The four elements of astrology (fire, earth, air, and water) are the basic building blocks of all material structures and organic wholes. Each element represents a basic kind of energy and consciousness that operates within each of us.
Our world is comprised of four fundamental energies, or “elements,” that are the building blocks of life. When astrologers speak of the elements, they aren't referring to the scientific table of elements; they mean the archetypal modes of experience that are inherent in all things. Although these four elements—fire, earth, air, and water—exist physically, for the purposes of this book, I am more concerned with their vibrational natures than their material ones.
From the magick worker's point of view, everything resonates with the energetic patterning of one or more of the elements. We are composites of the elemental energies contained in our birth charts. The zodiac signs, which we talked about briefly in the previous chapter, can be grouped according to the four elements; we'll discuss these more fully in Chapter 8.
The four elements are essential ingredients in the practice of magick as well as astrology. We see them depicted in the tarot and in the tools magicians use in rituals and spellwork (which we'll discuss in chapter 5).
In medieval medicine, we see representations of these elements in the four humours, where they corresponded to personality types and physical constitutions: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic. In Jungian psychology, the elements appear as the four character types: intuition, sensation, thinking, and feeling. Some people associate the four Christian gospels and Buddhism's Four Noble Truths with the four elements.
According to astrologer Stephen Arroyo in his book Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements, “The four elements are not merely ‘symbols’ or abstract concepts, but rather they refer to the vital forces that make up the entire creation that can be perceived by the physical senses … The elements are therefore not only the foundation of astrology and all occult sciences, but they comprise everything we can normally perceive and experience.” Indeed, as you read on, you'll begin to realize how the elements are integrally connected and powerfully expressed in every area of life on earth.
Because magicians are concerned with shaping the forces of heaven and earth to create desired results, they attempt to attune themselves with the four elements and understand how these energies operate in both the physical and nonphysical realms. You, too, will benefit from gaining a deeper knowledge of these forces and how they operate in our everyday lives and in the universe.
We can begin to understand the essence of the fire element when we look at its celestial counterpart, the sun. This heavenly body provides the lifegiving warmth and light we need to survive on earth. Without the sun's fiery energy, nothing on our planet would thrive. In an esoteric sense, fire represents the creative spirit that enlivens form, initiates action, and sparks imagination. According to Kelynda in her book The Crystal Tree, fire is “the life force that drives all things to grow, flower, reproduce, and die.”
Active, outer-directed, and dynamic, fire symbolizes the raw, undiluted masculine, or yang, power present in the cosmos. The fire element underlies combat, sports, sexual passion, artistic inspiration, and acts of courage. People with an abundance of fire energy in their birth charts are assertive, daring, independent, self-centered, outgoing, optimistic, impulsive, impractical, idealistic, and visionary.
Fire magick may involve physical fire, such as the fertility fires at Beltane rites (see chapter 9), or the element's spiritual, symbolic qualities—or both. Because fire is associated with inspiration and creativity, artists can benefit from using fire magick to enhance their talents or promote themselves and their work. You can channel the element's stimulating properties to increase your vitality, help you overcome obstacles, bolster self-confidence and courage, or heighten desire. Fire is also associated with purification, so spells, rituals, and practices that involve destruction and regeneration often tap the energy of this element.
The most common fire spells involve candles. Every time you light a candle during a ritual or spell, you invite the fire element into your work. The same holds true when you build a fire during a sabbat ritual, such as burning a Yule log on the winter solstice. Other types of fire magick include the following:
The ground beneath our feet, which provides us with a stable foundation and nourishment, is an apt symbol for the earth element. The earth nurtures and supports us—Mother Earth is our home, the source from which we evolved and to which we owe our continued sustenance. According to mythology, our physical bodies were formed from her, and many cultures personify our planet as a goddess, including Gaia in Greek legends and Pachamama in the folklore of the indigenous people of the Andes.
We connect this element with security, permanence, structure, the physical body, and the material realm. Earth is the element of form—it embodies spirit and makes it manifest. Earth is one of two elements that symbolizes the feminine, or yin, principle. We see earth energy functioning in processes that involve planning and gradual development—the growth of plants, the construction of buildings, the day-to-day operation of a business or financial endeavor. People whose birth charts feature many planets in earth signs tend to be practical, sensual, stubborn, traditional, cautious, dependable, and methodical.
Farmers, gardeners, horticulturists, geologists, and others who work with the land and plants can benefit from using earth magick. Our ancestors “blessed” the land on Beltane by engaging in sex outdoors, a form of sympathetic magick believed to increase the earth's fertility.
Because we connect the earth element with money and material goods, prosperity spells often harness earth energy. Healing spells that call upon this element to strengthen, support, or provide comfort in physical ways also fall into the category of earth magick. So do spells for protection, security, and stability.
