Sun and Moon are the two most intimate planets in their relationship with Earth. They form the archetypal couple, bride and bridegroom, mother and father of the human race.


For us earthlings, the two most important heavenly bodies are the sun and the moon. These two engage in an ongoing dance with each other and with our planet. The movements in the dance determine the changing seasons, the oceans’ shifting tides, human and animal reproductive cycles, and crop growth, and they influence pretty much everything else on earth.

Astrologers call the sun and moon “lights,” with the sun being the “greater light” and the moon the “lesser light.” We also consider the sun an embodiment of the masculine energetic or yang force in the universe and the moon an embodiment of the feminine or yin force. Paired for eternity, they also represent the God and the Goddess in some spiritual and magickal traditions.

The Sun


From an astrological perspective, the sun is the supreme figure in a birth chart, the primary indicator of an individual's personality, sense of self, identity, and mode of expression in the world. Astrologer Liz Greene says the sun “symbolizes the urge to be yourself.”

If you believe in reincarnation, you could think of the sun as the symbol of the “present you,” the person you are right now, in this lifetime. In the birth chart, it also shows your role in this incarnation, how you envision yourself, how you want others to see you, what you aspire to be and achieve—your dharma, so to speak. It also represents your outer self, the side you express in public.

The sun's energy—astrologically as well as physically—is usually felt to be life-enhancing, vitalizing, beneficial, and uplifting. For the most part, we are comfortable with the qualities and characteristics associated with our sun signs. Even the so-called “negatives” don't bother us too much. If you meet someone whose sun makes a favorable connection with your birth chart, you'll probably feel positively disposed toward that person; he or she will tend to bring out the best in you.

Countries and cities also have sun signs, which show how they view and express themselves, what they value, how they conduct their affairs, where they're likely to invest their energy and resources, how they interact with other nations, and much more. For instance, the sun in the United States’ chart is in Cancer (based on the signing of the Declaration of Independence as the time of the nation's birth). The US displays interests and concerns associated with Cancer, such as an emphasis on home and family, national security, acquisition of money and property, and clan identification. It also exports more food than any other country. When a country or city undergoes a major change, such as a merger, restructuring, revolution, or even “upgrading” from a town to a city, its birth chart changes too.

The Sun in Magickal Work

Because the sun's vibration is outgoing, invigorating, and expansive, it can augment magick that involves growth, self-expression, and most outer-world activities. Solar energy is usually considered positive, an asset in nearly any endeavor. Tap this celestial power to help you get a job, increase your prosperity, improve your public image, spark your creativity, aid business ventures, or strengthen your physical condition.

If your intention is to encourage growth, perform magick between the winter solstice and the summer solstice, when the sun's light is increasing. If you want to limit or decrease some facet of your personal or professional life, such as curbing spending or reducing your responsibilities, do spells between the summer solstice and the winter solstice when the sun's light is decreasing.

Each sign lends its unique color and characteristics to spellwork too. The following list offers some suggestions for utilizing the sun's energies—in your personal life and in your magick work—while the sun is in each of the twelve zodiac signs:

It's natural to want to come to the aid of someone who is experiencing difficulty—a physical illness, financial problems, a broken heart. But sometimes even well-meaning intentions may be incorrect in a particular situation. There are reasons for the difficulties we face, and life's challenges are often learning opportunities in disguise. Because we might not know why a particular difficulty has presented itself, we should not attempt to do magick for another person unless he or she requests our help. Even then, we should ask that person's higher self if our assistance is appropriate before we act.

The Moon


The moon reflects the sun's light, shining only through its interaction with another luminary. This is an apt image for the moon's role in astrology, for this celestial body is associated with close personal relationships and family ties. If you meet someone whose moon forms a harmonious connection with your own, you'll probably feel a positive emotional and/or intuitive link with that person. He or she nourishes and supports you at an inner level. A person whose sun is in the same sign as your moon may illuminate your inner self, complementing and fulfilling you.

Although a positive sun connection between two people suggests they can work together well, a conjunction, sextile, or trine between two individuals’ moons is a better indication that they can get along in a close personal relationship (e.g., family, a romantic partner, a good friend).

The moon symbolizes the past—your early childhood experiences, your heritage, your previous incarnations, and karma. Its placement in your birth chart shows how you give and receive nurturing as well as what makes you feel secure and comfortable. The moon also influences your physical body, which is a product of both nature and nurture.

Emotions, intuition, instincts, and the unconscious are governed by the moon. As the moon travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac every twenty-eight days, it briefly highlights the different parts of your birth chart in the process, triggering emotional responses to people and situations in your life. If your natal moon is in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, you're probably quite sensitive and may be especially aware of emotional shifts in response to the moon's passage through the signs.

In a birth chart, the position of the moon represents your mother—how you perceive her and your relationship with her—as well as your ideas about motherhood. If you have siblings, each of you will describe and interact with your mother in ways that are consistent with your individual moon signs, and your perceptions may be markedly different.

