Perry County was created by the Alabama legislature on Dec. 13, 1819. It was named for Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry (Rhode Island), hero of the War of 1812. In 1822 the courthouse was established at Muckle’s Ridge, now known as Marion. The county is located in the west-central part of the state, in the Black Belt region. It encompasses 719 square miles. Notable towns include Marion, Uniontown, Heiberger, Perryville and Sprott.
Probate Office: 300 Washington Street, P. O. Box 478, Marion, AL 36756.
Research Support Group: Perry County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 310, Uniontown, AL 36786.
Among Records Held: Births, 1908–1930*; Deaths, 1920–1930**; Marriages, 1820–1929, 1820–1869***; Indices to Real Estate Conveyances, 1821–1910; Deed Records, 1882–1900****; Wills, 1821–1894, 1896–1932.
*Also contains death records; **Booklets for various beats; ***Licenses; ****Also contains mortgages.
Other: Orphan’s Court Minutes, 1832–1926; Records, 1820–1828; Estate Records, 1822–1914; Estate Case File, 1840–1920; Inventory Index, 1823–1870; Inventory Records, 1823–1918.