


For being first cousins, Rose was much older than Arlana's mother, yet she was dynamic and bubbly. The gloominess and depression in the Gallen DNA had completely bypassed her. She wasn't a Gallen but a descendant of the O'Leas line and it was clear there was a world of difference. What might life have been like if her grandmother had never met Charles Gallen?

"James," Rose spoke close to the elderly man's ear, his watery green eyes fixed on hers.

Polished silver and gold medals hung from his suit, a testament to his fearlessness. Ninety years old but his shoulders were still broad. Arlana couldn't help but wonder what he'd looked like in his younger years if, at his advanced age, he was still a force to be reckoned with.

"Arlana is our long-lost cousin and here is her son, Aziel. She is Meg's granddaughter."

A smile twitched the stern line of his mouth as James held out his hand to the young child and patted his knee. Aziel didn't have to be asked twice. He nestled against the elderly war hero, wrapping his arms around the man he'd only just met, yet clearly loved him.


"Are you a soldier?" Aziel snuggled deeper, pointing to the medals.

"Yes, Son. Do you see this one? I was given this one for..."

Lachlan walked over as soon as they entered the hall they'd rented for the event. He held out his hand, but it was his iridescent eyes that captured her attention.

"I'm Lachlan," his voice, a deep, Scottish burr.

Lachlan towered over her head, a figure of virile strength. At the moment the short, stocky Jorken was the last thing on her mind.

James still held Aziel, regaling him with anecdotes from long ago. At five years old, Aziel was fascinated with history and could very possibly be the next family historian.

Arlana sat beside her son and elderly cousin, Lachlan pulling up a seat beside them. She sipped at her hot chocolate, eyes studying the Scotsman's features. Perhaps he wasn't the most attractive man in the world, but when you've lived in isolation for so many years, he was perfect.

"The government is secretly paying mainstream media reporters to act as gatekeepers and propagandists for the establishment," Lachlan's voice was low, but loud enough for James to hear when they were all together, James bringing up the top of the latest article in The Resistance first.

James scowled, tenderly patting Aziel's leg.

"I worry about the world we are leaving for these children. It is becoming so dangerous. Once our freedom of speech is removed..." James didn't finish his thought, but he held Aziel just a little bit closer - protective.

Glancing at Arlana, Lachlan nodded. Words, unsaid, hung in the air before Lachlan continued, his eyes blazing.

"That's why they are so adamant in calling alternative media fake news. They are threatened. When Donald Trump becomes president, I hope he will put the mainstream media in their place, however, Facebook is cracking down and blocking posts and accounts that post what it believes is false news."

Rose slipped away unnoticed, her eyes searching for Josiah. He turned when she laid her hand on his elbow.

"Rebekah is here," Rose's voice echoed her excitement.


"Your Rebekah...don't tell me you forgot our conversation earlier."

"No, but..."

"My cousin is your Rebekah!" Rose couldn't hold back her excitement any longer, unable to wait for Josiah to catch up with the latest turn of events. "She's your perfect match! Arlana is Messianic, so shares your beliefs which you said were of 'utmost importance,' and she is my cousin so our families will be united with your marriage! How wonderful! And look..."

Rose motioned with her hand to where Arlana sat with Lachlan and James, leaning forward, clearly absorbed in the conversation. "...It appears she shares your vision. My cousin, Arlana, seems to have been created with you in mind!" Rose laughed in utter delight at the revelation.

Josiah took in Arlana's flushed cheeks and starry eyes as Lachlan spoke with animation about The Remnant. Once again, Rose was correct. Arlana checked all the boxes. From his experience, it was impossible but no, there she was, in the flesh.

"What are you waiting for? You must be introduced! With you leaving right after the reunion, you mustn't let her between your fingers." Rose squeezed Josiah's arm tighter, "Oh Josiah, God has given you a miracle! I wish your mother had come...she needs to be here for this moment!"

Josiah placed his hand on top of Rose's as he turned to face her, lowering his voice.

"Rose, I am not doubting you, but this is far more complicated. It is wonderful she shares my beliefs and it looks like she shares my vision as well for the ministry but...I don't even know how to explain this. It is complicated. Yes, I will see if I can get her contact information, but you cannot begin to plan our wedding and I wouldn't put it past you." Josiah smiled affectionately at the elderly woman.

"I wouldn't want her to be frightened away by your enthusiasm, would you? If you announce anything to that effect, she may look at me as though I have two heads. That just skims the surface. We still need to speak to Mother about this although I already know her answer...and then there is Shaul. If he isn't on board, it is dead in the water, so please, let us keep this between ourselves for now. Besides, I am yet to meet her. I guess what I am saying is, although I understand your excitement, let's take it in stride. There is too much at stake..."

Josiah hadn't anticipated Rose's crestfallen expression and quickly wished to bring a smile back to her face.

