For someone who is not a writer by profession, it is very difficult to correct errors or omissions, which unfortunately remain when one has finished writing a book, especially if you are trying to unravel events from your memory and those events have assumed such historical importance.

On rereading my book, I feel that I have not sufficiently acknowledged many compañeras, women who played a key role in our struggle, with valor, selflessness and devotion. From my personal experience, there were many men and women from my province who acted with extraordinary courage, and I believe they should not be forgotten.

I want to at least mention them in this tribute, paying them the homage they deserve: Margot Machado, Ernestina Mazón, Dolores Rosell Anido, Digna Sires, Carmen Zapateros, Verena Pino, Marta Lugioyo, Teresita Orizondo, Zoraida Lugo, Nena and Clara Gómez Lubián, Luisa Díaz (the mother of Haydee Leal) and Melitina Delgado.

Haydee Leal’s home was one of the places where our compañeros met, including the meetings of the first provincial leadership of the July 26 Movement, and where on various occasions they found refuge. Haydee’s mother, Luisa Díaz, knew the risks she was taking, but she never hesitated and always welcomed us with a warm smile. Time has not erased that smile from my memory.

Another of those selfless mothers with extraordinary strength was Melitina Delgado, Marta Lugioyo’s mother. Marta was a well-respected lawyer, who undertook numerous dangerous assignments for the underground revolutionary movement. She owned a car at a time when not many people had cars, and it was easy for her to move around in relative safety. When we used her mother Melitina’s home, we never felt we were imposing on her. She knew the purpose of our meetings, and sometimes she had some compañeros to stay with her for short periods of time. We were always careful not to compromise this safe house, the home of Melitina and “Papito,” as we called Marta’s father.

In acknowledging these compañeras, I have by no means mentioned all those who contributed to the emancipation of our country and restored its dignity.