Herbs and Trees of the Northwest Coniferous Forest

By Susan Pesznecker

Note: In the Pacific Northwest, where I hail from, the indigenous First People whom I know personally prefer the title of Indian to Native American. I honor this use.

I’m fortunate to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth: the United States’ Pacific Northwest. I live in the Willamette Valley between the coast and Cascade Ranges, the latter with 11,000-foot-plus glaciated peaks and active volcanoes. From my home, I’m an hour from these mountains and from the Pacific Ocean. Directly east is the Columbia River Gorge, and if I drive a couple of hours southeast I’ll hit Oregon’s high desert, one of the least-populated places in the United States and featuring some of the country’s darkest night skies. Like I said—a beautiful place. Pretty much perfect, really. And our forests? They’re the icons, the poster children of the northwest.

We Oregonians have a complex relationship with our forests, which are used by animals, people, and the logging industry alike. Oregon’s forests are composed of both private and public lands and cover some 48 percent of the state’s land mass. The forests are primarily coniferous/evergreen, but also contain a number of deciduous trees including the hawthorn, oak, aspen, and alder. Many of our coniferous forests are first growth or second growth, the aftermath of logging with replanting or, in some cases, of either tsunami or forest fire.

A first growth coniferous forest is characterized by small-girth trees that are all about the same size and are packed relatively closely together. There’s little diversity or complexity in the first growth forest because enough time hasn’t passed to allow multiple species to take hold. If the forest has been replanted, there is typically a single dominant conifer. If it’s recovering from a forest fire or tsunami, alder may be the first tree to appear, followed by conifers. A second growth forest contains both young- and medium-aged conifers, along with a varied understory: different trees, shrubs, and ground cover, all fairly mature.

But an old growth forest? That’s a different animal altogether. The old growth forest contains trees that are at least 200 years old, but it also hosts trees of all ages, right down to saplings. The old growth forest incorporates a dense, rich canopy with openings created when old trees die and fall to the forest floor. These openings allow sunlight to penetrate the forest floor and create the conditions needed for young trees to grow, as well as shrubs, ferns, groundcover, and other understory plants. The old growth forest also contains dead trees; if these fall horizontally they’re called nurse logs. If standing vertically, they’re snags. Both provide vital resources for plants and animals. Look into a pristine old growth forest, and what you’ll see is immense variety in a millennial-old setting that has not been altered by humans.

The coniferous forest supports a widely diverse ecosystem, including a rich plant understory. The forest floor itself is dense, spongy, and composed of layers of composed plant material, rotting wood, and animal waste. It is rich in nutrients and provides an ideal locus for woody and herbaceous plants, and there’s hardly a better place on Earth for a herbalist to go wildcrafting. Lace up those hiking boots, grab your basket, and let’s explore.

Douglas Fir

West of the Cascade Range the most common northwest conifer is the Douglas fir. Despite its name, it isn’t a true fir and is actually a member of the pine family, and is the second-tallest conifer in the world after the coastal redwood. According to the Oregon Forest Facts, if you’re looking at a conifer in Oregon or Washington, eight out of ten times it’s going to be a Douglas fir. The tree’s leaves are arranged spirally, all around the branches, and are not sharp or prickly when brushed against the skin. The tree’s topmost point—the lead—is straight, and the branches tend to sweep upward, as if the tree extends its “arms” toward the sky.

The young, green branch tips that form in the spring can be steeped in hot water for several hours to form a refreshing tea that is rich in Vitamin C. The tree’s needles can be chopped and infused in a carrier oil; the resulting oil is richly scented and can be used in body oils, lotions, and balms. The resin, or pitch, was used by northwest Indians as a wound poultice, while a decoction made from the under-bark (cambium) treated colds, sore throats, and menstrual problems. A tea made from the needles or bark has potent antifungal properties. The green branches are often used in sweat lodge ceremonies.

Technique: Oil-based Infusion. To infuse conifer needles in oil, chop them finely, place in a double boiler over simmering water, and cover with olive oil (or another high-quality carrier oil). Simmer for about 30 minutes, then turn off the heat. Repeat this process over several days, covering with a cloth (not a lid) at night. The goal is to “heat out” the moisture from the needles, while infusing the aromatics into the oil. When finished, strain and bottle.

