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Miscellaneous Articles from the Brain/Mind Bulletin:

1. “Adrenaline Stimulates ‘Unconscious Learning’—Brain Integrates Sophisticated Information Without Cognitive Activity,” 9, No. 7 (March 26, 1984).

2. “Bilateral ‘Synch’ Key to Intuition?” Themepack No. 15, Vol. V.

3. “Blindsight Ability Raises Questions About Awareness.” Themepack No. 15, Vol I and II.

4. “Body Clocks: Bonding, Sexuality, Hospitalization,” 7, No. 15 (September 13, 1982).

5. “Canadian Study Frames New Right-Left Paradigm,” 8, No. 7 (March 28, 1983).

6. “Cognitive Complexity and Emotional Range,” 7, No. 6 (March 8, 1982).

7. “Congenitally Blind Use Own Version of Imagery,” 8, No. 9 (May 9, 1983).

8. “Conversations Between Heart and Brain.” Themepack No. 15, Vol. III.

9. “500,000 Papers Published Yearly on Brain/Mind Research.” Themepack No. 5, Vols. I and II.

10. “French Research Links Hearing to Body Dynamics,” 8, No. 4 (January 24, 1983).

11. “Holophonic Sound Broadcasts Directly to Brain,” 8, No. 10 (May 30, 1982).

12. “Lucid Dream Sharing,” 7, No. 15 (September 13, 1982).

13. “Melanin as Key Organizing Molecule,” 8, Nos. 12–13 (July 11 and August 1, 1983).

14. “Multiple Personalities Proof of Brain’s Versatility,” 8, No. 16 (October 3, 1983).

15. “Out-of-Body Incidents Calming.” Themepack No. 5, Vol. III.

16. “Quizzing the Hidden Observer.” Themepack No. 5, Vol. III.

17. “Recent Studies Show Strong Role for Unconscious in Everyday Life,” 9, No. 6 (March 5, 1984).

18. “Stressed Female Rats Produce Deviant Males.” Themepack No. 15, Vol. V.

19. “Triune Theory Describes Brain Hierarchy.” Themepack No. 15, Vols. I and II.

20. “Universal Forms of Hallucination Aid Brain Research.” Themepack No. 15, Vol. V.

For further information, write: Brain/Mind Bulletin, P.O. Box 42211, Los Angeles, Calif. 90042.

Articles on Underwater Birthing:

“Nonviolent Birth Underwater.” Los Angeles Times, December 11, 1981.

“Underwater Birthing Reduces ‘Primal Trauma.’” Los Angeles Herald Examiner, March 31, 1982.

“Underwater Delivery.” San Diego Tribune, January 5, 1982.

“Giving Birth Underwater.” Newsweek, January 16, 1984.

For further information, write: Rainbow Dolphin Centre, Wharau Road, Kerikeri, New Zealand; Attention: Esthelle Myers.