Earth spells may include physical matter that evoke the earth, such as soil, salt, stones, or plants, or the element's spiritual, symbolic qualities—or both. The most common earth spells involve crystals and gemstones, though working with the energy of plants is also popular. Earth magick includes:
The air element encompasses the mental plane, ideas, language, and abstract thought. In Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements, astrologer Stephen Arroyo interprets air as “the world of archetypal ideas behind the veil of the physical world.” Like the wind, which is an appropriate symbol for this element, air is changeable and without form, restless and impossible to contain.
Our thought-feeling forms are like seeds that, when projected into the universe, take root in the energetic matrix that links us with everything else in the cosmos and eventually grow into material forms. Therefore, one of the first and most important things we must learn in magick work is to discipline our minds. Random, careless thoughts and idle statements can affect us as well as others. The more focused and impassioned our thoughts and words are, the more power they have.
A masculine, or yang, force, air is an outer-directed and active element. A distinctly “human” energy, the air element is present in most of our interpersonal exchanges and all forms of communication. Just as seeds and pollen are picked up by the wind from one place and carried to another where they take root and grow, ideas spread and germinate among people via language and commerce—both air sign activities. Notice the zodiac symbols for the air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—are not animals, like most of the other signs.
Individuals with an abundance of air energy in their birth charts are mentally oriented, sociable, talkative, inquisitive, detached, changeable, inventive, and often impractical. They live in a world of ideas, which may or may not translate into material realities. Yet their thoughts sow the seeds for future growth—thus they serve as intellectual avatars who inspire developments that benefit the rest of us.
We employ the air element in virtually all magick work, for it signifies the power of thought and the imagination. The spoken word plays a role in many spells and rituals too—we use affirmations, incantations, prayers, and other verbal and written spells to tap into this elemental energy in magick work. Because air involves interpersonal relationships, you can use air magick to improve your connections with other people.
Affirmations are short, succinct phrases that describe the condition or result you seek. They're stated in a positive way, in the present tense as if the desired result already exists. Here's an example: “I am happy, healthy, and fulfilled in all areas of my life.”
An incantation is an affirmation set to rhyme. The catchy phrasing and rhythm make it easy to remember. An example might be: “My life is rich in every way/I am grateful every day.”
Other examples of air magick include the following:
If you've lost touch with someone or would like to apologize, air magick can bridge the gap and restore communication between you via psychic channels on the spirit plane.
Emotions, dreams, mystery, intuition, and imagination belong to the water element. Like its physical counterpart, water is fluid and ever changing. And like the sea, its energy can be calm or turbulent—it may buoy us along or engulf us. The water element connects us with other people and allows us to respond to stimuli in our environment. It also nurtures us both physically and spiritually, for without water, much of life on earth would cease to exist. Astrologer Liz Greene in Star Signs for Lovers writes, “The element of water, astrologically, is the most enigmatic of all the elements … furthest from the rational realm.”
Water is one of two elements that symbolize the feminine, or yin, principle. People whose birth charts contain an abundance of water signs are sensitive, impressionable, intuitive, reclusive, compassionate, changeable, imaginative, and impractical.
Because we connect intuition and emotion with water, this element is present in most magick work. Sometimes water magick involves actual water or other liquids. Concocting potions, teas, and brews is the most common form of water magick. Channeling and divination are also magickal practices that utilize the water element.
The element of water is present in emotions and relationships, so water magick can be effective in love spells. Water magick can benefit artists, musicians, healers, and people who want to enhance their creative or intuitive abilities. We associate water with cleansing; therefore it is often used for purification practices. Other types of water magick include the following:
The four elements appear with regularity in our dreams. A dream about fire usually represents the life force or desire. Consider the form in which fire appears and how it relates to other symbols in the dream. A cozy flame crackling in the fireplace suggests warmth, comfort, and nurturing, but a blazing inferno could mean your passions are raging out of control—especially if your house (a symbol of your life) is burning up.
The earth element can represent various things, depending on the form it takes in your dream and its relationship to you as well as the other dream symbols: your foundation (the ground under your feet), nurturing and sustenance (the land from which crops grow, Mother Earth), or physicality and the material realm. Is the earth in your dream rich and fertile? Arid and barren?
Dreams about the air element may involve flying or being “up in the air” on a high building, bridge, or cliff. Air is related to mental activity, so if you dream of flying in an airplane or soaring through the sky under your own power like a bird, it may mean you feel detached from the material realm, your body, and physical sensation. A gentle breeze could symbolize the presence of new ideas; a hurricane might indicate that you feel overwhelmed by mental demands.
A lake, river, ocean, or swimming pool in a dream represents your emotions. The condition of the water describes your emotional state and/ or how you feel about expressing emotion. Is the water clear and inviting? Murky, turbulent, or cold? Are you swimming in it happily, letting the water buoy you up? Are you afraid to take the plunge? Do you feel you are “in over your head” or that the undertow is pulling you down?