Pine (Pinus species)

If the Douglas fir is most common west of the Cascades, the ponderosa pine holds that title on the east side. All pines have needles that grow in bunches of two to five. Ponderosa pines are strikingly tall and known for a decorative jigsaw puzzle bark. Like all pines, the ponderosa is evergreen and resinous, producing lots of what is commonly called pitch, a sticky substance that oozes out when the bark is damaged. Medicinally, pitch can be chewed or sucked on to treat a cough or sore throat—nature’s lozenge. It makes a great fire starter and can be burned as an incense fumigant to treat lung disorders.

Technique: Incense. To make a wild conifer incense, process needles, leaf tips, and resin/pitch by chopping or grinding with a mortar and pestle. Use the incense “loose” by burning in a thurible or atop a charcoal pellet, or shape it into rough cones by adding more resin or a natural binder like beeswax.

Other northwest pines include the lodge pole, western white, and shore varieties. The resin, bark, and needles of all pine trees are rich in essential oils, vitamins, and natural antimicrobial compounds. An infusion made from these materials is useful for washing wounds and treating skin infections. A tea made from chopped needles and/or leaf tips is also used to treat coughs, colds, and fever.

Caution: Ponderosa pine remedies have abortifacient properties (i.e., they stimulate uterine contraction), and should not be used by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant.

Pine species have sacred uses, too. According to Moerman, the branches were used in sweat ceremonies, and the needles were smoked to bring hallucinations and for luck. The smoke is believed to repel evil spirits.

Western Red Cedar

The western red cedar is a massive tree in both girth and height, and examples have been identified that are more than 1,400 years old. The leaves are flat and waxy and tend to droop, as does the lead; twinelike “withes” hang from the branches. The tree requires a cool, wet, maritime climate, and thus tends to grow in coastal regions and west of the Cascade range.

Medicinally, needle and twig infusions can treat cough, tuberculosis, rheumatism, stomach pain, kidney trouble, and a number of other common disorders. The infusion also provides high levels of Vitamins A and C, and may be used as a tonic. Krohn describes recent research showing that western red cedar stimulates the body’s white blood cell response, helping to fight infections.

Technique: Water-based Infusion. To make a water-based infusion (also known as a tea) steep aerial parts (soft leaf tips, finely chopped needles, flowers) in near-boiling water until the flavor and/or aromatics are extracted. Strain and use.

Cedar needles can be powdered and mixed with fish oil to make poultices for chest colds, arthritis, skin rashes, and to remove warts. The inner bark is mildly abortifacient and, according to Moerman, was chewed by Indians to induce menstruation and labor. The smoke from the wood (incense) is used for ritual purification and the driving away of evil spirits.

Caution: Western red cedar’s essential oils are high in thujones, a type of ketone that can be toxic if taken in excess or by someone with weakened kidneys or liver. The essential oil should not be taken internally—unless with professional guidance—and should not be used during pregnancy.


Spruces are fairly easy to identify, being known for rough, warty twigs; flaking, scaly bark; and needles that are stiff and sharp. The trees can grow to significant size, but often are more impressive in terms of diameter and “root spread” than in height. The most common northwest species is the Sitka spruce. Tea made from cambium bark, twigs, and needles is used to treat respiratory and stomach disorders, and as a laxative. The needles and powdered bark can be burned as a purifying incense, and to treat rheumatism.

As with pines, spruce’s resinous pitchy gum can be used to treat sore throats and respiratory issues. The pitch was also used by local Indians to treat skin lesions and infections.

Red Alder

Alder is an important understory tree in the coniferous forest; it is a disturbance-loving species and is one of the first to reappear after anything from bulldozing to forest fire to volcanic eruption. The young alders provide the shade and moisture needed for young conifers to grow and thrive, thus helping maintain a diverse forest ecosystem. Alder prefers moist areas and can tolerate part shade; under optimal conditions, it grows with startling speed, stabilizing and reclaiming the disturbed landscape. It also enriches the landscape through nitrogen-fixing nodules on its roots.

The tree itself yields many potent medicines. Alder sap is rich in vitamins and is often consumed as a tonic. A leaf infusion is strongly antiseptic and can be used externally to treat wounds and skin infections; taken internally, the infusion treats respiratory problems. The bark, buds, and leaves can be poulticed to treat skin problems. The stem bark has strong antiemetic properties and was used by local Indians as a treatment for poisons or food poisoning.

Technique: Poultice. To make a poultice chop fresh leaves, needles, bark, and/or berries finely, making a paste. Moisten if needed with a bit of neutral oil, like olive oil.

