Aaron, Henry J.,
Abell, Troy,
AFDC, see Aid to Families with Dependent
Affirmative Action,
Aid to Families with Dependent Children,
eligibility rules for,
American Civil Liberties Union,
Anderson, C. A.,
Anderson, Martin,
Andrews, F. Emerson,
Anti-poverty bills,
Area Redevelopment Act,
Aschenfelter, Orley,
Auletta, Ken,
Bahr, Steven,
Bakke case,
Baltzell, D. Catherine,
Banfield, Edward C.,
Barnett, Arnold,
Barron, John M.,
Berger, Suzanne,
Bernstein, Basil A.,
Biderman, Albert D.,
Bielby, William T.,
Bishop, John H.,
Blacks: composition of families of,
and crime,
education of,
ghettos and,
illegitimate births among,
in the labor force,
poverty among,
unemployment and,
Blalock, Hubert M., Jr.,
Blau, Zena Smith,
Blaug, Mark,
Bloch, Frank S.,
Blumstein, Alfred,
Boland, Barbara,
Bowers, Norman,
Bradford, Amory,
Braithwaite, John,
Brehm, C. T.,
Brookover, W. B.,
Brown, Claude,
Brown, Michael,
Brown, Rap,
Brownv. Board of Education,
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Burke, Vee,
Burke, Vincent,
Cain, Glen C.,
Caldwell, B. M.,
Califano, Joseph,
Calot, Gerard,
Campbell, Angus,
Carmichael, Stokely,
Carter, James Earl,
CETA, see Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Chabotar, Kent J.,
Chaiken, Jan M. and Marcia R.,
Chief, Elizabeth H.,
Civil rights: movement,
Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Clark, John P.,
Clark, Kenneth,
Cloward, Richard A.,
Coder, John,
Cogan, John,
Cohen, Jacqueline,
Cohen, Wilbur,
Cold War,
Coleman, James S.,
“Coleman Report
Coll, Blanche D.,
Collins, Marva,
Community Action Grants,
Community Development Programs,
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA),
Contractors of Eastern Pennsylvaniav. Schultz,
Cook, Donald A.,
Copperman, Paul,
Costner, Herbert,
Cox, Louis A., Jr.,
Crime, arrest rate for commitment of,
and blacks,
federal role in prevention of,
incentives for,
victims of,
“Cultural Bias,”
Danziger, Sheldon,
Darity, William A., Jr.,
Data: and social policy,
used by the author,
Decker, David L.,
Dentler, Robert A.,
Department of Education,
Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW),
Department of Labor,
Dependency, see Welfare dependency Desegregating the schools,
Disability Compensation,
see also Incentives and Negative Income Tax Douglas, William O.,
Drucker, Peter F.,
Du Bois, W. E. B.,
Due process,
Duncan, Greg J.,
Duncan, Otis Dudley,
Eck, John Ernest,
Economic Development Administration,
Economy, relation of, to social welfare programs,
Edmonds, Ronald,
Education: of blacks,
difference between blacks‘ and whites’,
disincentives for,
federal funding for,
legislation effecting,
“magnet schools",
of poor and disadvantaged,
see also Education of blacks; quality of public,
proposals for reforming,
relation between income and,
Educational achievement, difference between blacks’ and whites’,
Ehrenberg, Ronald G.,
Ehrlich, Isaac,
Eiden, Leo J., Ill
Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
presidential administration of,
Elderly, poverty and the,
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA),
Eligibility rules for welfare benefits, see Welfare, eligibility rules for Emergency Employment Act,
Employment, see Labor Force, Unemployment and White-Collar employment Ennis, Philip H.,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),
Equal Employment regulation,
Equal treatment, principle of,
Erie, Stephen,
Erskine, H.,
Evaluations of social programs,
Fair, Jerilyn,
Family, the: changes (during reform period) in,
composition of, racial differences in,
economic choices concerning,
effect of Negative Income Tax on,
legislation effecting welfare pay to,
single parent,
see also Illegitimate births; see also Aid to Families with Dependent Children Family Assistance Plan (FAP),
Farkas, G.,
Fattah, Sister Falaka,
Featherman, David L.,
Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Feldstein, Martin,
Figlio, Robert M.,
Fishman, Leo,
Flanagan, Robert J.,
Flanagan, Timothy J.,
Flax, Michael J.,
Food Stamps,
Ford, Gerald, R.,
Foster, Andrew D.,
Frankel, Charles,
Frazier, Franklin E.,
Fredericksen, J. R.,
