stripped from the waist up, love
and from the waist
down. low.
flankerbacked, love,
flatwise, slow.
and fleecy,
and fletched.
my flews, love.
i am not fleyed, love.
i flicker, love, but i do not
flinders of my love, love,
flintlocked, flocked.
the floorage, love,
the floss.
here's my flue, love,
here's my fluff.
all the flummery, love.
i am flummox,
i am fluored,
love, i am flush.
flyaway, love,
with your jibs and squirrels (and yes, your foxes and your fish).
the flyspeck-tacle of it! love,
the traps.
focalized, love,
thru the fogdog and the bank.
a mere foible, love,
and a moist foison, too.
folded, love,
yet quite foliate.
follow me, love,
for i am fond of you, love,
you are parsley and paradise.
i fool,
i foot.
it's in my mouth, love.
i have sent my footboy for you, love,
lambert, lambent, burnt,
o footle!
at a footpace,
at a footpace, love
all stalk and stall.
for you, love,
i forage, love, forasmush love
as is forbade, was forbore.
spy my forebearance, love,
eye my force, through ford and fore.
fore and aft love fore and aft.
cast brain bode.
it was foreordained, love
peak and paw.
shadow and shock, love
sight and skin.
mast and sail.
FOR there is LOVE, love,
and there is LOVED.
and there is More.
you are forgiven, love,
i will forgo, love, i will
go, love,