"I love you as a mother and understand your joy. I did not intend for my words to cause the sadness I see in your eyes."

"Josiah, I am not getting any younger. I believe today God has answered your mother and my prayers. Please, don't delay. I would love to see your children before my time comes and I know I speak for your mother as well."

"This is what I am referring to - you are already talking of my children," Josiah smiled, but his eyes were twinkling. Rose was incorrigible. "Besides, we need to know beyond a doubt she is the one..."

"What more is there to know? Of course, she is!"

"Did you find out if she is married? She has a son..."

"Oh right..."

That would pose a problem.

Rose bit her lip, the twinkle remaining in her eyes as she led Josiah toward her cousin and future bride. Nothing Josiah said could dampen this joyous moment. Miracles do happen.

Arlana had been leaning forward, listening intently to Lachlan's impassioned speech, unaware when a tall blonde pulled up a seat beside her. Her startled heart lurched when he spoke, joining in the conversation.

"Facebook is now monitoring all posts. Anything they consider to be fake news is deleted. If you use that social media platform, I would caution you to be wise about what you post. G-d only knows what the next step will be."

"My sisters tried to warn me about this years ago" Arlana recovered her voice, not used to anyone taking an interest in anything she had to say. "I remember my sister, Jaira, deleting all personal pictures..."

"Change is happening at an incredible pace. I don't like where things are heading," James held Aziel even closer.

"I couldn't agree more," Rose murmured, her voice incredibly soft.

The walls have ears.

"It is scary - the thought of our posts being read," Arlana grimaced, remembering her sisters' warning that she had disregarded.

She'd be deleting her pictures when she returned home, but that would be a huge project.

"You don't know the half of it," Lachlan clenched his coffee cup a little too hard, "This is a stark warning of what the future may look like if we don't resist invasive technology, oppressive government policies ...or if, as a people, we simply no longer care."

Josiah and Lachlan exchanged looks but Josiah didn't say a word, turning to Arlana.

"Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Josiah."

Rose held her hand up to her mouth, stifling her gasp, but her eyes shone like stars as she looked over at Josiah and Arlana sitting side by side. Would it be too obvious to take her camera out and snap a picture for Rivkah? Most likely, but she would look for an opportunity before Josiah had to leave.

Josiah seemed as though to read her thoughts, casting her a brief warning look.

Rose grinned mischievously before turning her attention back to Arlana.

"Arlana, this is the man I was referring to on our way here. He is a Messianic Believer and I'm sure he would be delighted to assist you in anything you should need. It must not be easy raising your child Messianic without support and this way you will not only have his support but can pick his brain whenever you need to."

"Of course," Josiah smiled, gazing into Arlana's deep blue eyes. "I would be happy to assist you and answer any of your questions. Here, let me give you my number. I will be away for some time but will check in on you and in between, if you need to reach me, feel free to send me a message. I will respond as soon as I am able."

"That would be fabulous," Arlana smiled, "You have no idea how much this means to me and I will take you up on your offer."

"I'm going to refill my tea, can I get you another hot chocolate?"

"Thank you, Rose. I can get it instead though...what do you take in your tea?"

"No, no, you stay put. I insist." Rose glanced around quickly for an excuse, "You should stay near your son in case he doesn't realize where you've gone, and besides, I need to stretch my legs."

"Oh alright...well, thank you." Arlana smiled up at her cousin before turning back to her companions.

Rose stepped aside and discretely took her camera out of her purse, taking pictures of the people who had come to the reunion, but her main focus was the blonde couple.

Josiah entered his phone number into Arlana's cell phone then sat back again with a smile as he caught Rose in action. At that moment Josiah wished he would be at home when Rose brought the pictures to his mother.

Hiding his grin, Josiah turned his attention back to Arlana who flushed under his intense gaze.

Arlana was the first to break eye contact, motioning towards her child, "This is my son, Aziel."

Aziel gazed up into Josiah's sky blue eyes.

"I'm Aziel," the child repeated what his mother had just said.

"Aziel," Josiah echoed softly. "It is a Hebrew name which means 'Adonai is my power.' You have an excellent name."

"Thanks," Aziel glowed, already admiring the tall blonde man at his mother's side.

Lachlan grinned, then turned to Arlana, "I will leave you with my contact number as well. If you cannot reach Josiah and need anything, you can always reach out to me. I might not be able to answer all your questions, but if there is anything you or Aziel require, don't hesitate to ask. I need to leave in the next hour or so. I'm covering President Trump's inauguration. Here, let me write down the details and my number for you. I'm guessing you will want to watch the coverage."

"I wouldn't miss it! I am so glad he was voted in. Canada could use a leader like him..."

Lachlan winked at Josiah over Arlana's head. She was perfect for his boss. In all the years they'd known Rose, she had never been wrong.