The celestial bodies are the cause of all that happens in this sublunary world, they act indirectly on human actions; but not all the effects produced by them are unavoidable.
Astrologers believe the heavenly bodies and their movements through the sky influence everything that happens here on earth. Some of these influences are readily apparent—earth's changing relationship to the sun creates the different seasons; the moon's phases affect the tides. Mercury's retrograde cycles often cause communication difficulties, delays, problems with computers, and mix-ups in general. The actions of the other planets may be less obvious to the untrained eye, but they are nonetheless significant. For example, in the mid-1990s Pluto's entrance into Sagittarius—the sign of expanded knowledge and international communication—led to the creation of the Internet.
Each planet possesses a unique, distinctive energy, and each plays a special role in the cosmic plan. We respond to these energies inwardly and outwardly, even if we don't always recognize we're doing it. Once you become familiar with planetary energies, however, you can use them to enhance your magick work and facilitate personal growth. By tracking the planets’ cycles through the heavens, you can predict events in your own life and in the outer world.
In mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods. In astrology, this planet's role is similar: it rules communication, thinking, and many mental processes, as well as short trips. Mercury's position in your birth chart shows how you acquire and process information, how you exchange ideas with others, and your attitude toward intelligence, education, and language (but not how smart you are). Because communication and transportation are key ingredients in business, we also associate Mercury with commerce. Mercury rules the hands and is an indicator of manual as well as verbal dexterity.
If you meet someone who has Mercury in the same sign as you do, the two of you will “speak the same language.” In most instances, you should be able to communicate well with someone whose sun is in the same sign as your Mercury. Mercury's passage through your birth chart may stimulate periods of learning, travel, or sharing ideas and information either verbally or in writing.
Mercury rules the signs Gemini and Virgo. Astrologers also consider the planet well placed in Libra and Aquarius because mental activity is connected with these air signs.
Because Mercury rules speech and thinking, it plays a role in most magick work. You tap Mercury's energy whenever you use affirmations, incantations, chants, or consciously created thought-forms. If you are doing magick that involves travel, communication, job hunting, business deals, or contracts and negotiations, working with this planet's energy can be beneficial. You can also connect with Mercury in these ways:
Every four months or so, for approximately three weeks, Mercury goes retrograde. During these periods, the planet appears to be moving backward in its orbit around the sun. Mercury's retrograde cycles can cause confusion, mistakes, delays, and difficulties with communication (and communication equipment). Obviously, these are not ideal times to do magick because your objectives may not be clear, you might not formulate or communicate your intentions accurately, or you could make mistakes or run into unforeseen complications. Sometimes spells don't work out as planned or results take longer to materialize than you expected.
On the positive side, retrograde periods can be advantageous for finding lost objects or reconnecting with people you haven't seen in a while. These are also good times to develop your intuitive processes, nurture your emotional/feeling side, go on a spiritual retreat or vision quest, or do past-life work.
Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In astrology, the planet presides over these areas too. Along with the moon, it symbolizes feminine energy. In a man's birth chart, Venus represents his ideal lover; in a woman's chart, the planet describes her image of herself and her own femininity. Venus governs relationships of all kinds, but especially romantic ones. Its position in your birth chart shows how you give and receive love, what you want and value in relationships, and how you attract other people to you.
Someone whose Venus makes a positive contact with your Venus is likely to engender affectionate feelings in you. Strong astrological connections involving this planet usually exist between lovers and spouses, but they are also important in business partnerships because Venus promotes harmony, cooperation, and ease.
This planet also governs the arts, and it is usually prominent in the charts of creative people. Its movement through the birth chart inspires imagination, creative output, and an appreciation of the finer things in life. Venus is linked with money and resources, too and can have a positive impact on your finances. Considered a “benefic” by astrologers, Venus focuses good vibrations into any area it touches, bathing that part of your life in a rosy glow. However, it has an indulgent, vain, and lazy side, so extravagance can be problematic with this planetary energy.
Venus rules the signs Taurus and Libra. Astrologers also consider the planet well placed in Cancer and Pisces because these water signs are associated with emotion, compassion, and sensitivity toward others.
Not surprisingly, Venusian energy figures strongly in love spells. Venus also lends its power to magick involving relationships of all kinds, professional as well as personal. This planet can help you make a favorable impression on other people and attract individuals who benefit you socially and/or financially. Tap its energy if you are looking for a job or seek support for a business venture, or when you're doing prosperity magick. When Venus is retrograde, however, confusion, mix-ups, reversals, and/or delays may occur in situations involving love or money. (Check an ephemeris for the dates when these cycles are in effect.) You can also connect with Venus in these ways:
Like the Roman war god, the planet Mars is connected with aggression, competition, and vitality. Its dynamic force can express negatively as anger, violence, selfishness, and cruelty, or positively as independence, assertiveness, strength, and bravery. Mars symbolizes the archetypal male energy in the cosmos. In a man's chart, it describes his image of his own masculinity; in a woman's chart, Mars represents her ideal man. Your desires are indicated by Mars, and its position in the birth chart suggests how you go after what you want in life. Also associated with sex, it shows how you express sexuality as well as what excites you.
