
A good book is always a team effort. I’d like to thank everybody on my ‘team’, especially all at Gregory and Co. and at Penguin for being so supportive throughout the process. The Stephanies deserve a special mention for their endless patience. Also big thanks to everybody at work – who allow me to skive out of clinics and get on with the writing. As usual, special mentions for Annette, Liz and Karen who take up the slack. Special thanks this time to my esteemed colleague Vadim Kolganov who has tried, with no success whatsoever, to teach me the basics of the Russian language. It all ended up sounding like a Monty Python sketch.

A wee thank you for ‘Wee John’ and his expertise on all military matters, which were discussed at length over a good curry. And a big thank you to ‘Big John’ and the other members of the mighty JWG for their weekly ‘no holds barred’ edits. Much gratitude to R. Kerr and J. Manson, the legal beagles, for keeping me right on all issues of disclosure and Scots law, and to Dr John Clark for his expertise on forensic pathology.

And of course, a big thanks to the home team: the parents, Emily and Pi, and to Alan for the endless supply of black coffee and Pringles.
