MY STRONG HAND CURLS around Kian’s arm as I viciously yank him toward me.

Kian uses the momentum to his advantage, spinning towards me before he slams his open palm into my chest. The unexpected force sends me hurtling backwards, falling onto the ground in a heap. I’m completely winded for a moment as I struggle to get to my feet, knowing I have to be as quick as possible to keep up with him but he’s already running.

‘No!’ I roar, the deep, loudness of my voice rattling the air as I take off toward him. ‘Face me like a fucking man!’

Kian’s dry cackle drifts back to me, and my anger intensifies at the sound. I have never met someone as remorseless as this creature. So cold, and empty. A hollow shell of a person, any remnants of his humanity long gone. Assuming he had any to start with. Darting forward as fast I can, I land in front of him, my fangs protruding and ready. I thrust my hand forward, in an attempt to drive it into his chest, but he flattens me before I can touch him.

‘I will kill you,’ I spit, growling as his dark sneer inches closer to me. ‘I will not rest until you’re a corpse in the ground.’

Kian smirks, and it sends a shiver inching down my spine. Never have I seen such a predatory and gleefully cruel expression on another man’s face. He makes a dismissive, guttural sound, like I’m nothing but an inconvenience to him.

Whipping out a knife, he plunges it into the side of my neck. I don’t hesitate as I bring my knee up, slamming into him, and knocking him off me. I claw at the ground trying to get to him, but he is on his feet faster than I can comprehend.

‘This dance has been fun, but I don’t have time for this,’ he tells me, and has the audacity to finger salute me. ‘We shall meet again, Dante. Bring your A-Game, or don’t fucking bother.’

And just like that, he is gone.