If you meet someone whose Mars contacts planets in your chart, you'll probably find the person stimulating. Whether you experience this stimulation as energizing or stressful, motivating or annoying depends on the connection. Strong Mars links are often found between the charts of lovers, sparking a powerful sexual attraction, but they also turn up in enemies’ charts.
Martian energy can bolster your self-confidence, prompting you to take action, be decisive, assert yourself, and face up to fears. Tap this planetary force when you need extra vitality or courage. Mars often occupies a prominent place in the charts of athletes, and its raw power can be an asset in many physical activities. However, this planet also has an impulsive, disruptive, arrogant side that can sometimes produce accidents or conflicts.
Mars rules the sign Aries. Astrologers consider Mars also well placed in the fire signs Leo and Sagittarius, which allow the planet to express its active, assertive, outer-oriented energy comfortably.
Mars gets involved in sex magick and love spells when sexual passion is a key component in the relationship. Tap this planet's fearless, forceful nature when confronting dangerous situations, adversaries, challenges, or obstacles. If you need extra energy or strength, Mars can be an asset. This planet aids sexual problems resulting from diminished libido, exhaustion, poor self-image, fear, or aging (especially in men). However, be careful using it in healing work, as it can exacerbate some conditions rather than alleviating them. You can also connect with Mars in these ways:
The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter is associated with growth and increase. It knows no bounds and expands whatever it touches, both physically and psychologically. Jupiter's domain includes higher knowledge and education, religion, philosophy, and long-distance travel—all of which expand our horizons and our understanding of the world. This planet's position in the birth chart shows where you are expansive, generous, unwilling to be restrained or prudent.
Sometimes called the “greater benefic,” Jupiter's influence is generally considered positive and life enhancing. When you meet someone whose Jupiter contacts one of your personal planets, you usually experience feelings of optimism. This person is someone with whom you can have fun. He or she may bring out the best in you by encouraging you to reach greater heights; increasing your self-esteem; or assisting you professionally, personally, spiritually, and/or financially.
Tap Jupiter's energy to help you improve your finances, make a good impression on other people, enhance your public image, advance professionally, or heighten your vitality. Like all the planets, though, Jupiter has a downside—it is indulgent, excessive, and idealistic, and it can lead you to overextend yourself physically or financially.
Jupiter rules the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Astrologers also consider it well placed in Aries and Leo, where its colorful, freewheeling, outgoing energy can express itself comfortably.
Jupiter promotes increase, so its energy can be useful when you're working magick that involves growth. Its fortunate vibrations are especially suited for prosperity magick, love spells, blessings to attract success in a business/career venture or legal matter, and some healing work. You can also connect with Jupiter's energy in these ways:
Working safely and effectively with the forces of the universe requires a firm grounding in the physical realm, emotional balance, mental clarity, and pure motives. Magicians and astrologers, therefore, must discipline themselves psychologically and physically to open the doors of perception and avoid doing harm to themselves or others. Daily meditation, yoga, periods of silence, and other such practices help us center ourselves so we can receive guidance from higher sources and hear the “still, small voice within.”
Saturn gets a lot of bad press from astrologers who connect it with karmic lessons, hardship, duty, and pain. Indeed, Saturn is the taskmaster of the solar system; its job is to force us to discipline ourselves and accept responsibility. In contrast to expansive Jupiter, Saturn places restrictions on whatever it touches. Its position in your birth chart shows where you may undergo challenges and limitations, feel inadequate, or be required to work hard. Because most of us would prefer that things came easily, we tend to see Saturn as one of the celestial “bad guys.”
However, Saturn also brings valuable learning experiences, enabling you to grow and develop strengths through your efforts. Despite Saturn's unsavory reputation, this planet doesn't actually cause problems; it merely shows us the results of our actions, which is why it's connected with fate and karma.
If you meet someone whose natal Saturn makes a stressful connection with a planet in your chart, you'll probably view that person as demanding, unloving, or limiting in some way. On the positive side, this person may provide security or stability.
Because Saturn is associated with endings, it can be an asset in banishing rituals or when you need to let go of something. Its power is also useful in protection spells and can help you bind an enemy, establish boundaries, or build inner strength. The winter solstice, also known as Yule, is a good time to work with Saturn's energy. You can also connect with Saturn in these ways:
Every twenty-nine years or so, transiting Saturn returns to the position it occupied at the time of your birth. During this period—known by astrologers as Saturn Return—you're confronted for about a year with the limitations, challenges, and insecurities described by the planet's sign and house placements in your natal chart. Each Saturn Return marks a major transition in your life and an opportunity for growth, when you must make decisions, face realities, and make necessary changes to move on to the next stage of your personal evolution.