Bush Berries: Salmonberry,
Thimbleberry, Huckleberry

Thimble- and salmonberries are part of the Rose family, and tend to grow best in damp, partially shaded areas in the forest understory. The red thimbleberries are both astringent and tonic, and are used to treat a wide variety of ailments, particularly stomach problems and as a tonic for weak or anemic blood. The leaves and berries are poulticed onto wounds where they have antimicrobial properties and speed wound healing. A root decoction is useful for treating fever, influenza, and tonsillitis. According to Foster and Hobbs, research suggests that thimbleberry shortens coagulation times and thus helps control bleeding.

Technique: Decoction. In a water-based infusion, a plant’s delicate aerial parts are briefly steeped in water. In contrast, a decoction uses longer cooking to extract components from tougher plant materials. Place chopped bark, roots, twigs, leaves, or berries in a saucepan, cover with water, and simmer gently (do not boil) for 30 to 60 minutes. Strain and use.

Salmonberries have salmon-colored berries that are more insipid in flavor than thimbleberries. The berries are used similarly to thimbleberries, while the twigs and above-the-ground bark have pain-relieving properties. The root bark is decocted to treat stomach problems, and the roots themselves for digestive, skin, and gynecological issues. Macerated leaves have been used to pack a tooth as a toothache treatment.

Like their modern relative, the blueberry, huckleberries are members of the genus Vaccinium. The huckleberry’s fruit is smaller, darker, and more tart than that of the blueberry. Huckleberries are found in the northwest mountainous forests. Infusions of the roots, stems, leaves, and/or berries can treat joint and lung disorders. An alcohol-based tincture of the roots and berries is strongly diuretic. Some species of huckleberry are abortifacients, inducing labor, bringing on menses, and speeding recovery after childbirth. According to Foster and Hobbs, modern research shows that huckleberry may be effective in treating the high blood sugars of diabetes.

Wild Roses

Wild roses of the northwest coniferous forest include the nootka, wood, and California wild varieties. All belong to the Rose family, and all are characterized by the production of fragrant flowers followed by the development of the plant’s fruit: the rose hip. Rose hips are particularly well known for a very high Vitamin C content, as well as for high levels of antioxidants, making them valuable for treating all kinds of illnesses—especially those caused by viruses. Rose hip tea is best for this, but the hips can also be chewed whole if necessary. Gather the hips in the fall, preferably right after the first frost. When fully dried, they store well for one year and can be frozen for longer periods.

Technique: Drying Materials. Dry needles, leaves, rose hips, and other plant materials on newspaper or blotting paper in a cookie sheet or other broad surface, leaving the sheet in a warm room out of direct sunlight. Most will be fully dried in a few days; heavier pieces will take longer. I recommend avoiding microwave or dehydrator drying as these drive out most of the essential oils; however, berries and large rose hips may sometimes benefit from faster drying in order to prevent molding.


Salal is a common evergreen shrub in the northwest coniferous forest, growing to several feet in height when mature and forming dense thickets. The leaves are deep green, broad, and waxy. The dark purplish-blue berries are edible, but rather insipid. A leaf tea can be used to treat gastric and respiratory problems, while a chewed leaf poultice was used by the Indians to treat wounds and skin infections. The leaves are astringent and can be chewed after meals to treat indigestion.

Enjoy working with natural herbs and medicines fresh from the coniferous forest!

Works Cited and Consulted

Foster, Steven, and Christopher Hobbs. A Field Guide to Western Medicinal Plants and Herbs. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Co., 2002.

Krohn, Elise. Evergreen Tree Medicine. WildCraft Weekend Seminar, White Salmon, WA: 2014.

Moerman, Daniel E. Native American Medicinal Plants: An Ethnobotanical Dictionary. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 2009.

Pojar, Jim, and Andy McKinnon. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast: Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, and Alaska. Redmond, WA: Lone Pine, 1994.

Susan “Moonwriter” Pesznecker is a writer, college English teacher, nurse, and hearth Pagan/Druid living in northwestern Oregon. Sue holds a master’s degree in professional writing and loves to read, watch the stars, camp with her wonder poodle, and work in her own biodynamic garden. She is co-founder of the Druid Grove of Two Coasts and the online Ars Viarum Magicarum—A Magical Conservatory (http://www.magicalconservatory.com/). Sue has authored The Magickal Retreat (Llewellyn, 2012), Crafting Magick with Pen and Ink (Llewellyn, 2009), and is a regular contributor to many of the Llewellyn Annuals. Visit her on her web page (http://www.susanpesznecker.com/) and her Facebook author page (https://www.facebook.com/SusanMoonwriterPesznecker).
