Dance until Dawn has emerged like a phoenix from the embers of one short story and a novel. The main characters, Will and Ellie, are now a part of my family, and hopefully, are here to stay. We’ve grown stronger together, been on the Authonomy website together, and made it through the editing process – in various guises.
My love of vampire folklore must be mainly attributed to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Sheridan Le Fanu’s Carmilla and Polidori’s The Vampyre. Since reading them, I’ve read everything I could find, featuring our fanged friends. In fact, I thought myself an ‘expert’ until I joined the Dracula Society. The Society is for fans of Gothic literature, film and theatre, and some of its members put me to shame with their knowledge of genre folklore and fiction. I’m grateful to the Society for its friendship and support.
Mostly I feel so privileged to be a Choc Liteer! Thanks to everyone in the wonderful Choc Lit team, especially the lovely Choc Lit authors who welcomed a lowly cover designer to the fold.
Huge thanks also go to my husband, Bob, and son, Sam, for believing I could write. You’re the best!