’t feel like the right word to use, but in a way, I guess it is. Raya and I are bound to each other now. Her life is forever altered and it isn’t fair on either of us.

A sudden clap of thunder rattles the car and squinting, I peer out the windows. The bad weather looks settled, and I figure it’s going to continue for a few days at best. Stretching my legs in front of me, I clasp my hands together, growing more mind-numbingly bored with each passing moment. At least when I’m driving, it doesn’t seem so bad. With a sigh, I unclasp my hands and reach down for my bag where I rummage for my book.

‘Oh my God.’ Raya giggles.

‘What?’ I turn, an eyebrow raised.

‘You’re reading Dracula.’

‘And?’ I try not to smile, but I can’t help it. I love the sound of her laugh and being the reason for it.

‘A vampire. Reading a book about vampires.’

I roll my eyes. ‘Ha, ha.’

Alex lets out a snort from where he is sitting at the back but I don’t acknowledge it. Raya briefly looks back at him with a grin before facing the front once more.

‘Where are we meeting up with your friend?’ she asks.

‘At his place. We are about an hour away.’

‘Okay,’ she says.

‘I don’t like this,’ Alex mouths to her through the rear-view mirror, clearly not realising that I can detect even the quietest of movements. Idiot.

‘If I was going to kill you, believe me, I would have already,’ I say coldly as I turn and look pointedly at him over my shoulder. I take some satisfaction in the way Alex gulps, his face paling a little.

He nods and remains silent for the remainder of the trip. I’m thankful for this. I really hate it when someone interrupts my reading.

Precisely an hour later, I’m forced to look up from the pages to direct Raya off the highway, and we make our way through Rose Hills. I have visited here a few times, and Cas’s house is so close to the beach. If I was to move again, I would consider coming here, where I could spend every night floating atop the waves and gazing up at the moonlight. Since I don’t need oxygen like a human does, I can actually spend a long time beneath the water. It’s an amazing feeling. A quietness I often crave.

‘Here,’ I say, pointing to a dark grey house. It’s double the size of any of the neighbouring houses with black curtains shielding the tall windows, seeming to cast a dark shadow onto the road in front of it.

‘Creepy,’ Alex mutters.

Raya turns the car into the driveway, cutting the engine.

‘You trust me, right?’ I ask her.

Those green eyes, appearing a soft emerald in the natural light and framed by long, dark lashes, swing to meet mine. Light freckles kiss the tops of her cheeks and for a moment I forget myself.

She is truly stunning.

‘Yes,’ she answers breathily. I can all but hear Alex roll his eyes.

‘You will be safe here. I promise.’


‘And that obviously goes for me too, right?’ Alex leans forward and pokes his head between our seats.

‘Get out of the car,’ I growl and push the door open.

The gloominess of the day matches the aesthetic of Cas’s house. Vine-like plants twist and wrap around the porch, almost consuming the entire railing and looking like snakes slithering across the surface.

The wooden slats of the porch groan beneath our feet as we walk across the porch and I rap my knuckles three times on the matte black door before stepping back. My arm brushes against Raya’s and a sudden spike of electricity surges through me. We both shiver, glancing at each other before looking quickly away. Thankfully, the door opens and Cas stares back at us.

‘Hello, Hunter.’ His lips tilt in a small show of a smile. ‘Welcome, again.’

‘Thank you,’ I say.

He steps back and I gesture for Raya and Alex to walk through ahead of me. I watch as Alex tries to catch Raya’s eye, but she is already inside. He scowls, stalking in after her, his eyes darting wildly around the room as if waiting for something to jump out and grab him. It’s all I can do not to take the bait.

‘Cas,’ I say, holding my hand out. He shakes it. ‘Are you well?’

‘I am.’ He nods, his white-blond hair stylishly messy, his skin smooth ivory, like he hasn’t seen the sun in . . . well, ever. I can’t remember him looking this pale, but it has been a while since I’ve seen him. His cool eyes quickly assess me, and I hate the feeling like he’s taking in every single detail. ‘And you?’

Deciding not to reply, I place a hand on Raya’s shoulder. ‘This is Raya. The girl I was telling you about.’

‘Hello, Raya,’ he greets her in his deep voice which is perfectly designed to lure humans in. It doesn’t seem to have the desired effect on her – the bond most likely hinders the effects of other vampires now – but the quick jerk of Alex’s head as he stares at Cas makes me think he felt it. ‘Nice to finally meet you.’

‘This one,’ I say, gesturing to Alex. ‘I have no use for him. Do as you please.’

A sharp gasp escapes Raya as she whips her round eyes to me. Alex hastily steps back, yanking his knives out of his pockets. I admire his confidence in thinking he can take on two vampires with those measly blades.

‘You brought me a snack, dear friend?’ Cas drawls, a sadistic smirk stretching over his lips. ‘You didn’t need to do that.’

‘My thanks to you,’ I say.

‘You’re a fucking piece of shit,’ Alex spits at me. ‘I knew you were evil.’

‘All vampires are evil, Alex,’ I say. ‘Don’t kid yourself into thinking otherwise.’

‘I didn’t,’ he snarls, continuing to back up, glancing toward Raya, his expression raging with how angry and betrayed he feels knowing she trusts me so easily. The slamming of his heart against his ribcage sends a shiver down my spine, causing the instinct to hunt to rise. The thrill to chase. To feed, even though I know his blood is no good to me.

‘Hunter!’ Raya whispers brokenly. ‘No!’

Cas and I exchange a glance before we burst into laughter. Raya’s eyes almost pop out of her skull, meanwhile Alex sags against the wall as if he was a balloon and someone popped a pin into him.

‘Your faces.’ Cas grins, eyes flash with wild excitement. ‘Priceless.’ Turning to me, he smirks, looking far too satisfied right now. ‘Humans are so easy to toy with.’

‘That’s for being a dick.’ I smirk, moving my eyes back to Alex.

‘I hate you even more now,’ Alex seethes, his face blotchy and red.

I snicker, ignoring the glare Raya is shooting at me. I turn to her and shrug. ‘Sorry. Had to.’

‘Not funny,’ she says, turning to assess the room again.

‘It was a little funny,’ I quip back.

‘It really wasn’t.’ She huffs, but she can’t hide the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

‘Watch your back.’ Alex scowls, shooting daggers to me.

‘I will, big boy,’ I say, yanking him to his feet, and clapping my hand roughly down on his shoulder, making his legs buckle slightly. He furiously shrugs me off and stomps over to stand by Raya’s side. She sighs, shaking her head.

‘Well?’ I say, turning to Cas. ‘Shall we give them a tour?’

Cas turns to the two humans, winking. ‘We shall.’