in the clear long after

Spring is cheap, but clean of sky. Long after she used to

meet him on the sly. He didn't say much, because to

speak you need a voice, need lead. Among the dead there were

such fresh ghosts, they were still breathing. Through their

mouths. Time, time, to adjust to an other. An ether

O so—No—too sweet. Intox-icated with permeability. 'Tis nox-

ious, to eat evanescence. However steadily, however slowly.

They stemmed into heady blows.

They missed

the stain. Of blue berries and argument. They missed

their lips. The yew and the thorns. They missed.

Their flaws.

O, to be stung by an errant bee. O, to sting.

O, to see you again. Covered in spring.