Zola is even more determined to find out about Teta next door.
She knows that if Teta visits their home, she’ll teach Nonna Rosa how to knit a scarf. One that is straight and without holes!
Then Nonna Rosa can teach Ms Divis and 2B to knit for the homeless people.
‘Can we go next door and introduce ourselves?’ Zola asks that night while they’re playing Scrabble.
‘Hmm,’ Mummy murmurs, frowning because Nonna has just made a word that’s worth twenty points.
‘Who would think that the word quack would add up to so much,’ Mummy says.
Nonna Rosa looks very pleased with herself.
‘Your turn, Zola,’ she says.
Zola tries to concentrate but can’t keep her mind off the promise she made to Ms Divis and 2B.
Perhaps the best she can do is help Nonna finish the scarf herself.