adrenal glands, 12
air circulation, 67
Alder Buckthorn, 73–74
allergens, 26–27
amino acids, 42–43
animals, 6–7
antibiotics, 45–46
antipyretics, 45–46, 109–12
apples, 85
armpit, 17–18
arms, 15
arrectores pilorum, 12
artificial fevers, 118–29
hyperthermal baths, 120–26
physical exercise, 126–29
Auber, Édouard, 41
autolysis, 34, 88–90
axillary temperature, 18
bacteria, 25–26
bananas, 85
baths, 120–26
benefits of fevers, 40–48
biological terrain, 27–29, 33, 118–19
Black Elderberry, 111
blood circulation, 9–10, 32, 124
blood vessels, 15
body temperature, ideal, 8
brain, 14
breathing, 9–10
bronchitis, 47
calf wrapping, 81–82
capillaries, 76–77, 123–24
Carton, Paul, 41
castor oil, 73
cells, 27–28
charts, patient, 103–7, 130–32
chronic disease, 47
cleanliness, 69–70
cleansing crisis, 125
cold rubs, 79–81
complementary care, 108–17
control of fevers
creating artificial fevers, 118–29
diet, 87–98
hydrotherapy, 76–86
patient hygiene, 65–75
copper, 116–17
core temperature, 5–6, 14–16
course of fevers, 49–55
dangers of fever, 56–62
delirium, 61
demi-baths, 84
diet, 87–98
fasting versus eating, 87–90
stages during fever, 90–98
digestion, 9–10, 53
dogs, 13
dry wraps, 85–86
ear temperature, 19
eating, 87–90
Echinacea, 113–14
eggs, 96–97
electronic thermometers, 17
elimination, 29, 53–55
end phase, 52–55
enemas, 100–102
Eucalyptus, 111
exercise, 126–29
exhaustion, 26
extended fevers, 37
extracellular fluid, 28–29
fasting, 87–90
as allies, 44–48
benefits of, 40–48
causes of, 25–27
classification of, 24–25
complementary care for, 108–17
course of, 49–55
creating artificial fevers, 118–29
dangers of, 56–62
individual needs and, 103–7
kinds of, 35–39
process of, 30–35
See also control of fevers
fish, 97
fluids, cellular, 27–29
fluid stage, 95–96
fruit juice, 93
funguses, 25–26
germs, 35–36, 37, 38, 44
glycogen, 88
gold, 116–17
goose bumps, 12
gradual fevers, 36
grains, 85
hair erector muscles, 12
headaches, 61–62
heart, 15, 33, 125–26
heat, 8
body’s production of, 9–10
loss of, 11
herbal teas, 69, 92, 122
high-grade fevers, 35–36, 57–58
Hippocrates, 103–4
homeothermia, 5–7
human body
heat loss and, 11
homeothermia and, 5–7
production of heat, 9–10
regulation of temperature, 11–13
hydration, 67–69
hydrotherapy, 76–86
encouraging fever, 84–86
reducing fever, 78–84
hygiene, 65–75
air circulation, 67
cleanliness, 69–70
hydration, 67–69
intestinal cleansing, 72–75
intestinal drainage, 99–102
movement, 70–72
rest, 66–67
hyperthermal baths, 120–26
hyperthermia, 22–24
hypothalamus, 12
hypothermia, 22
illness, as defensive reaction, 29–30
immune system, 112–17
individual needs, 103–7
inner ear cavities, 17–18
intermittent fevers, 38–39
intestinal cleansing, 72–75, 99–102
intestines, 9
intracellular fluid, 28–29
juices, 93
kidneys, 15, 33
K lymphocytes, 31
laxatives, 73–75
legs, 15
length of fever, 58–59
Linden, 111
liquid stage, 91–94
liver, 9, 15, 33
lizards, 6–7
low-grade fevers, 35–36
lukewarm demi-baths, 84
lymphatic system, 32
macrophages, 31, 113
magnesium chloride, 115–16
mallow, 74
mammals, 6–7
manifestation of fever, 50–52
Marchesseau, Pierre Valentin, 41–42
Meadowsweet, 110–11
measuring body temperature, 16–20
meat, 97
metabolism, 12, 32–33
microbial infections, 25–27, 30–34
mild fevers, 24–25
milk, 93
moderate fever, 24–25
mouth, 17–18
movement, 70–72
natural hyperthermia, 23–24
one-quart enema, 101–2
onset period, 49–50
oral temperature, 18
overeating, 26
pain, 60
pancreas, 9, 15
parasites, 26, 38–39
Passbecq, André, 41
pathological hyperthermia, 23–24. See also fevers
patient charts, 103–7, 130–32
peripheral temperature, 14–16
perspiration, 13, 52–53, 69–70, 124–25
phagocytosis, 31
physical activity, 9–10, 126–29
pimples, 53
plateaus, fever, 36–37
Platen, M., 41
pneumonia, 47
poikilothermia, 6–7
proteins, 42–43, 91–92, 96–98
pyrotherapy techniques, 42–43
quartan fevers, 39
quart enemas, 101–2
rectal douches, 100–101
rectal temperature, 18–19
rectum, 17–18
recurring fevers, 37–38
relapsing fevers, 38–39
remission, fever without, 58–59
respiration, 12
respiratory tract, 53
rest, 66–67
Roman Chamomile, 111
salicylic acid, 109–10
saliva, 53
saunas, 23
severe fevers, 24–25
Shelton, Herbert M., 42
short fevers, 37
silver, 116–17
skin, 53, 76–77, 124–25
solid food stage, 96–98
spasms, 60–61
spleen, 15
spring water, 92
starches, 85
stomach, 9, 14–15
strong fever, 24–25
sudden fevers, 36
sweat, 13, 52–53, 69–70, 124–25
Sydenham, Thomas, 40–41
tap water, 92
teas, 69, 92, 122
core temperature, 14–16
homeothermia and, 5–7
measuring, 16–20
peripheral temperature, 14–16
regulation of, 11–13
variations in, 21–23
thermal baths, 43
thermometers, 16–20
thyroid, 12
tiertian fevers, 39
T lymphocytes, 31
torso bathing suits, 82–84
toxins, 28–29, 33–34, 51–52
trace elements, 116–17
urination, 52
variations in temperature, 21–23
varicose veins, 126
vegetable broth, 92–93
vegetable juice, 93
vinegar, 82
viruses, 25–26
vitality, 35
vitamin C, 114
water, 67–69, 92
White Willow, 110
wrapping the calves, 81–82