Rose did not care about the moon, she liked stars.
Once some one told her that the stars were round and she wished that they had not told her.
Her dog Love did not care about the moon either and he never noticed the stars. He really did not notice the moon not even when it was all round, he liked the lights of automobiles coming in and out. That excited him and even made him bark, Love was not a barker although little Pépé was. Pépé could always bark, he really did say bow wow really he did, when you listened he really did.
Well once they were out in the evening in an automobile, not Pépé, Pépé was not Rose’s dog, you remember that, but Rose and Love and the lights of the automobile were alight so who could listen to the bright moon-light, not Rose nor Love nor the rabbit, not they.
It was a little rabbit and there he was right in front and in the light and it looked as if he meant it but he really could not help it, not he not the little rabbit.
Bob, Rose’s father was driving and he stopped but that did not help the little rabbit.
Light is bright and what is bright will confuse a little rabbit who has not the habit.
So the little rabbit danced from one light to the other light and could never get alright, and then Bob the father said let out Love perhaps he will help the rabbit to run away, so they let out the white dog Love and he saw first the light and then he saw the rabbit and he went up to say how do you do to the rabbit, that is the way Love was, he always went up and said how do you do he said it to a dog or a man or a child or a lamb or a cat or a cook or a cake or anything he just said how do you do and when he said how do you do to the little rabbit the little rabbit forgot all about the light being bright he just left that light and Love the dog Love disappointed because the little rabbit had not said how do you do, back again, he went after him, of course any little rabbit can run quicker than any white dog and even if the white dog is nice and kind and Love is, so that was all of that. It was a lovely night and Love came back into the car and Bob the father drove on home and of course Rose sang as the rabbit ran and her song began.
What a sky
And then the glass pen
Rose did have a glass pen
When oh When
Little glass pen
Say when
Will there not be that little rabbit.
And Rose burst into tears.
She did then she burst into tears.
A little later it was decided that Rose should go to school. She went to school where mountains were high, they were so high she never did see them. Rose was funny that way.
There at the school were other girls and Rose did not have quite as much time to sing and cry.
The teachers taught her
That the world was round
That the sun was round
That the moon was round
That the stars were round
And that they were all going around and around
And not a sound.
It was so sad it almost made her cry
But then she did not believe it
Because mountains were so high,
And so she thought she had better sing
And then a dreadful thing was happening
She remembered when she had been young
That one day she had sung,
And there was a looking-glass in front of her
And as she sang her mouth was round and was going around and around.
Oh dear oh dear was everything just to be round and go around and around. What could she do but try and remember the mountains were so high they could stop anything.
But she could not keep on remembering and forgetting of course not but she could sing of course she could sing and she could cry of course she could cry.
Oh my.