Recording these dream experiences and symbolism in your grimoire can help you track what's going on in your life and your psyche at any given time. You may also notice connections between astrological cycles and your dreams.
Even though you may not actually see them, nonphysical entities known as elementals share our world with us. Fairy tales often mention them, but don't dismiss them as mere fantasies. Sometimes they're considered nature spirits; however, I like to think of them as ambassadors from the four elements—fire, earth, water, and air. They manage, protect, and use the properties of the elements with which they're associated, and live in the physical representations of their respective elements.
Elementals can help you connect with the forces in nature and bring those energies to bear in your spells and rituals. Remember, though, that elemental beings don't live by the same ethics we do. In fact, they tend to be amoral and can play tricks or even harm you if you don't treat them with respect. Take them seriously. Speak courteously to them. And always thank them for their assistance.
According to the Renaissance-era philosopher and physician Paracelsus, salamanders move across the land like balls of fire or burning waves. Some people with sensitive sight say these fire spirits actually resemble lizards, and in folklore they may show up as dragons or other fire-breathing creatures. Thomas Bulfinch, in Bulfinch's Mythology, mentions cloth woven from salamander hair that wouldn't burn. If you look closely, you might see them dancing in a candle flame or ritual fire.
As emissaries from the realm of fire, salamanders can help you tap the fire element in spells for courage, passion, enthusiasm, or vitality. You could call upon them to give you an extra edge in any type of competition or to turn up the heat in a romantic relationship. In protection spells, they can serve as warrior-guardians—think of those Gothic gargoyles perched on castle walls to scare away invaders.
Folklore depicts gnomes as trolls, elves, dwarfs, or leprechauns. Remember the little guys in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? As earth spirits, they oversee metals, crystals and gemstones, and plants. Their name comes from the Latin word genomus, meaning “earth dweller,” and legend says they make their homes in caves or underground burrows where they stash gold, precious stones, and other forms of treasure. As keepers of the earth, gnomes ensure our planet's stability and fertility. They're a gardener's favorite helper, which is why we often see statues of them nestled in flowerbeds.
If you win the gnomes’ favor, they'll aid you in prosperity magick; they have a keen appreciation for wealth and material goodies. These hardworking, practical elementals can help with establishing boundaries, stabilizing business and financial matters, or strengthening your determination in the face of daunting tasks. You can also call on them for assistance in spells for security, protection, and abundance of all kinds.
Undines are spirits that reside in all of earth's waterways. The most famous undines in folklore are mermaids. We usually think of them as looking like beautiful young women with scaly fish tails, although legends describe them in many ways, from tiny creatures with blue-green skin to seal-like Irish selkies. The ancient Greeks categorized undines according to the type of water they inhabited—saltwater or fresh, oceans, lakes, rivers, wells, or fountains. (See my book Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, and Lore for information about undines throughout history.)
Undines care for all water on our planet as well as marine life. Like the sea itself, undines can quickly shift from gentle to tempestuous, especially if they feel unappreciated. If you sit quietly beside a lake or stream, you may be able to see them as swirling forms or large, flattish bubbles on the water's surface.
These beautiful beings are sensitive and responsive to emotional situations, so you can call upon them to assist you in doing love spells. Undines will also work with you in creative endeavors—they appreciate beauty, art, and music. Invite them to join you in a ritual bath or other purification practice. They can also heighten your intuition and imagination.
Throughout history, people around the world have been fascinated by mermaids, water nymphs, and other types of undines. Seafarers made offerings to them to solicit their aid and protection. Although we don't know why so many people have seen them, it could be that shifts in atmospheric conditions or energetic patterns—or an expansion of an individual's perception—may cause these mysterious entities to become visible temporarily.
Sylphs hail from the element of air, and folklore often depicts them as diminutive winged beings soaring on the winds. Most likely sylphs are responsible for the image we usually hold of fairies. Sometimes they appear as tiny sparkling lights, like fireflies. Their name comes from the Greek silphe, which means “butterfly.” They manipulate the winds, aid us in breathing, and clean up air pollution.
As emissaries of the air element, sylphs can help you with any type of communication or intellectual endeavor. One way to connect with them is through practicing yogic breathing techniques. Invite them to assist you in creating affirmations and incantations, and they'll gladly lend their energy to spoken or written spells. Want to ace a test, finish your novel, or negotiate a favorable contract? Ask the sylphs for guidance.
It's important to stay on the elementals’ good side—so don't underestimate their ability to do good or ill. Behave respectfully toward them. Give them gifts to acknowledge their assistance. Light red or gold candles to honor the salamanders. Bury a piece of flashy costume jewelry to show gratitude to a gnome. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil in a body of water to thank the undines. Set a vase of fresh flowers on your altar to please the sylphs. Above all, treat everything in nature with kindness, reverence, and consideration.