moorings far faster

what did your lover promise   behind the lids of her eyes   what music

a place where   a charge for

it doesn't matter   that it's not your name

what matters   is that it calls you   what matters   is out there

somebody yearns for you   tongues your name   and then

she referred to them   as lovers   as if   they handled love

with their bare hands   wet   slo-pitched   gloveless   tongue

in groove   a love lit   and lowered   it glowered

and it wormed   some body else's lover   called me   this morning

his voice   heavy   with it   but me   i don't touch the mud

so what   shall i do   with your knocking   it is you that i love

it is you that i love

and what   shall i do   with what you whispered

in both ears   so much   so much

and that one   mooring   you lifting   a worm-girl   out

of a boat   out past the waves   out past   her own small fragile

body   and then your name   or your not-name

but spoken   as you've never   heard it   spoken

before   they   have   never   loved   you

the way you wanted   to be loved   they have never lifted you

above   the water   how small   whatyouareaskingfor   and how large

their denial   yourfatheryourbrotheryourwormyourwife