Introduction to
Llewellyn’s Herbal Almanac
More and more people are using herbs, growing and gath- ering them and studying them for their enlivening and healing properties. Whether in the form of a refreshing herbal tonic, a critter-friendly garden, or a new favorite recipe, herbs can clearly enhance your life.
In the 2016 edition of the Herbal Almanac, we once again feature innovative and original thinkers and writers on herbs. We tap into the practical, historical, and enjoyable aspects of herbal knowledge—using herbs to help you reconnect with the earth, enhance your culinary creations, and heal your body and mind. The thirty articles in this almanac will teach you everything from making your own love charms to using flower and vibrational essences to improve your health. You’ll also learn how to identify poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms, create your own shade garden, and serve up a culinary concoction that’ll wow the crowds. Enjoy!
Note: The old-fashioned remedies in this book are historical references used for teaching purposes only. The recipes are not for commercial use or profit. The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe, or substitute consultation with a licensed health-care professional. Herbs, whether used internally or externally, should be introduced in small amounts to allow the body to adjust and to detect possible allergies. Please consult a standard reference source or an expert herbalist to learn more about the possible effects of certain herbs. You must take care not to replace regular medical treatment with the use of herbs. Herbal treatment is intended primarily to complement modern health care. Always seek professional help if you are suffering from an illness. Also, take care to read all warning labels before taking any herbs or starting an extended herbal regimen. Always consult medical and herbal professionals before beginning any sort of medical treatment—this is particularly true for pregnant women. Herbs are powerful things; be sure you are using that power to achieve balance.
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