Freeman, Richard,
Friedlander, Stanley L.,
Friedman, Milton,
Fulbright, J. William,
Furstenberg, Frank,
Galbraith, John K.,
Gaultv. Arizona,
General Assistance Payments,
Gilmartin, Kevin J.,
Glasgow, Douglas,
Glazer, Nathan,
Gold, Martin,
Gold, Norman,
Goldberg, Itzhak,
Goldwater, Barry,
Gordon, David M.,
Gorham, William,
Gottfredson, Michael R.,
Gottschalk, Peter,
Grant, Gerald,
Grant, W. Vance,
Great Society, the,
see also Reform Period, War on Poverty Green, Gordon,
Greenv. County School Board,
Griggsv. Duke Power,
Groeneveld, Lyle P.,
Grove, Robert D.,
Gwaltney, John Langston,
Halsley, A. H.,
Hannan, Michael T.,
Hanoch, G.,
Harrington, Michael,
“Harvest of Shame,”
Hauser, Robert,
Haveman, Robert,
Heeter, Judith S.,
Heilbroner, Richard L.,
Helco, Hugh,
Herzog, Elizabeth,
Hetzel, Alice M.,
HEW, see Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Hicks, Louise Day,
Hill, Martha S.,
Hill, Robert B.,
Hindelang, Michael J.,
Hirschi, Travis,
Hoffer, Thomas,
Hoffman, Saul,
see also Crime Honig, Marjorie,
Hoover, Herbert,
Hoover, J. Edgar,
Hopkins, Jeannette,
Housing programs,
Howe, Irving,
Humphrey, Hubert,
Hunter, Robert,
Hutchens, Robert M.,
Illegitimate births,
among blacks,
for crime,
and education,
see also Disincentives
Income: and education,
maintenance programs,
see also Seattle Income Maintenance Experiment; racial breakdown of workers’,
Indicators, social and economic,
see also Crime, Family, Illegitimate births, Labor Force Participation, Poverty, and Unemployment Institute for Research on Poverty,
Jackson, Jesse,
Jencks, Christopher,
Jensen, Arthur R.,
Job Corps,
Job Opportunities in the Business Sector,
Job training programs,
effectiveness of,
measurement of,
media coverage of,
Johnson, Lyndon,
Presidential administration of,
Johnson, Samuel,
Juvenile delinquency,
correction of,
Kamii, C.,
Kennedy, John F.,
Presidential administration of,
Kershaw, David,
Kiefer, Nicholas M.,
Kilgore, Sally,
Kilson, Martin,
King, Martin Luther, Jr.,
Kingv. Smith,
Kleitman, Daniel J.,
Kniesner, T.,
Kozol, Jonathan,
Kristol, Irving,
Krock, Arthur,
Krute, Aaron,
Kuhn, Thomas S.,
L’Abate, Luciano,
Labor force: blacks in the,
women in the,
Ladner, Joyce A.,
Lampman, Robert J.,
Lando, Mordechai E.,
Larner, Jeremy,
Larson, Richard C.,
Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA),
Lazear, Edward,
Legal Services program,
Legislation effecting: civil rights,
welfare benefits for families,
welfare programs in general,
see also Affirmative Action and Welfare, eligibility rules for Leibowitz, Arleen,
Levin, Henry M.,
Levine, James P.,
Levine, Robert,
Levitan, Sar,
Levy, Frank,
Lewis, K.,
Lewis, Oscar,
Lezotte, L. W.,
Liebow, Elliot,
Lillard, Lee,
Link, Charles,
Loan programs,
Lurie, Irene,
Lynn, Laurence E., Jr.,
Lyon, Larry,
MacDonald, Dwight,
McLaughlin, Donald H.,
“Magnet school” experiments, see Education Mallar, Charles,
Maltz, Michael D.,
Manpower Development and Training Act (MDTA),
Manpower programs,
see also Job training programs Marcus, Alan J.,
Marcus, Laurence R.,
Marston, Stephen T.,
MDTA, see Manpower Development and Training Act “Means-tested” programs,
Media attention to: poverty,
training programs,
urban economic development programs,
welfare policy,
Mellow, Wesley,
Menacker, Julius,
Metcalf, Charles E.,
Miller, S. M.,
Miller, Walter,
Mirandav. State of Arizona,
Moffit, Richard A.,
Mooney, Joseph D.,
Morgan, H.,
Moseley, Ray,
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick,
Mulvihill, Donald J.,
Murray, Charles A.,
Murrow, Edward R.,
Nagin, Daniel,
National Commission on Civil Disorders,
National Commission on Excellence in Education,
National Crime Survey,
National Defense Education Act of 1958 (NDEA),
National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice,
National Welfare Rights Organization,
Nay, Joe N.,
Negative Income Tax experiment,
affect on families of,
Neighborhood Youth Corps,
New Careers,
New Deal, the,
Nicholson, Walter,
Nixon, Richard,
Presidential administration of,
Nozick, Robert,
Oakland, urban development program in,
O’Brien, Robert M.,
