With special thanks to Lauren Brauer who has been ‘The Uber’ mom of our market days; she was never too busy to help me out, invite and encourage all her friends and family to take part in every single event we have had. Thanks Lauren, your support as always is never ending. Thanks Ben, Ella and Luke for the wonderful things you have made!
To Karen Nobull, who has been the other ‘Uber’ mom rallying friends and communities to make the market days a huge success. Her boys Max and Jack have always delivered stunning products, inspired by their creative mom. Thanks Karen!
And then to Georgia, my wonderfully creative daughter, who has helped me make most of the projects in this book. She has also helped to set up stalls, carry tressel tables and hang signs. She is always by my side posing for pictures, joining me on television programmes, and has shared me with all the other kids at the markets. Always my inspiration, Georgia was the reason for creating this concept!
To Melody for helping me with the photographs; Jessica for assisting; Chanel and Lucy-Anne for helping to make some of the projects; Terry for taking some of the photographs and her kids Hanna and Campbell for always participating.
To Granny Annette for all the help and hard work, for being my right-hand woman, for the many tressel tables she too has carried, and most importantly for the never ending supply of coffee.
And a big thanks to all the creative kids who have sold their ‘wares’ at our market days. Thank you to their parents for supporting them and helping them with their products and stalls. We have had a lot of fun together!