Glossary of Source Abbreviations

CPR Current Population Reports. Periodic publications in several series. Series P-25 (population characteristics) and series P-60 (consumer income) were used for this book. The reports are prepared by the Bureau of the Census.
CPS Current Population Survey. The monthly survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census and used as the basis for the Current Population Reports. “March CPS” refers to the March survey, in which the questionnaire is augmented with income questions used to compute (among other things) the poverty statistic.
DES Digest of Education Statistics, issued annually by the Department of Education.
ETRP Employment and Training Report of the President, prepared annually by the Department of Labor. In the 1960s, it was called the Manpower Report of the President.
HSUS Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970 (two volumes), prepared by the Bureau of the Census and published in 1975.
SAUS Statistical Abstract of the United States, prepared annually by the Bureau of the Census.
UCR Uniform Crime Reports, the data received by the FBI and used in the preparation of its annual report, Crime in the United States.

All the above documents are published by the Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.