The spear, simple as it may sound, is extremely useful for a variety tasks when you are roaming. It should be constructed of a hardwood sapling like maple and should be at least 12" taller than eye level when finished. Make a stout fork that has about 4" tines on one end. The other end can be fashioned in one of two ways depending on the environment. If you are close to a good water source, such as a flowing steam or pond, you will want a gigging device on the other end. Make this gig by splitting the end of the sapling in a cross fashion to create four equal tines, each of which are about 6"–8" long. Then sharpen the stick as if it were still one solid piece. After this, two small green sticks will be placed into the crosscuts to force open the tines. You can then lash the stick to keep it from splitting further before sharpening the individual tines.
Once this is completed you have a tool that can be used for hunting things like frogs, fish, snakes, and small mammals in dens. This tool will also give you reach to retrieve nuts or nests from high points in trees. Use your spear for stability by using it as a third leg when crossing streams. You can also use it as a support for hanging a pot over the fire if needed. You will find infinite uses for this simple tool as you travel and hunt.