Saturn can be advantageous in practical matters or when order and pragmatism are needed. Tap its energy when laying foundations in business, financial, or personal situations. This planet can also help you build structures, set limits, get organized, plan for the future, create goals, or ground yourself in the material realm.
Saturn rules the sign Capricorn. Astrologers also consider it well placed in Taurus and Virgo, earth signs in which the planet can comfortably express its pragmatic energy.
The planet of change, Uranus breaks down the structures and barriers Saturn erects. Its job is to shake up the status quo and usher in a new order. Astrologers connect it with anything unexpected or unconventional, as well as with electricity, modern technology, ingenuity, freedom, equality, and astrology. Uranus is the first of the outer planets, which are more concerned with cosmic and universal conditions than personal ones. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to control Uranus's energy. All we can do is guide our responses to its effects in our lives.
You usually feel stimulated and awakened by someone whose natal Uranus connects with the personal planets in your birth chart. Whether you experience this as exciting and inspiring or upsetting and stressful depends on the planets (and the people) involved. It's hard to predict the ramifications of a Uranus contact, but one thing is certain: you won't be the same after the experience.
Uranus often acts as a catalyst to action, pushing you to make necessary changes in your life. Tap its energy when you want to get out of a rut, be inventive or daring, stand up to authority, break through boundaries, or seek higher truths.
The planet rules the sign Aquarius. Astrologers also consider it well placed in fellow air signs Gemini and Libra, even though it may at times seem to have more in common with independent Aries (also a favorable position).
Uranus can help you create change—but you might not be able to control how that change occurs or what the outcome will be. This planet is powerful and its force is often destructive—it corresponds to The Tower in the tarot. Uranus can be an asset when you are working in the higher realms because it serves as a link to the astral world. You can also connect with Uranus's energy in these ways:
In mythology, the god Neptune ruled the ocean. In astrology, the planet governs the collective unconscious, the spiritual realms, and the nonphysical dimensions of existence. It's also connected with dreams, fantasies, imagination, religion, compassion, intuition, and ideals. Its nature is to dissolve whatever it touches—not in a radically destructive way, but very subtly, like water gradually eroding a rock.
If you meet someone whose natal Neptune connects with a personal planet in your birth chart, he or she may inspire romantic or mystical feelings in you. However, Neptune produces confusion and idealistic yearnings, so you probably won't be able to see this person clearly.
Like the other outer planets, Neptune functions on a transpersonal level and is concerned with universal conditions rather than individual ones. Its energy can help you become more creative, enhance your intuition, and enable you to access the spiritual realms. Because Neptune's influence is so elusive, it is very difficult to direct or control, sometimes resulting in delusions or self-destructive attitudes and behavior.
Neptune rules the sign Pisces. Astrologers also consider it well placed in the water signs Cancer and Scorpio, where it can express its energy comfortably.
Neptune can aid psychic work and divination, strengthening your intuitive abilities, your sensitivity to other people, and your connection with the nonphysical worlds. It also plays a key role in dreamwork and can help you gain insight from your dreams. The biggest challenge when working with this planet's energy is interpreting your visions and impressions clearly, for Neptune's influence can produce illusions and confusion. You can also connect with Neptune's energy in the following ways:
Despite a recent downgrading by scientists, astrologers still consider Pluto a planet—and woe be to those who try to diminish its standing! Lord of the Underworld, Pluto rules things that are hidden from view. Secrets, the occult, illicit or clandestine activities, the inner dimensions of the psyche, taboos, and our deepest fears and obsessions fall into Pluto's domain. Also known as the destroyer, Pluto is connected with death and rebirth, as well as transformations of all kinds. Greek mythology personifies the planet as Hades in the saga of Persephone, and he appears in many other stories as well.
If you meet someone whose natal Pluto contacts one of the personal planets in your birth chart, that person is likely to transform you in some way—for good or ill—and he or she might bring out the best or the worst in you. You may feel strongly drawn to or repelled by this individual; power struggles and control issues are often linked with Pluto contacts, as are passionate sexual attractions.
Like Uranus and Neptune, Pluto operates on a universal, transcendent, and karmic level with little regard for individual matters. Its role is to foster the evolution of all things, including humankind. Pluto's power can help you seize and express your own power; overcome obstacles; eliminate unwanted habits, attitudes, and behaviors; or connect with your inner self and the higher realms.
Pluto rules the sign Scorpio. Astrologers also consider it well placed in the water signs Cancer and Pisces, which likewise relate to the unconscious, intuition, and the emotional world.
Astrologers consider Pluto to be the planetary ruler of magick, alchemy, and the occult in general. Whenever you do magick, you access invisible forces in the cosmos and in your own psyche to produce outcomes. Although you can tap Pluto's energy to augment virtually any type of magickal work, it is especially useful in sex magick, in banishing and purification spells, to strengthen your inner power, or to transcend the physical realm and journey to other dimensions. Shapeshifting and many shamanic practices also utilize Pluto's energy. Samhain is a good time to work with Pluto. You can also connect with Pluto's power in these ways: