notes toward the ablation of the soul
The soul should not be multiplied needlessly, i.e.: the dull razor
of your soul. Your straight-back
soul, your slo- pitched
soul, your soul that throws out
largesses on all sides without
counting: Full Beautiful! Full Soon!
Your soul that sounds like a string
quartet: but is really just a violin
and a viola. Your diatonic
soul. Your diacritic soul, your soul that hates
just-about-fucking-everything: id est: the one
with an eye for imperfection, the lungs
of a butterfly. The perfected soul.
The perfect animal that is your soul: wet,
gutted. The guttered soul, caught
out in the rain, your soul in gold lame, your soul,
the crooner. Your fucked-up singing
soul. Your lame soul. Your flat soul.
The soul that is your body.
That soul.
Her bare shoulders.
The hardening off of the soul. The soul
stiff. The soul with a hard-on. The husbandry
of the soul. Your vegetable soul: eyed-green
and black. Fructified. Addicted
to borage and hell-bore. Your paper soul: the wasps'
nest. Your swarming soul: the invisible bees circling
the rusted mail-box that is your soul and your soul inside it:
mailed and nailed. (Your soul with a past of plank
and slowness.) The cross-eyed soul, the looking glass
of the soul: your odonate soul, its small
sharp teeth. The soul that counts
like a mother. The unmoved
soul and the accompanying soul;
the soul that walks with you
but on the other side of the street. The soul alone
and palely loitering.
The three totalities of the soul. The sidereal soul.
The crystal soul. The empyrean.
Your innermost soul, your inland
soul, your sea-sick soul. Her cordage.
The restive soul, the ignore-all-the-rest soul.
The soul wrapped in eiderdown.
The seleniferous soul, neither new nor full.
The soul, uncertain. The soul, unwell.
Your soul the sick taper. The tomato
worm. The pleached soul. The bleached soul.
The bleating soul. The bloated soul.
The soul, pleading: there's-no-such-thing-as-a-soul, soul.
The smoking soul. Through her flared nostrils . . .
The snared soul. The bridled soul. The soul's barouche, her pied
horses. The piebald soul. The dappled
soul. The soul that selves. The starfish.
The soul that faiths. Yet remains
faithless. The soul that prefers
to decline. Dirndled and kirtled, the queen's
soul: the longspun, the finespun,
the dizzy soul, spun
finer and finer still. The still-
born soul. The soul born snapping her fingers (Ĺ alamun's soul).
The plagiarized soul. The 10th plague, the plague
of the flying souls. The dying soul. The soul standing still.
The standstill of the soul.
The sandfill of the soul. The soul no one asks about.
The soul that recognizes itself
by its coat. Your soul: the train-wreck,
the soup-con, the tea-cup. That scant and edged.
Your soul, you dare call
that splendid? S: You can stay or go . . .
The sunspots on your soul.
The bare spots of the soul. The stretch and track-marks.
The soul shooting up. The soul shot. The old soul sold
out, the odd soul out, out
having swum beyond its ken,
the damned soul out
finally, out
out out
of your