Away, away
Now that I have told the man I love
I do not love him, I will need a new, a way.
Now that I have admitted to my dis-
Passion, my dis-possession, my dis-ease.
I will need new ways, new stars, new bones,
New trees. I leave
With me I bring my blue-veined feet,
My jeweled face, my dis-pleasure, my dis-ease.
I pack, unpack my orange streaked,
My freaked heart. With me I bring
My prosthetic soul. Under the newly dis-astering
Stars I dis-limn, dis-orb, dis-robe. O new dis-aster!
I will need new breasts, new legs, electric shock.
A clock, a clock. I will need to dis-pose of my
dis-pose. My sorry starry pose. Now
dis-arranged, now dis-natured, now dis-
Owned. My dis-comfiture, my dis-comfort,
My dis-content: none dis-edged, none dis-closed.
All tree and bones! Dis-furnished
Among the turning leaves and the burning faces, do hang.
My dis-candied dis-course burnished, banished
Dis-patched abroad. Dis-lodged, dis-mayed, dis-
Played like this, like these,
Like Sylvia's leaves, Uke dead letters sent
To dear(est) him that lives alas! away
Now that I have, now that I have
Alway, alway.