o, how long it's been
since i put soul
to lips (or, for that matter,
lips to soul!) (swallowing sound) (effect)
once i was thick with it,
but eros sickened
after being vaulted and vaunted
someone defaulted
(but i don't think it was i)
(for as they say: / was not i)
now, here, without the seasons
i find i am found (but lost, but lost)
(at half the cost)
the shift i wear i wear well
no longer weary-worn or -torn
by ether-things by other-things
by ground i am ground
by (t)reason shorn
i mostly sit and walk
on dirt, alone, nothing
has grown in me,
(save child after flowering
child) (each sex a stranger flower
than the last) but i remain
for i have not wintered
in years now
so how (now) how then
spring? (or even fall?)
if i could miss you
i would with all my mouth
(all month long)
if i could kiss you?
for i find myself
minding my
for i am newly made of flesh
newly flesh-bound
and bo(u)rn(e)
yours, love, o.