We can easily see how the moon's phases affect earthly affairs. During full moons, for example, the tides are generally higher than at other times of the month. Many people feel energetic or stimulated when the moon is full. Conversely, new moons tend to be low-energy periods when we seem less vigorous or enthusiastic. Whether your objectives are mundane or magickal, your efforts are more likely to succeed if you coordinate them with the moon's cycles.

The Moon in Magickal Work

Because the moon represents the archetypal feminine, its energy is well suited to magick work that involves love relationships, home and family matters, fertility/pregnancy issues, divination, intuition, or strengthening your feminine side (regardless of your sex). The moon also affects the natural world, which is why its cycles are important in farming and animal husbandry. Since 1792, the Farmer's Almanac has provided information about moon phases and eclipses to aid gardeners.

Goddess-oriented spiritual traditions honor the moon as an embodiment of the divine feminine. In the Wiccan ritual known as drawing down the moon, a high priestess invokes the Goddess into herself and becomes a vehicle through which the deity speaks.

You can utilize lunar phases in virtually any type of magickal work. In fact, many magicians—especially Wiccans—time spells and rituals according to the moon's cycle. The moon's waxing and waning periods signify growth and decline in the material world.

New Moon

The new moon initiates a new cycle and thus corresponds to beginnings. Try to wind up projects or activities before the new moon, and then initiate new endeavors that you want to grow as soon as the moon begins to wax again. Now is the time “plant seeds” (e.g., cast a spell to attract new love or get a new job). If you want to start a family, this is an ideal time to do fertility magick. Pay attention to the sign in which the moon is positioned too. Consider doing love spells when the moon is in Libra, money spells when the moon is in Taurus, career spells when the moon is in Capricorn, and spells for home and family matters when the moon is in Cancer.

Waxing Moon

The waxing moon promotes growth. Therefore, you'll want to do spells that involve increase during the two weeks between the new and full moon. This is the best time for prosperity spells. Also perform spells and blessings to help a business thrive, to increase happiness in a love relationship, or to boost your creativity and output during the waxing moon. As the moon grows in light, so will your endeavors. Pay attention to the sign in which the moon is positioned too. A Sagittarian moon, for example, supports travel spells; a Scorpio moon can aid you in matters involving someone else's money; an Aries moon can increase your vitality and chances of success in a competition.

Full Moon

The full moon is a time of culmination. Thus, it brings to fruition things you initiated at an earlier time. The bright glow of the full moon also sheds light on situations, so you can see what's happening with matters that may have been hidden or unclear before. On the full moon, perform magick that involves fullness, completion, or illumination. Do spells for recognition, success in love or business, or prosperity. Marriage rites and celebrations to honor accomplishments are also in harmony with the full moon's nature. Pay attention to the sign in which the moon is positioned too. A Leo moon can bring you influence or recognition. A Pisces moon can attract attention to an artistic endeavor. A Gemini moon can help you in a speaking engagement or job interview.

Waning Moon

The two-week period between the full and new moon is an advantageous time to do things that involve reduction and limits: start a diet, clean out closets, prune shrubs, or end a relationship. As the moon's light decreases, so will whatever you begin at this time. Do magick that involves decrease or letting go, such as blocking an enemy, breaking old bonds, or eliminating unwanted habits. Pay attention to the sign in which the moon is positioned too. A Capricorn moon can help you reduce responsibilities at work; a Virgo moon can encourage weight loss; an Aquarian moon can assist you in limiting demands made by friends and groups.

Void of Course Moon

Each month for a period ranging from a few minutes to a few days, the moon is “void of course” from the time it makes its last aspect to another planet while in a particular zodiacal sign until it enters the next sign. (You'll have to check an ephemeris to determine when these periods are in effect.) Things begun during these disjointed periods of astrological “limbo” are unlikely to come to fruition—so this is definitely not a favorable time to perform magick!

Eclipsed Moon

Eclipses are particularly powerful celestial events, which can be advantageous or disadvantageous for working magick. Generally speaking, solar eclipses favor lunar practices and moon-related magick, because the sun's light is blocked. Lunar eclipses support solar activities and sun-oriented magick, because the moon's light is blocked.

Eclipses often act as catalysts, prompting actions or insight. If you begin something during an eclipse, you'll witness further developments related to it with each subsequent eclipse. For example, if you start a romantic relationship during an eclipse, you might discover something important about your partner, decide to deepen your commitment, or break up under future eclipses.

As you might expect, the signs in which the sun and moon are positioned during an eclipse color your experiences. If, for instance, the sun and moon are in Aquarius during a solar eclipse, issues related to freedom or equality may arise. If Cancer and Capricorn are involved in a lunar eclipse, you may have to deal with situations concerning balancing home and family with a career. In her book The Eagle and the Lark, Bernadette Brady discusses eclipse cycles in depth and interprets the specific meanings of each eclipse.