Adam’s phone kept going straight to voicemail.

Selena kept calling and calling and calling, hoping and wishing and even praying, but no matter what she kept getting the echo without an answer.

Same for Levi.

Ditto for Corban.

She even tried Kari, not that Selena expected the poor girl to give her the time of day.

What have I done?

And who the hell am I?

Pity could come later. Right now, Selena needed help.

She considered calling Dane. That might be her best play.

Or was it? So far, her judgement had been pointing due south. He’d left clues like breadcrumbs, and she’d been blind to them all.

Right now Selena couldn’t trust herself. So calling Dane was out of the question.

There was someone else she could contact.

So Selena dialed him instead.