The ‘In’ Crowd

Life With Stef series

Book 1

By Susette Williams

©2012 Susette Williams

Published by Family Friendly Fiction

The characters and situations in this story are fictional and are a work of the author's imagination. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment and may not be re-sold or the download rights transferred to any individual. If you are reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please kindly respect the hard work of the author who benefits from the actual sales/downloads of this eBook.

Other Books by Susette Williams:


The ‘in’ Crowd –Book 1

Staying Home Alone –Book 2

No More Chores –Book 3 (coming soon)

Children’s books and FREE coloring pages

Author Website:


Thanks to God for giving me inspiration and to my husband, Rob, and my six children (Delilah, Eric, Melissa, Gabrielle, Nehemiah and Nathaniel) for encouraging me.