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO),
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
Operation Mainstream,
Omstein, Michael D.,
Orshansky, Mollie,
Oslin, Yvonne,
Padilla, A.,
Paglin, Morton,
Panken, Jacob,
Parsons, Donald O.,
Patterson, James,
Pechman, Joseph A.,
Piven, Frances Fox,
Plotnick, Robert,
Podhoretz, Norman,
Polachek, S.,
Poor, the: “deserving” vs. “undeserving,”
economic incentives of,
sense of status among,
working aged,
see also Poverty
Popkin, Samuel,
Poverty: among blacks,
among the elderly,
development of, in the United States,
measures of,
media attention to,
public attitudes towards,
Pressman, Jeffrey L.,
prisons, population in,
“Project TALENT,”
Public housing programs,
Public Welfare Amendments of 1962,
Quarlesv. Phillip Morris,
Race relations, effect of, on social policy,
Race riots,
Racial discrimination,
see also Race relations and Wage discrimination Radin, N.,
Randall, Mark,
Ratledge, Edward,
Ravitch, Diane,
Read, Frank T.,
Reagan, Ronald,
Presidential administration of,
“Reform period,”
see also, Great Society, and War on Poverty Reforming social programs, proposals for: civil rights,
public welfare,
Rein, Martin,
Reiss, Albert J.,
“Remedial” social programs,
Renee, Cynthia,
Riccio, Lucius J.,
Ricciuti, H. N.,
“Right to Work” laws,
Robins, Philip K.,
Rockefeller, Nelson,
Roosevelt, Franklin D.,
Royster, Eugene C.,
Rubel, Robert,
Ryan, John,
Ryan, William,
Salant, Stephen W.,
Saving, T. R.,
Scanlon, John W.,
Schichor, David,
Schlesinger, Arthur,
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT),
“School enrollment,”
Schultze, Charles,
Schuman, Howard,
Schwarz, John E.,
Seattle Income Maintenance Experiment /Denver Income Maintenance Experiment ("SIME/DIME"),
Sellin, Thorsten,
Shriver, Sargent,
Simmons, Fran Cheryl,
Skogan, Wesley G.,
Small Business Act,
Smeeding, Timothy,
Smith, Douglas A.,
Smith, James P.,
Social programs, laws of,
Social scientists, role of in welfare programs,
see also Evaluations of social programs
Social Security,
Social Security Administration,
Solomon, Lewis D.,
Sommers, Paul M.,
Sowell, Thomas,
Spanier, G.,
Status, diminished incentive of, within poor communities,
Stauder, Judith B.,
Stevenson, Adlai,
Stickney, Benjamin D.,
Stigler, George,
Stone, Vernon W.,
Stromsdorfer, Ernst,
Structural poverty, see Poverty Sudia, Cecelia E.,
Supplemental Security Income,
Supreme Court,
see alsoLegislation and specific cases
Tax, Negative Income, see Negative Income Tax Experiment Thernstrom, Stephen,
Thirty-and-a-third rule,
Timpane, P. Michael,
Tittle, Charles R.,
Toby, Jackson,
Tracy, Paul E.,
Training programs, see Job training programs Transfer programs, social,
harm caused by,
from poor to poor,
Truman, Harry,
Tuma, Nancy Brandon,
Tumin, Melvin,
among blacks,
media attention to,
rate of,
Unemployment Insurance,
eligibility rules for,
Uniform Crime Report Program,
United Statesv. Local 189, United Papermakers and Paperworkers,
Upward mobility,
Urban economic development programs,
van Alstyne, David J.,
van den Haag, Ernest,
Villemez, Wayne J.,
Voting Rights Bill,
Wage discrimination,
Wallace, Phyllis A.,
War on Poverty,
see also Great Society, and “Reform period” Warren Court,
Watts, Harold,
Weber, G.,
Weis, Joseph G.,
Welch, Finis,
Welfare (programs): abuses of,
eligibility rules for,
federal expenditures on,
implementation, during reform period, of,
intelligentsia’s role in shaping policy for,
legislation effecting, see Legislation; media attention to,
proposals for reforming system of,
public opinion of,
Welfare Rights movement,
Welniak, Edward,
Wenninger, Eugene P.,
West, Richard W.,
Westcott, Diane N.,
Westoff, Charles,
White-collar employment, racial breakdown of,
White, Theodore,
Wholey, Joseph S.,
Wicker, Tom,
Wildavsky, Aaron,
Wiley, George,
Williams, Walter,
Wilson, James Q.,
Winch, Robert F.,
Wiseman, Michael,
Witte, Ann Dryden,
Wolfgang, Marvin,
Women in the labor force,
see also Family, the Workmen’s Compensation,
Work Project Association,
Wright, Erik Olin,
Wright, Nathan, Jr.,
Wynne, Edward A.,
Yeager, K. E.,
Zurcher, Louis A.,