1. The son of Thorgrim, the son of Hreidar whom Killer-Glum killed. Killer-Glum is the eponymous hero of Killer-Glum’s Saga.

2. King Magnus the Good (d. 1047) was the son of Saint Olaf (d. 1030); his life is described in The Saga of Magnus the Good. The following incidents are evidently supposed to have taken place during the year 1046–47 when Norway was ruled jointly by King Magnus and his uncle King Harald Hardradi (d. 1066). See King Harald’s Saga and Halldor Snorrason below.

3. King Harald Hardradi was the half-brother of St Olaf, King Magnus’s father.

4. The insult lies in the allusion to King Harald’s father, Sigurd Sow (sýr), whose porcine nickname has very unheroic associations. See Halldor Snorrason below.